
Chapter 19: Choking. 

"No, I am not joking. However, I can't be sure. I'm positive that I'll be able to do it. My aspect should be perfect for it. And I also have various theories about how Nightmare might be able to infect someone. But I need test subjects first. 

Best case scenario, we get hundreds of awakened. 

Worst case scenario, some people die.

And that's why I need your help. I need access to criminals who can be test subjects. And also people who won't be missed when dead.

Can you arrange some of them for me?"

Miss Ayna had to ponder a bit. 

This was above her paygrade. But right up her alley. She just had to get permission from her higherups. 

And human experimentation wasn't really that rare. But it was only allowed in specific cases. Only in cases where the possibilities was great enough. 

And this was definitely one of those cases. 

She was sure that she would receive no pushback or resistance from her higherups. 

"I'll see what I can do." She replied succinctly. She already was thinking of people to contact to set this up.

"Thank you." 

"Also, where would you like to test this? The research division on the awakened academy would be perfect. I know a good place for you to test it. Should I arrange it there or do you have some special condition for this?"

"Hmm, no, I don't have any special condition. Awakened academy is good enough."

"Alright. I'll call you on your communicator when the place and the test subjects are ready."

"Alright then, see you later miss Ayna."

Saying that Rake said farewell and she left Rake's house soon afterwards. She had to talk with some people and arrange a testing area. 



Rake had gotten three basic abilities related to water under control. 

One for offence, one for defence and the last one for attack. 

Having these in hand he was able to kill and eradicate thousands of small dormant creatures before they could lay a single bite on the body of the fallen human in the water. 

A human whose smell was making him crazy from desire. 

"Almost there. Just two more. After that, you'll be mine. 

Hi hi hi….

I'll savor your taste greatly. 

Hi hi hi…."

Grinning with his sharp tooth exposed, he moved towards his last obstacles. 

The awakened nightmare creatures. 

They weren't big. They were about the same size as the rest of the piranhas. 

But their teeth and scales shone like they were made of metal. The teeth had small lacerations. Adept at cutting into meat like a hot knife through butter. 

The fins were sharp enough to cut through metal. 

And the speed. It was beyond the reaction ability of Rake. 

Every time he challenged this duo, he was torn apart before he knew anything. 

He used to be human. Underwater battle was different than regular battle above ground. And humans weren't designed for this. This was a battle with movement range being three-dimensional. One extra dimension that makes every battle strategy like 3d chess. 

But he was ready to challenge them. He had earned the right to challenge them after obliterating the swarm. 

He faced them. 

Two awakened nightmare creatures vs a normal human in a dormant nightmare creature body. 


Rake made the first move. He entered his slip state and moved extremely fast toward them. 

It was as fast as teleportation. At least to Rake. 

The moment he went close, he extended his small dorsal fins located at his side. And after cancelling his slip speed he swung them. 

Two sharp lines were created in parallel in the water. 

It was like the water was parted and it created a mirror-like effect making it seem like that was the top of the water surface. 

It was a water slash. 

An extremely sharp and incredibly compressed one. 


A slash that cost 80 percent of his essence to pull off. 

But he had missed. 

Just by a hair. 

The fins on the top of the two creatures slid as they moved. Making the bones on their spine visible. 

The two creatures were stunned. 

One move.

And they were almost taken out. 

They moved quickly and aimed to take Rake out. 

But Rake didn't move. 

He couldn't. He had overloaded his body by channeling so much essence. 

This was a desperate situation. 

He didn't want to do this cycle again. 

He had to have the meat. 



Yelling internally he channeled the last bit of his essence. 

The two monsters approached him as fast as they could. 

Rake rotated at the last moment. He barrelrolled his body. 

At the last second, he managed to evade their attack. 

The two monsters moved past him. 

And after slowing down, their bodies slowly rotated. But with the heads sliding from their bodies.

There was a clean cut across the middle of their bodies. 

Rake had concentrated that terrifying water slash at the tip of his fin and as he barrel rolled, he cut them like sushi.

"heh...HA HA HA HA HA HA 

I WIN!!!!



HA HA HA!!!"

Laughing in his head with happiness Rake went close to the human. 

The human that he protected from all his colleagues to be able to enjoy and savor alone. 

he was there. Just a little bit. he had just move towards the body. 

That tasty smooth buttery meat. 

The blood that tasted like honey. 

Those bone marrow that tasted like curry from home. 

those eyes that tasted like chocolate. 

Those organs....mmmh, beyond anything he had ever experienced as a human. 

He salivated in a way that no water-dwelling resident should be able to. Yet somehow he was. His eyes were dilated and filled with anticipation. 

He was close. 

So close. 

All this pain. All this suffering. All for this. This months of pain and happiness. 

He was strong now. From now on he would be able to eat to his heart's content. He would be happy again. His obsession would be fulfilled. And the pain in his chesh that he had been feeling for so long, would be gone. 

'he he he.' 

And it was at that moment, the space around him seemed to crack. The water, the fish remains, everything seemed to be cracked. 

The light became distorted. 

And it all broke. 

Rake opened his eyes. He had eyelids again. 

And he was above ground, sitting in a lotus position with blood pooled around him. 

He had no injuries. This was the state at which he was before trying to get the core. 

Rake felt paralyzed again. His body fell over. 

Some runes declared to Rake 

[You have passed the trial]

[Congratulations, you are now awakened.] 

[You have received an aspect]

[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]


[You have received a memory]

[You have received a memory]


Slowly more and more declarations were made by the spell. As if declaring to the universe and celebrating Rake's success. 

He had awakened inside a nightmare trial. 

But Rake…

He saw nothing. 

His eyes were glazed over. His breath was shaking. 




Slow tears were falling down his face. 






Sounds came out of him like the choking slit throat of an animal. 

He was finally…..broken. 





Saying that he bit into his forearms.



Pain and pleasure. 

Empty pleasure. After all he wasn't that nightmare creature anymore. The taste wasn't there anymore. 

Happiness and hope was given to him only to be torn away again. 

He bit into his flesh again. This time his other hand. 

Again, this time he slurped his blood from the ground, maybe if it was from before he awakened..


Again, this time his fingers. 

And with a crunch they broke. 

He tasted blood again. Blood..flesh and...bones. 

But no....He couldn't taste it. 

He had lost it. 




And the agonizing painful scream continued. 

He had lost the one thing that gave him happiness in this accursed place. 

It was gone.







Please no…..

Give it back….

Give it back…

heuk *sob…





Next chapter