

Josephine_Njuguini · Fantasy
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30 Chs

She is the one


"Mom, it's complicated, even if I tell you, you won't understand, so let's just go home please," Florence replied.

"Look, my daughter, be very careful with these people with big cars, most of them don't always mean good. They might seem nice but there is always something they will want in return. Just stay safe and take care of yourself." Her mother advised her.

"I know Mom, I am twenty years old now, I can take care of myself, but he looks like a good guy mom, he has been buying bananas and other friends here. But I will be cautious mom, I know you are always right." Florence replied.

They went back home with the remaining bananas, Florence did not tell her mother about the extra cash Dan always gives her when he buys bananas from her. She knew her mother wouldn't like it and would be very mad at her yet they really needed money for Florence's school fees.

Florence completed her secondary school education two years ago and scored C(Plain) but because of financial problems, she could not join college since she also had an elder brother Mike who was in his third year at Embu University and a younger sister who was in form three at Kisumu girls high school. Her mother was a single mom who was just a cook at Ramba boys high school which was in the outskirt of Ndori town in Rarieda Sub-county.

Her father died when she was only six and since then her mother has been the one taking care of the three of them, making sure that they go to school and get something to eat when they get back. Her mother got the job at Ramba boys when she was in class eight and that is when they relocated from Eldoret to Ndori.

Her mother could go to work at 5 in the morning and come back at 4 in the evening when her shift ends and then go to the road to hawk fruits in order for them to get something to eat. She used to do this daily except on holidays when her kids could also assist her in hawking bananas and other fruits on the road.

When they got home, Florence inserted her sim card in the new phone and turned it on. Unfortunately, the phone had a password. Dan forgot to remove the password which was set by the phone dealer who configured the phone at the shop, although he wrote the password with an ink pen on the phone manual which was in the box.

Florence did not bother to read the manual so she couldn't see it. She was disappointed because she really had excitement in using a new phone that day. She switched off the phone then returned it back in the box, there was no other way she could contact Dan to ask him for the password because even his phone number was saved in the phone.

Dan waited for a call from Florence but he didn't get any, the only calls he could receive were from his clients and bosses. He thought Florence had played him.

At around 9.30 pm, his phone rang but he didn't pick it up, it was a new number, he left the phone in his room when he was going downstairs to take supper. When he got back, he found two missed calls from the new number, he knew it was Florence so he called her back immediately.

"Hellooo.." The person picked the call, it was a lady.

"Hello, how are you, please I am so sorry I couldn't reach my phone when you called. I hope you won't mind forgiving me, please." Dan apologized to the person on the phone, thinking it was talking to Florence.

"It's okay hubby, I understand, I am also very sorry I called with a different number. Some fool here blocked my usual number so I have not reactivated it yet." The lady on the phone said,

"I am sorry, who am I speaking to please?" Dan asked, in a low tone.

"Come on Dan, so you can't even recognize my voice? And we are soon marrying each other. It's Sarah on the phone." The lady on the phone replied....