
Chapter 001

Shi Feifei blearily blinked his eyes open, wincing at the harsh but low lighting filling his vision. Red, clear eyes that brightened with every flicker of light lazily scanned the cave-

Shi Feifei froze, mid yawn. Cave? What cave? Wasn't he supposed to be in his small, cozy apartment, in his own bed resting comfortably? Why was he lying on top of a stone altar, covered in a highly suspicious deep brown red liquid, inside of a rocky, dusty and musty smelling cave? Shi Feifei uttered a curse.

Well, what the fuck just happened and what is he supposed to do now?

What the hell type of dream even was this? Where is his phone, his mattress that lay on the wood floor and his stacks of second hand manga? Where were the large windows that honestly provided awful lighting for his daily activities? Why was he here, bathed in the gentle yet harshly bright orange light of a torch? More importantly, as his hazy gaze finally began to focus, who in the ever loving fuck were the two figures wearing cloaks standing before him?

"Host, the target has been acquired!" The energetic voice of a young man spoke softly in, weirdly enough, clear Chinese despite his possibly western, more racially ambiguous features. A wide and slightly excited, dazzling white smile adorned the gorgeous face. The one who spoke seemed to be an older teen, with golden skin, pale golden eyes and hair, all traits which he could see despite the awful lighting, for some reason.

Shit, don't tell him!

Shi Feifei's eyes fell onto the other figure next to the young man. He was a bit shorter and thinner, with paler skin and longer peach coloured hair. The young man was watching him with languid lavender eyes, a lazy smile on his face. The setting, the description of the two teens and the situation, it was all too familiar. Earlier that day he had remembered his older sisters coming to visit him, talking excitedly about a new web novel that had just come out.

[ Changing The Cannon Fodder's Fate: System, why are all these men after me ? ! ] Contrary to the rather, uh unique, name of the novel, the story itself was quite good and plot heavy. According to his sisters and dozens of reviews on the internet that is, since he never bothered to read it himself. It was about a young man who had transmigrated into a novel, more specifically into the world of Aevon. The protagonist, upon realizing he was destined to die a cruel fate decides that he will change the fate of the original body! Through challenges and proving that he was better than the original main character of the novel (because of course he was), along with the help of a system in the form of a bluntly speaking gorgeous young man, he proves successful and even ends up seducing the frankly ridiculous amount of suitors the original protagonist had. Blah, blah, blah happy ending for everyone.

Honestly speaking, Shi Feifei wasn't really all that interested. Sure the characters were attractive and his disaster bisexual ass was always a sucker for pretty faces, however he didn't really have an interest in transmigration novels themselves. He could never understand the passion and determination to do certain things or change the trajectory of the original stories. Why not just laze around? Why not just create chaos and hit on every attractive person that shows up? Nothing can stop you and you really technically wouldn't even suffer. The consequences of the butterfly effect seems more dangerous than following the natural flow of the story, if you really think about it, no?

As Shi Feifei was pondering the meaning of life, you know like you do when you realize that you're suddenly inside of a novel, he seems to have forgotten the two very important people standing right in front of him.

The pair, one system and one host, studied the boy spacing out in front of them.

The lighting was shit and the mysterious stains the boy was covered in didn't really do a lot for his image, however that didn't mean that he was unpleasant to the eyes. They watched in amusement and befuddlement as Shi Feifei changed expressions in the span of a couple seconds. From confusion, thoughtfulness, to acceptance then finally excitement. Those red unsettling eyes seemed to have a bewitching effect, making one incapable of turning away from the scene.

Finally, Shi Feifei spoke, breaking the delicate atmosphere.

"Who are you and where am I?"

He blinked in surprise and amazement at the sound of his voice. The words he spoke were clearly in a completely different language!! How exciting! Did this happen because of the body and if so whose body was he in now? As the million questions bombarded the easily distracted Shi Feifei's head, he again drifted off into LaLa land.

