
En route to the Outermost Florest


All that Nadine knows right now is that her parents are together and she is happy for them for even death will not part them.


Coming back to the cavern, Nadine is still sitting on the floor and hugging her knees. The pain is worse than ever but she knows she can't wait too much time for the enemies may have been eradicated by the explosion but more will surely come and she doesn't plan to welcome them. So taking all of her necessities along with the bag her parents gave her and her coat, she once again plunges in the water, swimming to the other side.

Getting out of the water, she wipes the remnants of her tears  and starts walking to the Outermost Florest. Fortunately her journey is not that long, 5 hours and she will be there before night comes if everything goes well.

When they moved out they moved closer probably so that Natalhia Maudina keeps an eye on her in case any complications arise or such.

Having walked for almost 3 hours Nadine suddenly stops. Something is coming, and that something is big enough to make the ground tremble. She should hide. The faster she does the less chances of getting caught by what is coming.

She starts to run and that's when she hears a mighty howl, and she can't walk anymore it's like she is paralysed and her mind is screaming at her to run but her body is stubborn and just won't move. She closes her eyes and starts chanting over and over again: Please don't see me, please don't see me...

She feels it coming closer and closer, it's coming from behind her, she can feel it's breath on her neck and she can't help but shiver, now its circling her, analysing her, judging her and it's breathing on her face... She tries to stop her breath all together, not daring to breathe, her teeth starts to chatter but she tries her best to stop it. All she is thinking now is: Papa,Maman, I'm sorry I couldn't take revenge for you...

All the while preparing herself to die when she hears a scoff and air fans her face: Did... did it just scoff on my face!? Oh No no no... I can accept that you kill me but you will not scoff on my face!!!

Face filled with indignation she opens her to see a giant wolf on his feet, :Ahh! Werewolf !!!

Suddenly she can move again and now it's her turn to circle and scrutinise him. Circling she sees its queue so she squats down and starts playing with it...:So fluffy... hehe Can I cut it!?

Obviously she wasn't expecting an answer however it answers in a gruff voice: No!!! I  need it. I will find another for you.

Answering her with a serious face he starts to change back to human, falling to the ground his body becomes little by little more and more like human. 10 min later he stands up all in his almost naked glory and she says: Hmm hmm great body, I approve . And gives him a thumbs up.

He looks at her and nods all with the same stoic expression on his face.

It's shame that he doesn't smile and looks like an ice block,  white pale skin, silver hair, grey eyes like a storm, tall and slim fit. A sight to discover and rediscover again and again.

Oh well nothing can be done about it, and she already has someone so... Don't mind,Don't mind!!

Having remembered that she still doesn't know who he is she asks him: So who might you be? Mr. Four Paws.

:My name is Wolve Lune and I am your guide, for now.

:Great where are we going?

:Outermost Florest.

Whithout standing in ceremony he picks her up on his shoulder and he starts running at full speed all the while passing creatures that almost get knocked out because of him. She huffs knowing he didn't even apologize, but then whispers: Oh well I wouldn't either.

Hearing her laugh to her self he just lifts an eyebrow and continues.

The journey from then on is quite pleasant if not for the blood coming to her head she would have no complaints with the free guide, but at least the view of the forest is quite magnificent, majestic even.

The trees look like millions of crystals put together, she was sure that if it was night all the forest would shine like stars.

After a while he stops and puts her down in front of a creepy looking tree that has absolutely no leaves, now the she thinks of it, the only one until now. This part of forest looks darker like something ominous is about to happen. A great contrast from the crystal like forest.

He enters first and she follows, suddenly she has no ground and starts to fall...

So I'm sorry I was sick and kinda lazy to update regularly so here is another chapter.

hope you like it ?

Reiy_DFcreators' thoughts