
The Son Of The Devil

A young boy was waking up as he headed to the bathroom"today will be a long day"the boy said he picked up his toothbrush and toothpaste as he started brushing his teeth.After that the boy put on an all black tuxedo but didn't put on a tie after that he packed his school bag as he then cooked him some toast as it was done he grabbed it and headed out the door.As the boy was walking he heard a loud voice.

"Heyyyyyy shadow"

When the boy looked behind him he saw his best friend Xino"oh hi Xino"Shadow said.

''Hey Shadow do you mind if I get the answers to the math homework I had a project for science so I didn't have time oh yes here you go''

Shadow handed his friends the homework.After this the two boys arrived into the school as Shadow said

''See you later I have Martial arts first period today so see ya at 3rd period okay see ya''.

Shadow went down the stairs as he then made it to the boys locker room when he entered he heard a loud


Shadow was interested to what was going on has he then heard ''Shut up you loser you have a stupid Sharpen power you're so useless''.

After that everyone was in the shock as the saw Shadow behind them as Shadow said "Burst"

As the bully's hand burst open as the blood started to pour out as Shadow then made it a solid as the bully was now one 1 knee. Shadow then kicked the other two bullies as he looked down at the bully on the floor

"Keep on hurting people and I'll make sure to take all of your blood then you know what happens". As Shadow red eyes glowed like a demon.

Shadow then placed the blood back in his hand as the boy had healed due to Shadow making the blood patch up all injuries and making his bloodstream go smoothly again. Shadow then looked at the kid

"Are you okay" he asked with an innocent smile.

"Yes I am and I can't believe I'm talking to the strongest,smartest,and nicest person in the school and you are the Vice President for the student council I'm so honored"

" Haha Shadow laughed". "I'm a regular student just like you but you should get going class starts at 10".

"Oh yeah you're right well see ya shadow".

Shadow then looked at the bullies again as he tied them all up to the wall and used some of their blood to write losers on their face. He then changed into a red shirt and black shorts with red sport shoes and black gloves.

As Shadow walked into class the teacher Mr.Roughster said "Shadow your 5 minutes late can you explain why"

"I'm sorry sir I had to handle some business" Shadow said

"Well okay Shadow sit down next to Akin you fight after her"

"Yes sir" he said.

After that he went next to Akin who was the president of the student council

"Hello Shadow" She said.

"Oh hello Akin how are you doing"Shadow said

"I'm doing good, just a little tired" she said.

"I told you if you needed help with homework to call me and I would come over".

"Yes I know thanks Shadow" Akin said.

"Oh it's no problem" Shadow said.

"Okay next fight Akin vs Hillary" the teacher said.

Akin then said "Oh it's my turn".

She then got up and got into the ring all of the guys were screaming "Go Akin" they all liked her and would do anything just to get a wave from her as the teacher said


Akin got in a fighting position as the girl charged at her throwing a punch Akin dodged, caught the girls wrist and then tackled her down allowing her to win. After that everyone clapped as it was now Shadow turn as it was gonna be Shadow vs Ash.Ash was the school bully and no matter how many times Shadow beat him up he always tried to fight Shadow, and he kept on bullying. He was your average scumbag the two stepped up as Shadow stretched as he got in a fighting position. After that Ash ran at Shadow throwing a side kick Shadow then went under the kick and touched his leg. After this Shadow jumped up as he reached his hand out and his eye glowed red saying in his head

"All blood exit his right leg"

After that Ash was losing his balance as Shadow then came down and kicked his leg as he fell down, and lost the match. After that Shadow fixed his leg.

As Shadow then said "Good fight." As he walked out the arena.

As Ash got up he screamed "Get your butt back over here".

As he would start using his ability called dust with this he could form dust and make someone breath it. As it would hurt them making them either pass out due to them coughing so much ,die,or somehow survive. As Shadow looked behind him he knew he had to do something to stop this madness before anyone could get hurt or possibly die.

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