
She Hates The Billionaire (Moved to a New Link)

He is wealthy and she is poor, As children, he would always bully and mock her in front of her friends and schoolmates because she was fat, a nerd and she was from a striving family, he would constantly humiliate her in front of the whole school and chase anybody that try to get close to her. She hated him to the core that she prayed they never meet in life, after highschool, she got a scholarship to study in the States, they never met again. Six years later, they meet each other in an unexpected way, fate is playing a game with them. Will he asked for forgiveness and Will she ever forgive him and let her hate turn to love or will her hate run deep? Let's find out.

Clarity_57 · Urban
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 5


Mateo's POV


I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was literally on my mind every now and then. After the meeting, I called my best friend Lucas Moretti.

"Be here in five minutes," I demanded coldly.

He chuckled. "Hello to you too Matie." I could feel him smirking through the phone, he knows how bad I hate that name.

"Call me that one more time and I will bury you in my backyard," I threatened him even though I knew it had no effect on him.

"We both know that you'd get caught and spend the rest of your marking the walls of your cell," he burst out laughing, I looked at my Patek Phillipe watch.

"You have four minutes left, one minute late you know what I can do," I said in a dangerous tone that only seem to work on him. One minute late and I'll close down one of his businesses.

"Ok, ok, remind me on why I am you best frie..."

I hung up and she invaded my mind again. I closed my eyes and began to picture her in my mind. She has really changed into woman, a gorgeous one with a damn killer figure and those lips.


 Damn! Those kissable lips.

"What are you day dreaming about?" An annoying voice with the owner walked in, I glared at him and he raised his hand up in an 'l surrender' form.

"So why did you call me here?"

"She came."

"Who came?"

"She, the girl I was talking about, the one from my highschool days," I casually mentioned.

"Marissa Lopez?" He asked with eyes widened. I got irritated with his behavior, acting as if he has forgotten.


"THE Marissa Lopez? The girl you have been crushing on for years?"

"No! Taylor Swift, idiot," I said in a sarcastic tone and he glared at me.

"How was I supposed to know? What if you were talking about one of your one night stands," he fired back.


"So what happened? Did she fall for you, try to seduce you?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows.

"No, instead she almost scratched out my eyes," I snapped at him and he smirked. That was what he wanted to hear, jerk.

"Quite a fiesty one," he looked at me, "just how I like my girls," he added and stood up to run but I caught his arm.

"If I see so much as your eyes on her, I will pluck it out, fry it and shove it up your naked ass," I growled at him, he raised his hand up and burst out laughing.

"Who knew the ruthless billionaire is in love, hopelessly in love." I glared at him and he stuck out his tongue and licked my hand.

"Eww, are you stupid?" I released his arm and wiped my hand with a tissue.


"That's what you get for holding me hostage," he humped and suddenly turned serious.

"Enough of the play, what really happened?" He enquired, finally business Lucas is back.

I summarized what happened and he gave me a death glare.

"You should never, I mean NEVER threaten a woman," he warned me. "You'll be surprised on what they can do," he added. Just then someone barged in.

"Mr Silvetti, I am sorry, I swear I tried to stop her but she...."

"Don't worry, go back to your desk, I'll deal with this."

"What are you doing here?" I calmly asked at her. Lucas frowned at her and stood up to excuse himself before leaving my office, it was clear that he never liked Marilyn.

"I missed you honey and I have come to apologize," she pleaded and looked at me with pity eyes. "I am sorry for cheating on you, let's go back to the way things were."

"Get out," l said coldly yet calm.

"Can't you forgive me? I didn't want to cheat on you, Nathan forced me." She cried but I knew it was all just fake tears. She was trying to blame Nathan. As much as I hate him, I know he has nothing to do with Marilyn because he is only after my company, in other words, he is my rival.

"Security!" I called them and they marched into my office.

"Escort this woman out," I commanded and resumed working.

"Ma'am please come with us."

"I am not going anywhere, don't touch me all else I'll sue your asses."

"Use force if needed,"  I said coldly not looking up once from my PC and the security dragged her out.

"You are mine! All mine!!" She screamed before the security dragged out. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I was stunned, she had an obsession towards me.

I groaned.

This is going to be one heck of a day.