The other two remained silent and agreed with the boy's expression, for completely different reasons however. The voice that rang out in the cave sounded soft, sweet and sticky like milk candies. It was a sound capable of tickling even the coldest man's heart. How interesting, was this truly the effects of the blessing? They thought.

Shi Feifei snapped out of his daydream once more, before expectantly looking at the two cloaked figures before him.

"I'm Alpheous Varnhame, this is my servant Luciel. I believe we found you in the place we're currently in, the Canterlionn Caves." Alpheous's voice was low and relaxed, filled with slight humour but a noble temperament, the lazy expression replaced by something more charming.Shi Feifei nodded, completely enraptured. He vaguely, not really, most definitely did not remember the plot of the web novel very well. That, however, didn't mean he knew nothing, although most of the time he really did know nothing. Canterlionn Caves was where the whole plot started, according to his memories at least. There was a dead body found, sacrificed to one of the Seven Demon Kings because of their unique physique and nature. Unfortunately, it seemed like something went wrong and the person ended up dying before they could complete the ritual. The original protagonist had inherited (?) the dead person's traits and that was how the story started. Shi Feifei felt the gears turn in his head and a smile almost appeared on his delicate face. Did Alpheous and Luciel interrupt the storyline before he, or more specifically his body, could die? Therefore, the events leading to the protagonist's death would never have happened. Truly brilliant, expected from the protagonist and his golden finger after all! Shi Feifei was tempted to clap at the brilliance of the protagonists, even though it was the most obvious course of action and fairly simple to accomplish.

Alpheous eyed Shi Feifei. The novel had never given a description for the sacrifice and even Luciel, his system, didn't know what to expect. So imagine their surprise when they saw him. The absolute excitement and gratefulness coming off from Shi Feifei was palpable, enough to make a grown man blush. Alpheous was certain that this boy was the key to avoiding his death, seeing the look of worship on Shi Feifei's face only added to that conviction. Shi Feifei flashed a grin at them before trying to stand up, as he wanted to properly thank the two and to escape from this damp, cold hell he was currently in. He succeeded, for a moment, before pitching forwards. Of course, he forgot the fact that his body was wounded, exhausted and in a vulnerable state because his dumbassery knew no bounds. He had already expected the taste of metal, rocks and god knows what other substances that were littered on the cave floor to fill his mouth, well at least he did worse in his previous life, he thought. Honestly, he should really try getting back to said previous life, thinking about it now.

Something warm and solid suddenly wrapped around his small frame. He looked up at Luciel who gave him a disarming smile.

"There we go! Caught you right on time, not feeling dizzy or uncomfortable, are you?"

Shi Feifei nodded, all too thankful to properly articulate how he felt. Alpheous shared a look with Luciel who seems to understand what he wants him to do.

"The young master has some people waiting outside, would you like to come with us or do you have a home you want to get back to?"

Shi Feifei blanked. Shit, did this body even have a home to get back to? He didn't even know what the original body's name was, for fuck's sake! As he's panicking, Luciel pulls up an interface with his stats on it. The emotional fluctuations and tears, tears of frustration Shi Feifei would claim, although it was debatable, proved to him what he already knew. It seemed like this human was scared and had possible memory loss, he hazard a guess glancing at the teary face. With a light cough, his host raises a brow. Luciel knew what that gesture was meant to convey so he turned his gaze towards Shi Feifei once again.

"Uh, it's alright if you don't remember. How about we clean you up first and bandage those wounds?" Luciel paused, eyeing the slightly calmer expression on Shi Feifei's face.

"How about your name, do you remember it? It's okay if you don't but I feel bad just referring to you as 'kid' in my head." He joked, hoping to elicit a smile from the paralyzed looking boy.

Shi Feifei pursed his lips. During when Luciel had been talking, a name popped to the front of his brain. Something told him that it might be a clue as to who his identity was in this world.

"Florian Signeind-Faieris."

Hello! This is my first novel and I'm a little nervous posting this. I had a lot of trouble posting this first chapter honestly but it was pretty fun!

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