
In the Depths of the Night

In the depths of the night, as the moon cast its ethereal glow upon the charred remains of her village, Akina stood amidst the ashes, her heart heavy with both sorrow and a newfound power. The flames that once consumed her home had not only razed the physical structures but had also consumed the remnants of her innocence, leaving only a burning determination in their wake.

Flashbacks to her past revealed the turbulent origins that had brought her to this pivotal moment. She had been born in the village of Himemura, nestled on the outskirts of Sakura island. Her parents, devout members of a cult venerating the Muramasa blade, harbored the hope that their child would possess the necessary qualities to become its vessel. Their desires were twofold: an elemental ability at birth and an irregular heartbeat, the signs of a chosen one.

It was not by mere coincidence that Akina fulfilled these requirements. Muramasa, the ancient spirit residing within the revered blade, had already set his sights on her before her birth. The fates aligned, and the moment Akina's life hung precariously in the balance, her parents entrusted her to Takumi, a twisted doctor who claimed to possess the means to force Muramasa's selection. Unbeknownst to Takumi, the spirit had already chosen her willingly.

In a cruel experiment, Takumi pushed Akina to the brink of death, believing he could manipulate the spirit's decision. But Muramasa, a force bound by honor and his own ancient will, intervened. Through a dreamlike realm, he fused with her, mending her ravaged body and healing her shattered soul. Two long days passed before she awoke, her eyes bearing a newfound intensity, and the life she once knew was forever transformed.

It was in this weakened state, standing amidst the ruins of her village, that fate led her to Nocturne. The Aetherkin mage, shrouded in the darkness that mirrored Akina's own tormented soul, appeared before her like a phantom. His presence was unexpected yet comforting, and the unspoken understanding between them transcended mere words. In the depths of that desolate night, Nocturne pledged his unwavering loyalty to Akina, sensing the greatness that lay dormant within her.

Witnessing her fragile state, Nocturne's heart surged with an instinctual desire to protect her, to aid her on her journey of self-discovery. He had seen the aftermath of her fury, the tempest of her power that reduced her village to ruins. In Akina, he saw a strength that surpassed her physical abilities—a strength that would be instrumental in fulfilling her destiny.

As their shared path unfolded, Akina would gradually learn of the legacy she was destined to create. The revelation came to her one day, like a whisper carried on the wind. It was foretold that she was the chosen one, the sole harbinger of destruction against the rogue Aetherkin fire mage known as Malachi. The weight of her responsibility settled upon her shoulders, and with Nocturne by her side, she embarked on a perilous journey to confront the malevolent force that threatened their world.

Malachi, once a mere curiosity, had succumbed to the depths of darkness and vengeance. Born a subhuman, he had endured a lifetime of suffering, enduring the prejudices that haunted his existence. The fires within his heart, fueled by the flames of hatred and abandonment, transformed him into a formidable adversary.

Nocturne, who had once been intrigued by the origins of Malachi's torment, watched as the rogue mage's transformation unfolded. Evil intent took root in Malachi's heart, consuming the fragments of his humanity, until only a twisted shell remained. The mage who had once been driven by curiosity had now turned his attention to sowing chaos and destruction, his malevolence growing with every step he took down the path of darkness.

And so, with their intertwined destinies set ablaze by the forces that guided them, Akina and Nocturne embarked on their perilous quest to vanquish the malevolent Malachi. Together, they would navigate treacherous lands, encounter allies and adversaries alike, and discover the true depths of their own powers. Their journey was not merely one of survival but of redemption, as they sought to reclaim the light that had been lost and rewrite the destiny that had been thrust upon them.


It was getting dark out, the two had begun on their journey a few months back, already grown very close.

Akina rode on her trusty stallion Spook, beside them was Nocturne with their wolf companion Roma and riding behind Akina was Bella, Nocturnes feline familiar.

The two had been travelling all day, right now their mission is to get to the next town to ask around about Malachi, but the sun was setting and it was quickly getting dark.

