
Walk Home

Azusa could only smile helplessly, Feena and Karen already warned her of Eureka's personality.

"Even if you don't accept it, I'm still thanking you. House arrest is too light for the crime that I've done but because of Feena and Karen, I obtained it."

"Then shouldn't you be thanking them instead of me?"

"I already did, but it was because of your words that they did what they did."

Eureka just stood their quietly.

"Well, that's all I have to say," after a long while, Azusa finally said.

"I shall take my leave then," after saying so, she walked out without looking back.


"Captain, the captain of the newly promoted squad 7 group 3 is here to see you," one of Raven's subordinates reported.

Raven knitted his brows before nodding and went to meet Eureka.

"Are you asking me another question this time?" thinking back, Eureka never initiated a talk with them unless she had some questions.

"Are you hungry?"

Raven was taken aback by her question.

"Thinking that it is already quite late in the night, I guess I am hungry," none the less, he still answered.

"Let's go," she said before turning.

Though confused Raven still followed her.

In one of the most popular at the same time expensive diners in their kingdom, people started gossiping about the two people who just entered and was currently sitting on the second floor, in one of the cubicles.

After their order arrived, Eureka just started eating.

Raven followed after but eventually stopped eating and asked Eureka, "What's going on? Why are we eating here?"

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

"That's not what I mean. You suddenly arrived and asked me if I'm hungry then suddenly brought me here. But you didn't even say anything, for what reason did you invite me?"

Eureka sighed before she stopped eating and answered, "This is my payment for what you did last night. I've heard that it was you who brought me to the hospital and brought me back to Kaoru's house."

"I never wanted to owe anyone anything so I thought of treating you to dinner. I hope that this would suffice."

Raven stared at her, he knows her character already after being acquainted with her for about 4 years. Accepting this offer of hers is better than rejecting it.

"More than enough," he shrugs.

They both resumed eating and the cubicle fell silent until they both finished eating. As they walk out of the restaurant.

"I shall take my leave then," after walking out, Eureka nonchalantly said and turned to leave.

"Wait," stopping her and walking towards her.

"It would be too much if I don't go out and walk you home after you treated me for dinner."

"That dinner was a way for me to repay you, you don't have to go out of your way to walk me home, I can take care of myself quite fine, thank you," she replied as she furrowed her brows.

"Then let's just say that my pride as a man won't allow me to let you walk back home alone."

Seeing that she still wants to reject he continued, "And I have something to tell you."

"You could have told me while we were eating," Eureka said as she started walking once again.

Seeing as she no longer wants to argue with him regarding him sending her home, he started walking beside her, "I forgot. Our quiet atmosphere awhile ago made me forget that I have something to tell you."

"What do you have to tell me then?"

"It's regarding your question about Uncle Leo," this question made Eureka face him.

"The hero?"

"Yes, I asked father regarding it this morning and was able to get the answer."

"You asked the Head Knight?" she asked knitting her brows.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell him that you were the one who asked me first," he answered seeing her knitted brows.

'Is she getting affected by my fathers' constant distrust towards her?' he thought as he watched her.

"Anyway, it was in the direction of the sun, east to west," despite that he still told her what he got from his father.

After that Eureka fell into deep thought. Seeing this he could only walk beside her until they arrived at Kaoru's house.

"I guess this is it. Goodnight, thanks for the dinner," he said as he turned around.

Eureka opened her mouth but decided to not say anything anymore, she just remained where she stood as he walked away.

"Walking home together?" Kaoru then talked behind her.

He saw them walking together in his study and decided to come out and tease this little girl under his wing.

"What of it?" she asked him indifferently before going inside.

Kaoru could only watch her, 'Is this girl slowly changing? Maybe that son of Yukimura could help her.'

Too bad that Kaoru's thought was far different from the real purpose why Eureka let Raven walk her home.


"Hey Raven, we've heard that Eureka invited you to dinner last night and that you walked her home."

Upon seeing him entering the squad ground Hideyoshi jumped at him putting his arms in his shoulders. Mamoru walked on the other side of Raven.

"There's something we had to talk about and it was pretty late last night already," answering him.

"Hmmmm," Hideyoshi smiled at him teasingly.

Raising one of his brows, "What?"

"Nothing, just that you not even once walked someone home before."

Raven could only sigh, they love gossiping too much in every little thing that happens in his life. Why do they make every simple thing big?

"I'm looking forward to seeing you both tonight at the practice area and see your improvements," he said icily.

Hideyoshi and Mamoru could only swallow nervously.

"But I wasn't even talking here," Mamoru complained.

He then looked at Hideyoshi sharply. He already warned this guy to not tease Raven regarding this subject and that they should only ask but he didn't listen to him at all.

Hideyoshi could only look away, cause if looks could kill he'd already be dead with how Mamoru looks at him.

Upon entering the squad ground. They've noticed how people kept gossiping regarding the promotions. Especially the newly promoted Squad 7 Group 3 who jumped 3 squads, Eureka's team.

"Eureka is becoming more and more famous by the second," Mamoru commented.

"The once seen as a nobody who only used her connection with the headmaster in order to enter the academy, once seen as a ZERO who ended up in squad 10 after the graduation competition."

"Became a captain in three years and soon after was promoted to a higher squad," Hideyoshi said while having a look that shows him reminiscing about their time together.


"You're here," Eureka who's standing by the lake faced the two girls approaching her.

"We've been searching for you," Karen then said after approaching her.

Eureka remained silent until they reached her.

"We're here to congratulate you on your promotion," Feena said after seeing her inquiring look.

She just nodded and returned her attention at the lake, seemingly thinking of something very deep, but her eyes never showed any signs of what she is thinking.

"Eureka?" Karen couldn't help but ask.


"You know, you could rely on us right?"

Eureka faced them once again with confusion.

"You seem to be thinking something that bothers you. We can listen to you if you need someone to talk to."

"Eureka, we both know that you don't really see us as your friends, but we do treat you like one," Feena said afterward.

After staying silent for a good while, Eureka finally opened her mouth, "It's time for my duty."

She then turned to leave but before walking away, "Indeed you're as good as an acquaintance to me, but still thank you."

Feena and Karen watched her back.

"Will there come a time when she'd treat us as more than acquaintances?" Karen couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know myself but I am hoping for that day to come as well," Feena answered as she started walking back as well.


"To think that we'll be promoted and ends up being sent for an investigation in such a short time, we could only thank captain for that," one of her subordinates commented.

They might have low abilities but in actuality, they have reached peak of these abilities thanks to Eureka's guidance. That's why the king promoted them together with Eureka.

Their team is currently walking around the forest in the west side of the kingdom, investigating the case of some of the knights' disappearance.

It's been going on for about six months already and five knights have disappeared in total. No traces of battle are left and even though some of them were with other knights they were already gone by the time their companions realized it.

"And then-" just as another one was speaking he was suddenly pushed down by Eureka on the ground.

"GET DOWN ALL OF YOU!!" she shouted with urgency visible in her voice.

They followed afterward wondering why did she suddenly pushed the other guy down and why did she command them to get down.

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