
21 Ty

My twins mean the world to me and if that means I have to kiss my baby mama's ass just to see them. I'll do whatever it takes to be around them no matter what. I was with my ex Amber for 6 years. After 4 years of being with each other that when we thought we would bring kids in to the world. The twins are almost 3 years old and Alex hasn't met them yet. I just want to make sure she would be around for a while before she gets to met them. My best interest at the moment are my kids. When i'm not around Alex, I spend with my kids. I was there for every mile stone they had, when they started walking I was there when they start dating I want to be there, even when they have their first heartbreak I want to be there for them.

When I broke up with my baby mother I thought she would keep my kids away from me. I thought because me and her were no longer together that she would say that I'm a unfit parent. She is the real reason why we are not together anymore. I loved her more than anything in this world besides my kids, but she always complained about something and I was sick and tired of her whining about me not taking out the trash or if I was hanging out with my family, she always thought that I was cheating on her with another female, but that wasn't the case at all. I tried so hard to put up with all her crap and that still wasn't enough for her.

The day I left was like an ordinary day. I came home after work a 12 hour shift at work and all I wanted to do was take a shower, eat and play with the twins. She came in the room and all she want to do was pick a fight with me saying that she could do better than me. Till this day she still hasn't found someone that could replace me, she the one that messed up in our relationship. At one point I thought about marrying her and having one more baby with her. Being that we already had 2 boys together I wanted us to try for a baby girl and this time I wanted to the one to carry the baby because I saw how much pain she went through when she had the boys. I was going to explain to why I been working so hard.

And after we had our little girl I wanted us to buy a house where we could grow old together and watch our kids and our grandkids grow up. I often wonder what it would be like if we really did stay together. The I would have never met my new girlfriend Alexandria. One day when our relationship is in the right spot I will introduce her to the boys, but for right now it's to early to introduce them because I don't want Alex getting all jealous over my boys, and if you ask me Alex gets jealous over the small things.

I keep hearing someone calling my name but I'm to far in a day dream to figure out who is calling me, but when I go back into reality, I realize that Alex has been calling me.

"Babe" Alex says.

"Huh" I replied.

"Don't you hear me calling you" she said.

"I'm sorry baby. what were you saying" I replied back.

"I was asking you what would you like for me to cook for dinner tonight." she said to me.

"I'm not sure what I want. How about you surprise me." I said to her.

I go looking for her around the apartment and I find her looking in her phone at recipes. So I walk over to her and I kiss her on the forehead.

"What was that for?" she said.

"Can't I just kiss you for no reason." I said to her.

"okay I love you too." she says.

I get into bed and I start kissing on her more and that caused her to drop her phone out of her hand and it slides off the bed and on to the floor.

"If you start with me dinner will never get made." she says to me.

"What if I wanted to get straight to dessert." I replied.

"I would love that, but we still have to eat." she said to me.

"Your right about that. Maybe we can get into something a little later on." I said to her.

I watched her as she got off the bed and bent over to pick up her phone, as she was picking up her phone I slapped her ass and I heard a moan escape her mouth. At this moment I couldn't help but throw her to the bed and start taking off her clothes. I could see that she wanted as much as I do. After about an 1 hour and half of making love, she rolls over and she goes to sleep. I cuddle with her in my arms for what seems like a life time and I call my baby mama to check on my kids. I go in the bathroom and I close the door and turn on the tap water, so Alex doesn't hear me on the phone. Sasha pick up the phone.

"Hi Ty where have you been. The boys have been asking for you." Sasha said.

"Hello how have you been too. I have been busy this week and have been picking up a lot of hours at work." I said to her.

"I called because I wanted to know would you be able to take the boys this weekend. I have plans with the girls." Sasha said.

"I can but I might have to watch them at the house this weekend because my girlfriend doesn't know about the boys." I said to her.

"What you mean you haven't told her about the boys." she said.

"I haven't found the right time to tell her yet." I said to her.

"Yeah you can watch the boys at the house, I don't mind." she said.

"I'll talk to you later and miss the boys for me." I said to Sasha.

Just as I was getting off the phone, Alex comes walking in the bathroom. I'm just thinking in my head how do I tell my girlfriend that I have kids. I didn't notice that she was trying to say something.

"What you said babe." I said.

"I asked who were you talking to on the phone." Alex said.

"That was a friend of mine she wants me to watch her kids, while she goes out of town this weekend." I said to Alex.

"Oh I don't see no harm in that. You can go and have fun. When are you going over to your friends house and can I go with you." Alex said.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea because her boys are shy around strangers. Maybe next time I have my godsons you can met them." I said.

"That's fine by me. When are you going over there." Alex said.

"Tomorrow after work." I said.

"Okay have a good weekend and see you Sunday." she said.

"Yes baby you will." I said to her.

I kissed her on the forehead and went back to the room and on the bed. We still couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner. We laid in bed for a little while before. We went back to bed after not trying to figure out what we wanted to eat.

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