"Lady Akina I recommend setting up camp and resting the night, it's very dangerous on these roads after dark. I do not mind staying awake and on guard" Nocturne speaks, wantAs much as she would've liked to have kept going, riding straight through the night to get to the next town, Akina thought Nocturne did have a point. As important as their mission was to her, she knew it wasn't a good thing to push herself, Spook, Roma, Bella and Nocturne too hard. She gave Noctune a soft smile as she patted Spook's neck. The mage really was sweet always looking after her the way he did. The more time she spent with him, the more that she couldn't deny the feelings she was developing for him. Nocturne had always stayed by her side with unwavering loyalty, protecting and caring for her every step of the way. He even addressed her formally as a term of endearment. Small tendrils of black shadows could be seen curling around her wrist as if Muramasa was agreeing with Nocturne. He couldn't have his beloved, cherished vessel collapsing from exhaustion in an inopportune moment. "Nocturne," She said, the look in her eyes was soft, "you know you are more than welcomed to come and rest with me. Spook and Roma can more than alert us if anything or anyone should attack during the night. Rest is important for you to," She said, wanting him to get some rest as well. Bella meowed at Nocturne in agreement. "We will ride for the town early tomorrow morning," She said, halting Spook so she could dismount. Loosening his girth, she patted his neck. "Is there somewhere you see suitable for setting up camp for the night" Truthfully, she was always a little apprehensive when they were idle at rest like this. Malachi always seemed to be on the move, as close as they always seemed to be behind him. The voice of Muramasa echoed through Nocturne's mind. "Her nerves are starting to become quite frayed. You have this certain way with her. Please see to it that she rests late into the morning," It was humble request from the sword. Sometimes, he thought she pushed herself too hard.Nocturne shuttered when he heard the sword, he still wasn't used to that, but he did respect his opinion, after all he knows her best.

"Yes, right over here Lady Akina" he lead her to a small clearing, the stars over head where bright and beautiful that night, the moon shining across the grass and Nocturnes face, his skin always seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. His eyes had a bit of a glow to them in direct sunlight. He was definitely something else.

He started to put up the small leather tent and sleeping bags before gathering sticks and lighting the fire with magic.

"I have prepared the camp site Lady Akina, shall I catch something for you to eat? They say the best sleep is on a full stomach" he cared for her and wanted to make sure she is well cared"Thank you," Muramasa said chuckling as his voice disappeared from Nocturne's head. The boy always had such an interesting way of reacting to him. Akina felt her breath being instantly stolen away when she saw Nocturne's eyes sparkle in the moonlight. Looping Spook's reins around his neck, she walked over to Nocturne. Putting a hand on his cheek, she wondered what lucky stars had aligned themselves and send Nocturne to her. It had only been a few months, but she knew that without him, she wouldn't have made it as far as she did. He had come out the smoke and haze of her burning village, blood sloshing underneath her feet, her body heavy from pain and exhaustion. He would've been cut down like all the rest, but she'd never seen him before, uniting with her instead. Unfortunately for her, Muramasa had been forced to involuntary shut down her body, as she was exhausted from using her new found power for the first time. Akina never felt herself hit the ground because she hadn't. She was sure that Nocturne has caught her before she hit the ground. "Thank you, you have always had a keen eye for campsites," She said, her hand lingering on Nocturne's cheek before she turned and started untacking Spook, letting graze as he liked. He wouldn't ever wander far from their camp. He felt it was his duty to keep watch over Nocturne and Akina. "If you'll eat with me," She said, looking away shyly.He felt his face flush some when she felt his cheek, his heart beating faster, his breath hitched for a moment. He wasn't used to being touched before, unknown to the elements of comforts. His species, the Aetherkin are Solitude type creatures, they often live far from one another, it doesn't help the Aetherkin are considered second class or subhuman.

