
Death will not part them


And she continued without waiting for an answer and never turning back to see the tear stricken faces of her parents...


Having walked for a while and founding the lake she always used play in, she jumps in. Swimming deep and deeper til she cannot see anything she still keeps on swimming knowing what's after this darkness. She starts to see a light and she swims faster until she breaks through the water. Seeing a little cave with some supplies that she brought beforehand, she takes a seat near the wall and taking her knees to her chest she starts crying, sobs overtaking her body she can't stop the trembling and shaking of her chest trying to take the pain away with the shakes but it's no good so after a while she somehow starts a vision of her parents fighting some types of creatures, one cannot call them humans for they have long lost the appearance.

The wave of fierce soldiers seem to have no limit, seemingly infinite but that doesn't seem to faze her parents they still tirelessly fight. Back to back, never parting, if one is in danger the other slays, if one doesn't see one come the other kills, no mercy no remorse they know they have to fight to get back to their daughter but they also know if push comes to shove  they will choose to honour their promise. They will not be caught, they prefer to die before getting caught by Sebastien Loeb, the high general of the army of the Anarchists. The personal army of Arthuro's half brother Nicholaiy Glade and the only prince alive after killing all of the royal family of Southernmost Kingdom .

The only one alive being Arthuro Donado de Glace and his wife Estheria de Pierre, the daughter of the High Chieftain of the Northernmost Glaciers, Effezzio de Pierre and his only wife Eleanor Donadoni de Pierre.

Of course the plan is kill Arthuro, take Esther, marry Esther, use her blood to enter the Northernmost Glaciers, then use Esther again to kill the High Chieftain and all those in power and whoever thinks himself brave enough to even blink the wrong way, then of course kill Esther for her utility has expired and having the control of the North and South the East and West will be much more accessible and easy to take over then the whole world of Nostalgia will be in the hands of the one and only king Nicholaiy Glade and no one will dare to call him bastard or illegitimate child ever again.

At least that's the plan. However its proving to be much too bothersome to put to use than planned for this couple are like cockroaches the more you step on them the more alive they seem to be.

Sebastien Loeb knows his orders so orders the army of humanoid golems to attack more fiercely. This time they cannot fail. Failure is not an option, he touches the scar on his face made by his king and shivers remembering the reason why he chained him to wall and beet him on front of the whole army, in the end slicing his face he says with a sadistic smile: There won't be a next time that they escape from you... If you don't bring them to me next time I will personally skin you alive and watch you boil for soup for years until all that is left is your head so I can see and hear the song of your agony.

No way will he get himself involved with the crazy king because he knows that if he fails he will really do what he promised so he got off his horse and charged at high speed, brutality radiating off of him like a torpedo, energy emanating from his body so powerful, everytime it touches a golem, it is reduced to ashes floating in the air... A mere illusion no one will remember.

The couple sees the golems parting ways and a sense of foreboding comes upon their hearts. Preparing the poison in their mouths and looking into each other's eyes one last time they are ready to crack the capsule of high toxic venom if they can't escape, knowing they will die they mouth " I love you " to each other and they charge with all they got left.

Exchanging blows with Sebastien makes them reminisce and they instantly know he is far stronger than he was before, they cannot beat him as they are now so preparing one last blow with all their strength left,  they take from their robes 3 small balls of red colour and then they let them fall all the while biting the capsule and giving their last breath to the battle.

Afterwards all that was heard was an explosion, if one was close enough they could see the littles balls are in fact magical bombs made with pure fire from the mythical creature qilin, potent enough to eradicate everything in a rayon of 20 km around the drop site. Quite a magnificent sight if one was admiring from far away, however an agonising hell for those who had to endure the fire till it extinguished itself. It took 20 days  to finally  stop the raging inferno however in its place only a charred mess can be seen for 20 km in each side. In the future this place will be called as the Lovers Hell for no life has been able to grow since this day but that is irrelevant for now.

All that Nadine knows right now is that her parents are together and she is happy for them for even death will not part them.

Omg they died? I dont know why I am surprised I literally killed them???

Reiy_DFcreators' thoughts
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