
Chapter 65

Marinette's P.O.V:

"Welcome home Master Damian, Miss Marinette." Alfred bowed at the two of us when we stepped inside the house. Alfred looked over at Damian and raised an eyebrow at his unkempt hair. "Did something happen today?"

"What do you mean by that?" Damian looked confused.

"Your hair, Master Damian."

"Oh, right." Damian finally tried to fix the mess that was his hair but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"This is the result of our friendly little competition we had this morning." I smiled at the butler. "I won."

"Ah, I see. How long has the young Master's hair been like that?" Alfred smiled.

"Since around lunch time." I answered. "But it's his own fault. I knew he was about to say something embarrassing about me so I had to stop it a whatever cost."

"I think you embarrassed us far worse then whatever I was about to say, Angel." He shook his head.

"I take it then that you two had a good day at school?" The butler asked.

"If you count us being a complete spectacle at lunch today, then I would say yes. We had a good day." I laughed.

"A spectacle, you say? Whatever do you mean by that?"

"Angel here had the audacity to kiss me in the middle of the cafeteria and everyone though it was a good idea to applaud us." He playfully glared at me. "She messed my hair up in the process."

"Well you were the one who pulled me into your lap and decided to try to embarrass me in front of my friends. You are just as much to blame as I am." I smirked back.

"I see." Alfred gave us a small smile. "Well I'll leave you two to your own devices. I'll call you when dinner is ready." He turned around and walked off.

"I'll walk you to your room." Damian offered his arm for me to take and I gladly accepted. "I know you have some work to do."

The two of us softly teased each other all the way to my room and when we got there, Damian reached down to give me a lingering kiss.

"Good luck on your dress." He whispered.

"Thanks." I giggled. "Good luck on whatever you'll be doing without me." I opened up my door to walk in. "Please knock before entering. I wouldn't want you to see my project uncompleted."

"Wouldn't dream of it." He kissed me one last time before walking off down the hall.

I had a ridiculous grin on my face when I shut my door.

"You really have fallen for that kid, huh?" Plagg zoomed out of the bag I was still holding with the rest of my kwami's.

"I've haven't seen love like this in quite some time." Tikki agreed.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked as I walked to the closet to grab the fabric I had stored there.

"It's a great thing!" Kaalki cheered. "And it's a beautiful thing to watch."

"I wouldn't say that." Plagg said. "This lovey dovey stuff makes my head hurt."

"Anything not relating to cheese makes your head hurt." Tikki rolled her eyes.

"You know me so well, sugar cube." Plagg joked. "Hey I'm going to go see what lover boy is up to."

"Try not to bother him too much, Plagg." I warned as I started to measure my fabric.

"You got it, Bug." He then zoomed out of the door.

Plagg's P.O.V:

I know exactly where to find Damian. He was in his art room standing in front of a large blank canvas, getting ready to paint.

"There you are, kid." I floated lazily up to him.

A canvas knife went flying towards me and I let the object phase right through my body, letting it stick onto the door behind me.

"Nice aim." I didn't even flinch. I knew that was going to happen.

"Oh, it's just you." Damian relaxed and walked to the door to pull the canvas knife out. "What do you want?"

"I'm just bored." I shrugged.

"Then why don't you go bother Alfred for some cheese or something." Damian pulled out a pencil and began to lightly sketch onto a blank canvas.

"I'll do that in a sec. I had some questions for you first." I rested on top of the canvas frame.

"Okay?" Damian narrowed his eyes in annoyance at me before continuing what he was doing.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I watched Damian's expression closely.

The question caught him off guard and Damian looked at me with confusion. "What?"

"You know... Love at first sight. You look at them for the first time and you know that they are the one?" I spoke like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Do you think that that's a real thing?"

Damian thought about it for a moment as he began to sketch again. "I think that if you would have asked me that a few weeks ago I would have said no, but now... I'm not so sure. I think I'm leaning towards yes, it's real."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I nodded. "Does that mean you believe in soulmates?"

"It's a possibility, I guess. There is magic in this world." Damian never took his eyes off his work. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that we kwami's have lived for a very long time and we have seen all these things first hand." I floated off the canvas to get a better look at what Damian was drawing. "I have felt a strong pull towards you and that can only mean one thing."

Damian stopped what he was doing again to look at me. "A strong pull? What are you talking about?"

"Well I've kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to get Tikki too excited. I just wanted to be sure at first, but now I think I need to speak up." I looked at the soft outline of what looked like Marinette sleeping peacefully on the canvas. "You know how Marinette is the true ladybug miraculous holder, right?"

"Yes." He turned his full attention to me.

"Well every true miraculous holder has a true love. A soulmate. In all my years of life, Tikki and I have only encountered two and both pairs were true holders of ours. It's rare for these soulmates to meet because the earth is so vast and there are billions of people. Not even the Ladybug's luck is helpful enough to always bring these people together. No, that usually takes a miracle itself."

"What are you trying to say?" Damian set his pencil down.

"What I'm saying is that the Ladybug miraculous holder has found her soulmate and with me being in such close proximity to him, I can feel myself being pulled towards him. I can feel that the true Black Cat miraculous holder is nearby and the universe wants to find its balance."

"Are you saying that Marinette is my soulmate?" Damian grinned.

"Yes, and also that you are my true holder. It's giving me a headache being this close to you and you aren't wearing the ring." I held my head. "The universe demands balance."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, since the two of you met, but the headaches didn't get bad until you two declared your love for each other. I just can't take it anymore." I shook my head again. "I think we all need to have a little chat at dinner."

"What exactly do you want to talk about." Damian was still grinning at the fact Marinette was his soulmate. Things are probably starting to make sense to him now.

"For one, I would like you to wear the ring and two, we should probably tell the guardian and your family. Everyone should be informed now that I'm sure about this."

"Okay." Damian picked back up his pencil to finish his outline. "My brothers are going to freak out though. Are you sure you want to stick around with me?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in all my life." I nodded. "And I know Tikki would agree with me here."

"Why didn't you tell Tikki first if you are so sure now?"

"Because I wanted your input first. I mean, you will be stuck with me for quite some time if the guardian is okay with giving you the ring."

"You aren't going to be an annoyance, are you?" Damian gave me a stern look.

"Just give me some delicious cheese and I'll leave you be." I shrugged. "But I will bother you if I'm hungry."

"So, you aren't much different than Alfred the cat." Damian nodded. "Got it."