
Zest - The Fire in the Rain - [part 3]

The noises from downstairs grew louder as the trio descended the cold dark staircase of this castle. The building of Crypthin castle was centuries years old, and the signs of age began to show. The storm poured relentlessly outside, and Zest could still hear the thunders roll from time to time even though they've now gone underground.

"Halt!" Pearce hissed his warning and made a gesture to be cautious. Zest and Levia stood still behind him, waiting for the swordsman's move. When the three of them stopped moving, Zest could suddenly feel the weight of the castle above them and wondered if it would to somehow crumble and fall, ending their fates right then and there.

Pearce took a step towards the black wooden door at the end of the staircase, and his two friends followed him. They could see torches' lights shining through the edges of the door. There were voices of people talking beyond it. Levia and Zest raised their weapons, ready to fight. Only to find Pearce crouched beside the door, unmoving. It was too dark to see the expression on his face, but it was clear that he was listening intently. One of the people inside the room raised their voice, and it was then that Zest lowered his sword instinctively, as he recognized that voice.

An old man. Just now was the voice of Sir Burns the Traitor.

"We need to stop him," said Levia. Her stern voice was but a whisper, though somehow the realization of that fact struck Zest like the crack of a thunder. This is a war. Even if he knew the old man in the past, Sir Burns is now an enemy of the Crypthin Kingdom. No matter how much he was feeling uncomfortable to fight his friend's father, he had to agree with Levia's words. In the name of his majesty King Guinn.

The only person who should hesitate was Pearce, but now Zest saw him stood calmly, a determination in his heart. He nodded and raised his bloody sword. Zest raised his own, he took a deep breath.

"For his majesty King Guinn!" the three of them shouted as they blasted the door open and the light from the room poured to the trio running inside.

The Witch's soldier who stood beside the door pulled a sword so quick Zest couldn't see it. He was shouting as he swung his blade to Pearce. But the steel never meet Pearce's flesh, as an arrow shot the soldier face and his movement stopped instantly. His sword flew harmlessly in the wrong direction. Zest saw the man fell to the ground.

Another shout, this time coming from Zest's side. A soldier ran towards him, his sword flashes overhead, gleaming with blood. The man put his leg on a barrel and jumped high to the air, shouting. His sword fell in towards Zest for a lunge attack.

As Zest strafed to the right, he saw Pearce moved so quick and raised his sword to meet the soldier's in the air. The clash of both steels made a loud ringing sound in the room.

The man rolled as he touched the ground, but he stood quick and gave Pearce a body check to push him out of the way. Zest raised his sword, aiming to slash his back. But to his surprise, the man blocked his attack with his sword, held by a single hand on his back right before he was even turning around.

The vibration from the clash had restored Zest's combat adrenaline, and he felt no more pain from his ribcage as he came for a second attack. The man raised his bloody sword to block it once more, but Zest knowingly curved his slash downward to avoid the steel and strike the armor on the man's waist. Unhurt, the man attacked. Zest tried to back off, kicking an empty barrel down. He raised his sword in the last second and felt the clash almost broke the old steel. Heavy, it was death itself right in front of him. Zest eased up the pressure, and the Witch's man before him saw that as an opening. As he pulled his sword for another attack, Zest raised his foot and kicked him in the belly, pushing him back. The younger man saw him losing balance. Zest pulled his own sword and thrust it forward, straight to the heart.

The blood sprayed the floor and the man screamed in pain as Zest pulled out right away. At the edge of his sight, Zest saw Levia shot down another soldier while he was sword dancing with Pearce. The man Zest had stabbed now struggling for his life, crawling on the floor, muttering curses. It was best to put an end to it. Zest raised his sword. He took his head off with one final swoop.

He took a quick breather and spied around. They killed three men, yet Zest felt he barely survived the fight. Where were the others? Where did Sir Burns go?

There was no sign of him. Were these three men really the only people in this room? Zest took another look at the bodies. These were elite men. The markings on their armors matched the information Crypthin's spies had taught them before. Three meteors, they wore badges with three meteors in it. Elite guardsmen of the Witch herself. He felt like it was beyond luck that they won the quick fight. It was the element of surprise that did it, sure, but his unspoken cooperation with Pearce and Levia just proved the constant training they did together all this time, was more than useful.

"I was sure I heard his voice right before we opened the door," Pearce voiced his wonder. "Where could have he go?" The swordsman was angry, as the three of them was certain that they would finally meet Sir Burns in this very room. Instead, in a blink of an eye, and he vanished.