
Family Secret

'He's stealing my girl...he beat me. ME! How come I lost to that little....shit! Am I nothing but lesser than shit?' raged within his mind a broken Shen Fei as his eyes looked as if they lost life, he has been humiliated and his pride was trampled all by his little brother that was a nobody to him. A Nobody! And he lost to him just like that. Right now his pride is telling him to kill himself otherwise he will live with eternal humiliation. He'll lose his girl and always be weak compared to his little brother that's the type of feeling/premonition he's getting. He doesn't want to live feeling weak.

Shen Yue walked up to Shen Fei and extended his hand, he said, "Hey- I want us to be actual brothers. I don't want to compete with you, I want to work with you, we are family and I want my brother to be with me because family is all I have. I don't want to take things away from you but you have to let go of Xiao Ning'er she wants to have freedom to decide, you will find your one true love. I never wanted to compete with you instead I want to give you the best you can get, take my hand and I will show you a world you have never seen. So what about it...Brother?" smiled Shen Yue with every sincerity he could muster within him trying to convince him as hard as he could.

Shen Fei took his hand and rose back up.

"Fine! We'll be brothers but never again! Never get in my way again otherwise I will kill you!" Said Shen Fei fiercely as if he was ready to give judgement upon this kid.

The referee suddenly made an announcement, " The patriarch Shen Hong has decided to give a speech, please listen! Welcome! Patriarch! Shen! Hoooong!" he said as he respectfully present Shen Hong to the audience who all cheered with respect towards him.

"Thank You! Thank You Everyone for coming here and watching this spectacle, I especially want to thank the participants of this years tournament! You have all grown strong, you all have worked hard to reach the position you are in, Thank You! You have made all your ancestors proud since we have a generation of such talented geniuses. Those that are in the top ten, every one of you will receive your prize for reaching top ten, everyone will receive the rightful present for the hard work you have given. Thank You!" smiled Shen Hong like the kindest old man ever seen, he looked like a saint grandpa right now in the eyes of the crowd.

The girls blushed, the men were dumbfounded, the babies were startled.

Whoooo! Hoooo!

Everyone cheered for Shen Hong, he was such a kind strong old man, he felt like family to them. Always treating them sincerity and courtesy like a grandpa would.

Few hours later...

It was starting to get dark, the sun was slowly descending as the sky turned pink, pinker than cheery blossoms. It was a beautiful every day occurrence that Shen Yue, who was laying on the grassy part of the courtyard, could enjoy everyday when he has free time.

"Yue'er can you come with me. I need to have a talk with you." said an approaching Shen Hong who then turned around and walked to his room with Shen Yue trailing behind him like an obedient little kid he was.

They came to Shen Hong's room, it had a massive bed with good pillows and many layers of silky quilts that were silver as spoons they ate from. There were many beautiful wooden sculptures of wooden dragons hanging on the wall along with beautiful paintings of tree and fishes. The room was lit up with lots of candles that were at top of endtables and a massive lantern on top of the ceiling.

"I want you to answer daddy's question, there's only few so don't worry." said Shen Hong.

"Okay." Shen Yue simply answered without emotions not to reveal what he truly feels from fear of leaking the fact that he's not the actual Shen Yue. 'Oh damn! Will he ask me that...will he? I hope not!"

"First question. You seem a little different these past days, did something happen? You don't go bullying Fan Shuk like usual and instead you went to him and apologised, what happened? Let me guess... Spirit Constellation Technique." said Shen Hong emotionlessly, he gave his point and then gave evidence.

'He did it! He asked it...what now?' it was hard for Shen Yue but he didn't delay a few seconds and it will look like he's hesitating which might reveal him away.

"Father I do not know what you are talking about? I have never heard of this Spirit Constellation Technique? The reason I apologised to Fan Shuk was because... because...I had really bad dreams." said Shen Yue trying to think excuses.

(AN: Fan Shuk is a random person I created, he was a person once bullied by Shen Yue)

"Bad dreams? What kind of bad dreams?" asked Shen Hong inquisitively.

"I saw a bad dream where I and our family dies. You, me, Shen Fei and even Aunt Xiu. We have a big massive war but in the end we get destroyed and our whole family lies in ruins, even the branch families. No one from the clan survives, the reason is simply because glory city hates us, our family was mean to them and they want revenge on us because we betrayed them. The dreams of my death hunt me everyday as I get sliced in half only to wake up drenched in sweat." said Shen Yue as he was trying to dramatise the fake dreams he is talking about.

Shen Yue decided to lie to his father using the, ' I can see the future through the dreams' type scenario, trying to make his dad think it is a message from heaven and that he is the prophet.

