
Brothers Fighting

The sun rose up to the dark sky and slowly lit the sky up as the darkness in the sky was killed, for now.

Shen Yue didn't wear his usual blue hanfu today, nah, he wore his red martial arts gi with the flaming hammer, it looked cool and extravagant yet at the same time childish which suited Shen Yue since he was a little kid.

Shen Yue was all prepared now, he even ate a ton of flames to strengthen his flame for battle, he was definitely going to win today.

Some place else...

"This year's Shen Family Tournament was way better than the ones few years ago. So many talented individuals in the Shen Family, many of them will become great pillars of this strength for the city and civilisation." said a man in a room with darkness, he was sitting on the bed with his hands on his face. He a muscular figure and purple hair, he was Ye Zong, the city lord, the son of Lord Ye Mo and the father of Ye Ziyun.

He had secretly been watching the Shen Family Tournament from afar, he does this every years. No big event goes unnoticed by him, he's the city lord after all! He needs to know everything that there is to know about this city, there is nothing hidden from him.

During the tournament he noticed someone really eye-catching, the son of his friend, Shen Hong, was participating in the tournament, he was beating kids older than himself nearly twice his age, last he checked he was seven years old just like his daughter. His name was Shen Yue, Ye Zong was intrigued by how strong he was and how he got that strong, is Shen Yue's talent so great at such an age, it makes him wonder if Shen Yue would be able to reach levels beyond the currently highest rank known to man, beyond legend rank? Is there such thing?

That kid has been hanging out with his daughter and her friend quite recently now, a tad bit too much. Ye Zong was getting suspicious of Shen Yue and wary of him,'is he trying to steal my daughter from me?' was the type of things that popped from Ye Zong's head. He wouldn't dare give his daughter to anyone, she's his beloved daughter but he will have to arrange a marriage for her with the Shen Family as to forge blood relations with them so then they are a part of snow wind family and won't consider to wage war, the Shen Family is after all the second most powerful just behind The Snow Wind Family you can never underestimate them.

"Honey, what are you doing?" said a purple haired woman, she was very very beautiful woman, she was lying on the bed looking very sickly, she was Ye Zong's wife Zu Mei (purple beauty).

"Nothing. Don't waste your energy, go to rest." said Ye Zong caringly as he hugged his wife that was sitting upright on the bed.

The Family Tournament Finals...

The referee came to the stage and started hyping the audience up for the match," Good Morning! Today we will witness a real battle between geniuses and a battle of brothers. Shen Yue, this year's underdog, it's his first time participating in the annual event and he's already in the finals, talk about talent! Versus! Shen Fei, the strongest kid in the Shen Family, he has won previous events, he is clearly someone with tremendous talent! Today, we witness the fight of two colossal talents! Who will Win?! No one but the gods know the outcome but you can stay tuned and watch this match."

Shen Yue walked down to the stage


The crowd cheered for him, they have seen his fights and they have seen his attitude towards his opponents, he was strong, kind and humble. This kid deserved their respect and he wasn't a snot-nosed rich boy that would chase skirts, he obliterated their expectations with hard work.

Then Shen Fei came down to the stage


Shen Fei actually did have his own fans, he earned them with his own hard work, he had to prove to the audience that he was strong because the strong are respected. That's also one of the reasons why people show respect to Shen Yue.

Shen Yue and Shen Fei had a face off but they said nothing to each other.

"Begin!!!" shouted the referee as he swung his hand down like a signal.

Shen Yue dashed at Shen Fei and raised his left fist up to look like he's about to punch Shen Fei in the face but quickly as he got closer to the unmoving Shen Fei, he actually punched out with his right fist, that was coated with red soul force, towards Shen Fei.

Shen Fei smiled as he coated his fist soul force and punched towards Shen Yue who was getting closer towards him, he saw the faint that Shen Yue was going to pull off and met Shen Yue's fist with his own fist.


There fists clashing created a loud echo and a small crack appeared on the marble tiles beneath them.

