
Make a Man Out of You!

It was midnight, Shen Yue was sitting on the roof once again. Three months have past, Shen Yue couldn't catch any sleep and has developed eye bags under his once crystal blue eyes to now dark blue eyes, not having the same light that they once shown.

Shen Yue started to constantly have bad dreams where the family of four kept attacking him mentally and physically. Shen Yue lost track of how many hours he hasn't slept, he felt like he would go insane from not sleeping too long. Luckily he had strong mind to survive this far but Shen Yue wonders if he will last much longer.

Shen Yue decided to get himself something to drink from the kitchen but whilst walking there he met someone.

"Yue'er, what are you doing out here late at night, shouldn't you be sleeping? Go. Go to sleep, little boys need lots of sleep to grow into big boys." The person Shen Yue met on his way to the kitchen was his father, Shen Hong.

Shen Yue guessed that his father probably was either planning to hurt the city lord or doing Dark Guild business, his 'father' was an evil bastard though he didn't really care.

"I have bad dreams, I need a drink."

"Then go get yourself a drink but after that go to sleep, okay."

Shen Yue went to the kitchen to look for some tea or water but what he found was even more amazing as there was wine sitting on the counter, Shen Yue was curious of the wine and decided to drink that instead.

'Tastes quite good, has a sour fruity taste to it' noted Shen Yue just before he downed the entire bottle of wine, Shen Yue's senses have dulled; seven year old Shen Yue was drunk.

"I. Sleep." Yawned Shen Yue before he quickly ran through the courtyard back to his room where he laid his body on the bed as he slowly fell asleep and let the darkness once again consume him.

The next day...

Shen Yue woke up, he felt refreshed happy because he didn't have nightmares anymore plus his big eye bags have all disappeared, Shen Yue felt thank full towards the wine.

Shen Yue put on his hanfu and went to his master, Master Kang for the early morning routine that he had to do every day and then he has to hammer thousands of times afterwards.

"Little Yue you look better than before, those big eye-bags and those depressed eyes are gone but damn does your breath stink like alcohol, did ya drink something you shouldn't have, something not for kids?"

"Nothing." said Shen Yue as he turned his eyes to a different direction, trying to play dumb.

"You better hope I don't catch you with that stuff, If you slack off then even god won't save you." teased Master Kang threateningly.

Master Kang doubled Shen Yue's difficulty by doubling the amount of reps he does training his body and increasing the amount of punches and kicks he does. Master Kang knew that Shen Yue drank wine, he wasn't dumb.

After finishing his training and his daily hammering Shen Yue went to play with the two girls, Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er, although he had good time with them, Shen Yue didn't really have any good or bad feelings towards them, no lust either, all he wanted was to have powerful and talented allies. Those two little girls before him had good talent, having good talented people by his side would be great, he could use them to solve his problem and give him more time to do whatever he wanted.

"So what do you girls want to play?" asked Shen Yue, him and the girls would play many different games and sports from chess to archery even polo, he had to admit that during those three months he did quite enjoy playing with them.

"I guess we'll play-" Ye Ziyun got cut off as a fat kid came up to them, his small black eyes shined brightly with hope.

"Excuse me...Can I play with you?" said the fat kid, he looked really lonely, he was dressed in normal clothes but they were scruffier than the commoners.

They all nodded and agreed to let the fat kid play, "Yeah, sure come and play with us, nice to meet you, I am Shen Yue" Shen Yue walked up to the fat kid, told his name and stretched his hand out to do a handshake.

"Ohhh, thanks! My name is Niu Wang, son of a farmer. I tend the crops sometimes." As he said that, when Shen Yue recieved the handshake, he felt some mud sticking on his hand. Shen Yue didn't really care, mud was mud nothing special.

"Yeah - Anyways, you were saying..." Shen Yue looked towards Ye Ziyun ready to receive her answer.

"Why don't we play Chuiwan (golf) today."

"Nice pick!" said Xiao Ning'er

"I can play too right." said Niu Wang as he pointed at himself.

If it was Shen Yue from before reincarnation, when Niu Wang would've asked to play then Shen Yue would go up to him and scare him away as Shen Yue considered him unworthy of being close to his presence. Shen Yue also didn't want other boys around Ye Ziyun as he wanted her all for himself that's why Ye Ziyun didn't have a lot one male friend, well that was one reason, the other being that her father scared away most boys from reaching her. This Shen Yue doesn't care any more.

"Obviously you can play, follow us!" said Xiao Ning'er smiling, she wanted to play with more friends as she belonged to a prestigious there weren't many kids that she could play with, having an extra kid makes things more merrier.


Everyone nodded in agreement and they decided to go to a bigger grassy field next to the city. As they were walking through the streets of glory city, that were filled with people, though a gang of few boys looking to be ten or over years old surrounded Niu Wang who was following the trio behind.

"Look what we have here...Little King, have you come to clean my shoes? Coz this Emperor wants you to kneel before me. KNEEL!" Said the leader of the boys as he punched fatty Niu Wang in the guts.


Niu Wang fell down and was shaken up as the power from that punch left Niu Wang's body, that was unprepared, in shock.

The people around them saw this but once they looked at the boys leader they decided to scuttle off like a bunch of cowards.

"Look it's that kid Li Chum. I heard his father is a gold rank fighter. Better hurry up don't want to start any trouble." said a bystander as he walked away, the other bystanders nodded and went their own ways ignoring the little fight. As for the guards, they weren't around the area for some reason, guards should be around this area as it was heavily dense.

"Leave him alone bastards!" Said Shen Yue as he rushed to the boss.

When the leader of boys, Li Chum turned around, a fist landed on his nose breaking it.

'Ahh!' cried Li Chum like a bitch after having his nose broke.

The other boys started to attack Shen Yue, two on the sides and one on the back.

Shen Yue jumped up and kicked both his legs up high up, he managed to kick both the boys chins, knocking them out cold.

Shen Yue did get punched on his shoulder though by the kid from behind who unluckily managed to miss Shen Yue's weak point and then got his nose broken by Shen Yue who head butted the little bastard.

Whilst Shen Yue was fighting, the two girls where in awe of Shen Yue fighting and were going like 'AWWW, that's so coool'. Whilst fatty on the floor managed to rise back up and also cheered Shen Yue.

"That was amazing Brother Yue" both said Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er in unison.

"Thank you sisters but now I'll be taking Niu Wang with me somewhere. Take Care." He said that as he grabbed Niu Wang and pulled him into an empty alleyway.

"You are very weak for a farmer's boy." said Shen Yue.

"I know that..." said a downcasted Niu Wang.

"Guess what! I'll teach you how to fight. I'll Make A Man Out Of YOU!" Shen Yue said the last part singing whilst pointing his finger at Niu Wang.

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