But he liked it, he liked the feeling. Placing his hand on hers for a brief moment before looking away and retracting his hand

"Yes.. Of course, I'll be back soon" and with that he disappeared into the forest, he never left for long, he had a special skill with hunting for her. But for now he is looking for something to bring back, only the best would do.

Back at the site Roma laid on Akina, wanting pets. Roma was quite the large wolf, often letting Akina ride her.

Sitting on the other side of the camp fire was the fluffy grey cat with piercing green eyes. It was Nocturnes familiar, Bella often stayed quiet and kept her distance, only opening up to Nocturne and Akina. However she doesn't get along with Roma but decently with Spook. Akina waited on a bated breath for Nocturne to return. Her eyes watched every so often for him, petting Roma when she wanted pets. The wolf really was a sweet girl, and a total ham for attention. And Nocturne always looked so cute whenever he rode on her back whenever Akina insisted that he take a break from walking. She would offer him a spot behind her on Spook, but most times that didn't work out quite as well. It's not that Spook didn't like Nocturne, he just had a particular personality, which was what made Bella get along with Spook. They had nearly identical personalities in the terms of not liking people. "You are definitely getting a good girl treat from dinner tonight," She cooed to Roma, rubbing her belly whenever the wild rolled over onto her back. She seemed to sense her apprehension with Nocturne not being around, and wanting to distract her by putting on her cute routine. Spook grazed quietly with Bella laying in the grass near him. As she thought about Nocturne, she wondered if he had any idea how cute he looked when he felt shy. It infuriated her that Noctune was seen as second class by most people. He was so much more than that, and she would make them see that, no matter what. She watched the flames of the campfire dance and flicker, enjoying the cool night air. She kept on alert, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of a threat. From what she could tell, it was just her, Noctune and their four legged companions. It was hard for her let her guard down and relax, but she would eventually start relaxing as they settled into camp for the night.Nocturne was able to find a nice deer like creature to hunt, putting the meat in a magic pouch he had, he also grabbed herbs and other things resembling veggies and even grabbing an apple like fruit.

While he was gathering food and such, Akina would see something moving in the tall grass before her, just as she tried to get a better look, throned vines fly out to grab her, and it would've gotten her too but a bright magic blast caused the vines to wild and grass, revealing a Nightshade Sprout! A low level enemy, but they're very tedious, they can manipulate throned vines, use the moon light to make hallucinations on the living and even blend perfectly in the shadows.

Nocturne had returned in time to prevent the shot from hitting her.

"Are you alright Lady Akina?? " he asked worried, casting a shield spell for temporary defAkina had been so lost in thought that she didn't have time to react to the Nightshade sprout. It figures she can't do anything right, not even when she thought she had her guard up. Her eyes leveled in annoyance when Noctune saved her at the last minute. "Yeah, I am fine," She said, already feeling safe whenever Nocturne put up his shield. "I should've been more aware of my surroundings," She said somewhat despondently. "Those shitheads are always so sneaky," She added, feeling her pride dented that the creature has been able to take advantage of her vulnerable state. She looked back to see if Spook, Bella, and Roma were okay. They unscathed, Spook on the defensive. Roma put herself in front of Nocturne, keeping both of them trained in the corner of her eye, ready to attack if necessary. Her hand hovered above her chest, ready to draw Muramasa. "Thank you, Nocturne. I was momentarily caught off guard. Your timing was impeccable," She said, hearing Spook paw at the ground with his hoof. "Easy, baby, don't hurt yourself," Akina said, trying to sooth her horse with her voice. It seemed to work, the stallion kept his focused in Nocturne's direction.He could sense her change in mood, he wanted to change that but first.. With a flick of his wrist he set the flower on fire, causing it to wilt and die. He then disbanded the shield.

"I got quite the dinner planned for you" he tried to distract her as he started to cook, he made the meat into a steak styled dinner with the roasted veggies and freshly squeezed fruit that resembled apples for her.

"Tell me what you think Lady Akina" he said handing her the food.