"Silver Rank I see...That's very impressive little shit, I see that you put a lot of effort into winning this tournament but I am your big brother, it's my destiny to beat you up." laughed Shen Fei as he immediately grabbed Shen Yue's arm, raised him up and slammed him down to the ground like a ragdoll and then proceeded to punch Shen Yue in the face three times.

Before he could take his fourth shot at Shen Yue's face he got kicked in the jaw Shen Fei was sent flying few meters before he landed perfectly on his feet.

Shen Yue stood up, he had a broken bloody nose and had bruises on his arms from being slammed and slight purple tinge under his right eye.

Shen Yue blitzed nearer Shen Fei as he conjured a small flame under his foot for a few second and then he started to punch Shen Fei who was ready to punch him, in the gut at a rapid spped sending dozen in punches in ten seconds.

Gomu Gomu No! Gattling!

Shen Yue gave Shen Fei lots of body shots whilst Shen Fei was also responding by punching Shen Yue's face every time a punch landed on his guts or ribcage he would pay him back.


Shen Fei kicked Shen Yue on his forehead


Shen Yue need Shen Fei's gut once again.

Shen Yue and Shen Fei have been going at each other for a few minutes now.

Someone from the crowd shouted at Shen Yue," Stop messing around! You only have three minutes before the match ends! Use it now and destroy him!" the one who said that was Shen Yue's master, Master Kang, he looked bored.

"Fine!" shouted Shen Yue as he spat blood from his mouth,"Brother Shen Fei be prepared because you are the first person I ever tried to test it out on." laughed Shen Yue who had blood trickling from his lips.

In another place...

"Look at them! My sons are the greatest, they will both be great leaders of the Shen Family one day. Shen Yue is so talented though, within a year he reached from zero to one star silver rank, that's probably the greatest talent in all of Glory City." said an old man sitting in a vip room with other elders of the Shen Family, having a high view of the brothers fighting. That old man was Shen Hong the patriarch of the Shen Family.

Shen Hong was excited this year for his second son will join the fray called Shen Family Younger Generation Tournament, he had great expectation for his son to at least reach top twenty, though he told him to reach top ten; his expectations were broken as his son even reached the finals.

Shen Hong noticed a year ago that Shen Yue was acting all weird, he was more calm and composed, he rarely spoke, started working out and training martial arts in his spare time and stopped his stupid antics of bullying and hitting on girls. His personality changed 180 degrees, he wasn't the same Shen Yue that he knew, Shen Hong wondered if someone took his son's body like the demon lord, who uses Spiritual Constellation Technique but he Shen Yue hasn't got pale skin so he didn't bother.

Shen Hong decided to stop overthinking and then focused on the old man that just now shouted at his son, that man was Master Kang! This is the man that would make the dark guild founder, the demon lord scared for his life, all he knows from the higher ups is that he shouldn't mess with this guy otherwise the entire dark guild will be destroyed. He wondered how his son got the attention of such a powerful man.

Back to the match...

Shen Yue held his fist in the air before a normal looking flame appeared in his hand until they saw translucent lightning coiling around the flame like dragons. It looked for some people powerful as the lightning produced a slight buzzing sound around it.


Shen Yue jumped up and under his feet created a small flame explosion by channelling the flames power into his feet. Shen Yue was ten meters in the air as he tilted his body, his head facing Shen Fei and his feet facing the sky.


Under neath Shen Yue's feet appeared flames that acted like rockets sending his really fast towards Shen Fei that was ten meters away from him, at a speed that was fast as a car or faster.

Shen Yue had the flame cover his whole fist and made the flame and lightning more crazier stronger as the sounds it created were starting to sound like birds chirping and the roar from flame could be heard, it was that of a lion.

"Take this!" shouted Shen Yue as he punched out with his flamed fist.


An explosion occurred as both parties met each other, no one could see clearly after that as dust covered their eyes.

After the smoke cleared they could see what has happened. Shen Fei has managed to withstand Shen Yue's attack by crossing his arm.

