
The price of a daughter


Finishing laughing she said in a sing like voice: Natalhia Maudina est mon nom, j'ai écouté votre voeux et j'ai mon prix. Êtes vous prêt à le payer ???


Her voice gave them shivers but since they came all the way here, they were prepared to pay the price. Looking into each others eyes they saw determination shine through and so their fate was sealed the moment they uttered the words: Oui...(1)


Now what happened next is a story for another time because nowadays the child is already walking and talking, of course being a genius sure has its perks but also its controversies.

The couple watching their child laughing however was having deep thoughts remembering that they had to move to a more remote place because their little girl was growing up to fast and also because of her unusual appearance. Having carried her for only 5 months the woman was reminiscing and wondering how was it possible that only a year has passed since her birth and she already looked 4 years old, she is growing up too fast and she is scared that she will die before enjoying a fulfilling life.

Sighing she looked at her husband and they knew they had the same fear but everything will be okay for they know that she will not die easily after all she was born by magic and has half of both of their hearts. They know she will be fine...


And so time passed by fast and 3 years have gone by however the little girl is not so little anymore , she has grown to the appearance of a teenager, she looks like a 16 year old girl.

She is tall and thin but if you looked closer you could see that she is fit probably because of hunting and running through the forest all day, something that her father taught her. Pale skinned, white like snow and hair just as white almost blueish in color, her eyes are as expressive as those of her mother however her eyes are a bit strange people who do not look closely would say their brown but they are blood red, a peculiar colour indeed but absolutely stunning in her. Her peach lips just like her father's, always curled up in a sweet  but mischievous smile,like she knew something no one else did.

Nadine Maudina de Glace is her name even though the couple was not happy to be forced to name their daughter after the witch who gave her life, they have learned to live with it it. For them her name was chosen after careful consideration, five months of consideration to be exact. Nadine is from her mother's idiom, since she came from the north she talks a different dialect,  its meaning is hope because she was their hope. Whatever the cost was worth it...

And of course de Glace is her Father's surname, even though they thought it risky to give her their name, they could not help it. It was after all her heritage,  her birthright and they will not prive it from her.

After much reminiscing the man thought it was enough, so taking his wife by surprise he caught her in his arms and spun her around while laughing he says: My beautiful Esther, we created such a beautiful daughter, let come whatever comes we will fight it all, it will be fine as long as we together.

Looking into his eyes Esther knew he was going to do everything he can so that no one can touch her, and she as his wife will be by his every step of the way. So smiling she said to him: Oui, Arthuro mon coeur, we will. (2)

And she kissed him, basking in the affection of one another and all the emotions coursing through them, each was certain of the love they felt, and they knew whatever took for their family to be forever happy they would do it again against the whole world if need be.

Nadine watching her parents kiss was smiling so big her face hurt, carrying the bassin of water while hugging it to her chest she was thinking how great it was to have a love like theirs and she knows he is out there because she saw him in her before. So smiling she starts to walk, when all of a sudden her happy face morphs in agony and heartache and she screams:


<= yes

=2>oui, mon coeur

<=yes, my heart ( love)

So... I tried to upload photo for the cover and could not ??so sorry abou that.

if you are interested then try going to my wattpad account reiy1995 .

sorry for the mess..

so if you excuse me I'm gonna cry in the corner ????

Reiy_DFcreators' thoughts
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