He had a plate himself, eating some with her, he did want to comfort her after Akina felt herself relaxing just from hearing Nocturne's voice. Once he dispelled the shield, she watched him. "It smells delicious," She said, wanting to praise him for going to this much trouble to make such an elaborate dinner. Then again, though, anything Nocturne cooked for her was bound to be good. She bite of steak, blushing when the meat essentially melted on her tongue it was so tender. "It tastes really good," She said, smiling at him, "the apples compliment the steak and vegetables quite well. You are amazing as always, Nocturne." She was happy that he obliged her request to sit and eat with her. Just having him close to her again was putting her heart at ease. She finished her plate, eating everything on it, having realized just how hungry she really was. She fed some of the vegetables to Spook, and gave Roma the piece of meat she'd promised her. "I'll have to cook something for you sometime. You always take such great care in looking after me. I'm really," She looked away shyly, "happy that you are here." She didn't think she would be able to trust people again after everything that she had been through, but Nocturne was showing her that it was okay to trust people again. Picking up a stick, she poked it into the fire to stir the embers, moving closer to him after she did so. Sighing softly, she rested her head on Nocturne's shoulder.He felt his cheeks flush before looking down at his empty plate, his hat covering his face.

"T-Thank you Lady Akina. You must sleep now, get plenty of rest for tomorrow" he ushered her into the tent, he wants to keep her on a good routine and unfortunately being on a quest it makes it difficult.

Roma laying outside the tent as Bella lays on her lap to sleep.

Nocturne sat outside with Spook and Roma, guarding the tent fierSmiling, Akina nodded and headed into the tent with him. She laid down on the bedding, pulling the blanket on her and Roma. She lay there, looking at the shadows in Nocturne and Spook guarding the tent outside. She knew given what had happened earlier, she knew it wasn't going to be easy coaxing Nocturne into getting some rest with her, but she still would try never the less. Tucking the blanket around Roma, she lifted the flap of the tent. "Nocturne, it's not going to do us both any good being tired in the morning. You need rest to, you know?" She said. In truth she always worried about him, thinking he didn't get enough sleep. She knew he would sit outside the tent vigilant all night. And she was grateful to him for that, but she wanted to make sure that he took care of himself. "Please, come get some rest with me," If he wasn't going to look after himself than she would. Bella smoothly jumped up onto Spook's back, curling up in a ball on his back to sleep while he grazed. "For me," She added, feeling a little guilty for coaxing him into the tent like this, but this was humble request.Nocturne felt his chest tighten and heart swell, she asked so sweetly, why did he feel this way? Was this what humans call love? Either way he couldn't deny her, he couldn't.

"Alright, if it helps you Lady Akina"

He stood up and walked over to the tent, crawling inside with her. It was a bit crowded for the two, pressing up against one another to fit, this caused her to be shifted on his lap and him slotted between her legs, both on their sides facing one another.

His face flushed as he avoided eye contact, he didn't know how to react or what to do. He wasn't uncomfortable, no, he was annoying it a bit.. Too much so he tried to distract hiShe smiled, relieved with he relented without a fight. Such close contact with Nocturne started to make Akina's heart pound in her chest. Shifting, she moved to accommodate him, tucking herself between his legs. She blushed, seeing how close she was to him. Once she'd settled against him, she looked at him curiously. "Is something wrong, Nocturne?" She asked, noticing him trying to distract himself. She'd seen him acting shy before, but this time it seemed different. Like he was flustered. She was starting to feel the same way. She was close enough to feel his breath on her skin. His eyes really were beautiful up close like this. Her knee rubbed a little between his legs as she adjusted herself to look at him better. "Are you running a fever?" Brushing some hair out of his eyes, she rested her forehead against his to see if he had a fever. Wanting to be closer to him, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body up against his. Her body has just moved on its own. She'd wanted to be closer to him like this.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Casey_Perezcreators' thoughts