

When I woke up, I felt like I was floating, I was warm and the most comfortable I felt in my life. I could tell right away I was within my new mother. For the first time I felt peaceful, I had a family and will no longer be alone like my last life.

'Booting System.... System functional... System given permission to explain events of the last nine months. According to conversations System overheard whilst waiting for Hosts soul to awake, Hosts mother is a civilian, Mai Hozuki of the branch family of the Hozuki Clan of Kirigakure, whom, with the help of her Brother, faked her death and escaped to the Land of Hot Water, to avoid being sold off as a bride to an old noble of the Land of Water. She lived in the Land of Hot Water for three months before meeting Hosts Father, Hiraku Nara. Hiraku, a Jonin of Konoha was on a long term intelligence gathering mission throughout the Land of Hot Water, as it is currently the Second Shinobi War and Konoha is on guard against Kumogakure. He met Mai during the mission and they fell in love. The pregnancy was an accident, and with the Hokages permission, she was allowed to become a civilian of Konoha after being checked by a Yamanaka in the T&I Division to make sure she wasn't a spy. After being given the okay, they married. After a month, Hiraku had to leave her in the care of Hosts grandparents and auntie, who is Yoshino Nara, while he was sent back out of Konoha to fight in the war. Host should be born in a few days.'

I shook in annoyance at the info dump that interrupted my peace. The system message sounded as if being spoken near my ears, and in this quiet space it was noisy. After listening I couldn't help but wonder how many events were orchestrated by God for my parents to meet. Was it the meeting, or my Mother escaping, maybe the mission to Hot Water as well. Well, I'm not going to worry about it, it gave me family, that's all I should worry about now. It seems like Shikamaru is going to have an older cousin in this world, I hope I don't change his personality too much, though, maybe I can make him a bit more active... Okay, how do I see my status? Do I just think 'System show me my Status'?

'System Features unavailable, unlocked after birth of Host.'

I wanted to sigh, I began brainstorming ways to pass the days before my birth. I tried to move around a little but I didn't really have control over my body and didn't want to hurt my mother. So I did the next best thing, the number one womb activity of reincarnators, I tried to sense chakra.

Days passed as I tried my best at meditating, before I finally sensed my chakra. Chakra felt difficult to describe, the closest I could come to was as if there was warm water running through my veins and pooling in my navel. I imagined those were my chakra pathways and my chakra reserves. I then tried to sense all my tenketsu, I could feel them, tiny as a needle in amongst my rivers of chakra. I was about to try to sense chakra outside of my body before I was awoken from my trance by a shout and the walls of my abode began to constrict me, forcing me out. I could tell it was time for my birth, so I tried to help out by wiggling a bit, though a shout of pain made me stop that fast. Letting nature take it's course, I was soon sucked out like a vacuum and a pair of giant hands yanked me free and into a pair of arms, I opened my eyes for the first time and saw I was in a hospital room with two nurses and a pretty lady on a bed, who should be my mother. She had long blonde hair, purple eyes and fair skin. I was still observing her when I heard the nurses talking.

"A beautiful baby, Mai, though her eyes are a bit weird she's still cute." Spoke Nurse number one.

"Toki don't say such things, he's clearly a boy, though a cute little boy he is indeed, it's easy to see he'll be a cutie, eh, why isn't he crying." admonished number two.

I froze like a deer in headlights, trying my best to ignore that conversation, I felt a palm slap my bum, reflexively, like a baby I began to wail, though not from pain, I was wailing at my fate, cursing God for screwing me. I tried to look on the bright side, summoning my memories from the Naruto series, and recalling that Kushina said Sasuke looked like a girl too, hope is not lost! As I tried my best to stop wailing, my eyes grew heavy and I fell to the calling of sleep. I didn't miss the loving gaze of my mother as I was handed from the nurse though, or the whispers of love as I drifted off.

Sorry for not updating in awhile, I've been busy reworking the story, trying to make things work. Many didn't like the gender bender MC and to be honest, I struggled to write around it as well, so I played around with my plans. And guys, please don't waste your power stones on me, not until I've published a heap of chapters and I deserve it. I'm writing this story because I enjoy writing & thought of sharing my enjoyment.

Thanks for reading!

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