"Okay... That's some bad nightmares you got there. I hope you feel better son. Don't worry our family will always live and thrive. Next question, what does Master Kang LinRe want with you?"

"Kang LinRe is my master, he is Master Kang and he teaches me how to forge weapons and is going to teach me how to create inscriptions. He also teaches me martial arts. Why do you ask?"

"Well you see that master of yours is very powerful. He is the strongest person in all of glory city, stronger than the demon lord himself. As for who the demon lord is I will answer that in the third question." Shen Hong paused for a moment and decided weather or not to let his son join the dark guild.

"Do you want to join the dark guild? As you probably have heard the dark guild is an evil sect that kidnaps people for ransom, rob merchants, sell drugs, own brothels and even restaurants. The Demon Lord is the founder of our guild. " asked Shen Hong calmly.

"Yes! I do want to join the dark guild." smiled Shen Yue.

"Father. I have important things to tell you. Do you know that there are realms beyond the legend rank?"

Shen Hong paused before replying, "Yes...I've heard from my superiors that Demon Lord is on a level beyond legend rank."

"Yes! The demon lord is in the eight level of Heavenly Fate Realm. The Heavenly Fate Realm has 9 levels each level adds an extra fate soul, a fate soul is a manifestation of soul intent within your soul realm. The demon lord is at the peak of Heavenly Fate Realm." Said Shen Yue which surprised his father who said something along the lines of, 'so that's how powerful he is. As expected of a demon lord'

Shen Yue continued, "There are many levels above it Such as: Heavenly Star, then Heavenly Axis, then Dao of Dragon; after that is Martial Ancestor, Then Deity after that the current level that only one being occupies, The Sage Emperor, a being that is billions of years old and is able to destroy the world with a wave of his palm, he is an emperor of deities. Then there is the highest realm ever known than no one ever reached in this world, The Supreme. They could instantly kill The Sage Emperor with a finger and they could create world and destroy them with ease."

Hearing this, Shen Hong was stupefied. The world was that big!? Doesn't that mean that him, Ye Zong and Ye Mo, the once strongest people in this city were actually beings lower than ants to these beings that were gods.

"There are places that are bigger than Glory City and have stronger experts. Glory City was just a small tiny village compared to those cities that have populations beyond hundreds of millions. Did you know that the divine continent is inside a realm called Tiny World. But there are realms much bigger and larger than the Tiny World, one of the biggest is Draconic Ruins Realm which is by far larger than the Tiny World and not restricted by the power of law. You see the tiny world was created by a Supreme who sealed the world off. This realm is probably the most safest than any other as event the Sage Emperor, a tyrant, couldn't invade here." talked Shen Yue.

Shen Hong was so surprised by every single thing Shen Yue said, their world was tiny, they were all weak but there world was created by the Supreme made Shen Hong quite proud to be born in the divine continent. All this information around made Shen Hong realise how vast the world is. He was curious and asked.

"How do you know all of this? You were obviously in Glory City for all of your life." said Shen Hong.

"Yeah I was but everything was what my master told me (lie). He travelled around realms, didn't you say the demon lord feared him? That's probably because my master is strong, with his strength he could travel around the realms." explained Shen Yue who was obviously guessing. His master knew of the supreme in this tiny world, he was suspicious of him.

"Father I have a request from you."

"Ask away..." said a Shen Hong who was still processing this information.

"Can I have the antidote for Ye Ziyun mother's poison?"

"What!!" Shouted Shen Hong as Black Gold aura around him was trying to crush Shen Yue, Shen Hong was not happy, he wanted to destroy his ex-friends life by killing his wife but then suddenly his son tries to jump into business that's not his. Stupid Son!

"Father... It's better if you give me that antidote. Afterwards I will take over the Dark Guild and we will move the Shen Family to Blackrock city in the Nether Realm. Creating more hatred will hinder my plans! For I wish for our family to rise up and one day rule all of their is to rule, I want us to become the strongest but if you waste your time on petty things like these we won't be great deities now won't we? Instead we will be annihilated by The Snow Wind Family." said Shen Yue as he endured the suppression of a peak black gold rank spiritualist.

Shen Hong stopped his rage and thought for a second. Becoming a deity would sure be fun as hell and having the largest empire possible would be as well. But if killing Ye Zong's wife is going to prevent such wonderful opportunities and instead cause the destruction of the Shen Family then he better stop now.

"Fine!" said Shen Hong as something started to bulge from his throat, it started going up his throat until it was spat from his mouth. It was a grey pill bottle which probably contained the antidote. Shen Hong threw the antidote to Shen Yue who caught it.

"Now...about that tournament prize, you'll be receiving yours now since you didn't bother collecting it before." said Shen Hong as he handed Shen Yue a bag.

Shen Yue opened it and inside he found...

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