"Shattered Divinity" follows Kael, a young blacksmith's apprentice living in the Silver Dominion, an empire ruled by a strict religious order. In this grimdark world of secrets and shadows, Kael finds his life irrevocably altered when his beloved, Elara, meets a tragic end. Haunted by a mysterious voice and driven by an unrelenting quest to reclaim an amulet that holds hidden power, Kael's journey leads him into a web of intrigue, faith, and danger. With the enigmatic Dominion Knights, his conflicted master, and an uncanny connection to the amulet, Kael must navigate treacherous paths to unravel the mysteries shrouding his existence. This is a small side thing of mine, taking place within my homebrew dnd world. NOTE! I do use ChatGPT to help me with language and descriptive tones as it is not my first language.