Shen Fei merged with his demon spirit, a Fire Serpent King which is a peak gold rank demon spirit that he got from Shen Hong once he ascended to silver rank. It turned his hair fiery gold and gave him red scales on his body. He barely managed to withstand the attack, if he were to delay his merging then he would have been severely injured to the extent that he would have died in a few minutes if there was no medical treatment.

Shen Fei could barely feel his arms as they got number, the lightning from Shen Yue's flame was the culprit as lightning has paralysing effect on human bodies unless they have mastery of lightning.

"That's it! I will beat you with everything I've got! How dare you hurt me, it's pay back time!" said Shen Fei as flames surrounded his whole body, those flames had a slight pink tint in the inner area of the flames.

Those flames were the flames of the fire serpent king, snake flame. Those flames were poisonous as they were mixed with the fire serpent king's venom and the flames they breathed out, the venom and flame converged into one poisonous flame through the mix of soul force.

In the background the audience were surprised at the power these two produce, from their punches and kicks denting the arena to their flames being hot and dangerous. When these two get older they would become few of the most powerful experts in the city.

When Shen Yue saw the snake flame he was excited to try out this flame as it looked more powerful than a regular flame, eating this flame might strengthen his spirit flame.

Shen Yue lunged at Shen Fei who punched out at Shen Yue's gut with his fists engulfed with the snake flame ready to strike Shen Yue with mighty fury. Just when he's about to punch Shen Yue's face, the flame that covered his fist disappeared as Shen Yue opened his mouth. He swallowed his flame.

The punch still landed and sent Shen Yue few meters away but wouldn't have the same impact and damage with those snake flames.

(The area of stage was 15x20 square meters)

"Bastard!" shouted Shen Fei as he reignited those flames and punched once again and ran towards Shen Yue who was skidding on the cracked arena tiles. Shen Yue reignited his flames and covered his fist in those lightning flames.


Both their fists clashed with each other and created a small crater under neath them. But then as their fists were in a stalemate in a few seconds Shen Yue exploded his flame.

Palm of Inferon!

The flame that covered his fist exploded and sent Shen Fei flying, the strength of the explosion was enough to knockout 4 star silver rank fighters with ease, Shen Fei was only 2 star silver rank spiritualist who was a talented and arrogant boy that who could beat 4 star silver rank fighters with some effort. He was arrogant and prideful, he wouldn't fall unconscious as his pride would hurt for losing to his brother.


Shen Fei was about to stand up and run towards Shen Yue but was too tired, he finally realised why Shen Yue didn't hit his face very often and went for the body shots, it was to tire him out. 'how could I not realise it, stupid!' Shen Fei felt like face palming himself but couldn't.

Shen Yue looked at Shen Fei's expression and knew what he was thinking, ' you finally understood your mistake didn't you, but it's too late now!' laughed Shen Yue in his mind.

Shen Yue quickly used flames underneath him to propel himself at Shen Fei, he stretched his leg and sent Shen Fei out of the ring just like that.


Shen Fei landed on his back when he fell so it was more painful than landing on your butt.

The crowd that were watching this entire spectacle were quiet before cheering! They have truly seen a battle of geniuses! Some felt lucky that they were able to attend the family tournament as they gained knowledge and inspiration from this match for example Shen Yue using flame underneath his feet to fly like a bird was good one.

The referee suddenly woke up from the shock and said, "The winner of this year's Shen Family Younger Generation Tournament is... SHEN YUE!!!"


Some of you might have noticed it but I kinda changed the timeline. Ye Ziyun's mother should have died years ago but instead she's only now being killed by Shen Hong and that I changed some of the characters and their ages e.g. I made Shen Xiu younger than what she really was, this means that I'll have to make Ye Han younger as well. As for their demons spirits e.g. Shen Fei should have scarlet black tiger but I changed it to fire serpent king because he's younger than his counter part that is 19 years old, this shen fei is younger and therefore should not be able to handle scarlet black tiger as he is too young and weak compared to the other shen fei.

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