
Chapter 2: Making friends and pacts

Wayland took his first step through the gates of the Highraesh Academy or just the Academy with a high head. From the memories of his previous life he could tell who was who, which cliques to avoid, and who needed to be put in their place.

This school and many like it had been formed to fight back against monsters after the last Demon Lord had evolved into the Demon Overlord. The Demon Overlord had been destroyed thanks to the Seven Sacred Heros.

Aruilas the High Magnus, said to know a thousand different spells and could wipe out an army a thousand strong with a single word.

Strenfried the Berserker King, his footsteps made the earth tremble and his battle cry struck fear into every man, beast, and demon on a battlefield.

Hisder the World Healer, she could heal entire countries where the forces of evil had taken root and destroyed the ecosystem.

Drosca the Hidden Shadow, she was able to slip behind the enemies' lines without detection and destroy it from within through assassinations, poisons, or puppetry of the ruling monarchies.

Fritzguad the Lone Ranger, he's arrows could cover the sky from a single twang of his bow string. It's been told that he once shot an enemy general from across the battlefield and hit them square between the eyes.

Prestal the High Archbishop, who was able to wipe a thousand demons from the land with a single wave of his holy magic.

Finally there was Granied the Legendary Swordsman, who was not only the Hero of that age due to his remarkable sword skills. But it was his final strike that killed the Demon Overlord. He had formed the original party known as The Chaos Brigade.

It was due to Wayland's superior ignorance, that had made him see his fatal flaws at the last second. First, his companions were not at the levels they needed to be to achieve evolution into the legendary warriors. Second was the equipment they had taken with them, not even close to World rank. Finally, the situation was different. Instead of fighting a Demon Overlord, who wanted nothing but world dominian. His group had been fighting a high level Demon Lord, who had no care for world domination just wanton destruction.

As Wayland was analyzing the situation in which he had placed his friends into and in which he was now in he almost didn't hear a system ping. It was only when a screen appeared in front of him did he come out of his thoughts.

<Due to analyzing ancient past, past, and present all at once you have earned new skills. Do you accept?>

'A skill. I wonder what it could be?' Wayland thought as he opened his skill menu. When he opened the menu, it broken into branches showing different routes he could take his skills to.

<Skills Menu:

Current Skills: Shadow Grip, Locked until Class Acceptance. Shadow Revive, Locked until Level 3. Shadow Summon, Locked until Level 3. Shadow Command, Locked until Level 5.

Skills Pending:

Heightened Awareness (Passive): due to excessive thinking and analysis of battles/event both past and present you are able to be aware of skills that could have a negative impact to your psyche. Examples; Intimidation, Fear, Haunting.

Analyze: you are able to analyze current situations and creatures, and are able to chose multiple successful routes or weaknesses.

Do you wish to accept Heightened Awareness and Analyze as a Current Skills?>

'A detection skill. That can be useful in small scale fights or negotiations. Accept Skill: Heightened Awareness and Analyze.' Wayland though to himself. Suddenly the world went sideways as waves of Intimidation and Fear flooded the area.

"What in the world?" Wayland said aloud as he tracked the source of the Intimidation skill.

The source was a large Barbarian class third year. Druien, his former or rather future Academy bully. He was really stupid even by Barbarian standards.

'Analyze.' Wayland commanded, suddenly Druien was covered by a red cloak and his stats were shown along with his weaknesses.

<Analysis Complete:

Subject: Druien

Class: Barbarian

Level: 2

Stats: Health 30/30

Stamina 25/25

Mana 1/5 (Time till full 20 minutes)

Skills: Intimidation (in use), Power-Up (Passive), Ground Shaker, Iron Will.

Strength: 8

Defense: 6

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 0.5

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 1

Weaknesses: Mental capacity, agility, and balance.

Physical confrontation 0.5% chance of success.

Magical confrontation 24.5% chance of success due to limitations of skills.

Charismatic confrontation 75% chance of success due to subject's low Intelligence.

Do you wish to engage?>

Suddenly a small yelp was heard as Wayland had finished reading the analysis on Druien.

Looking up he saw Pricusla had landed on her bottom due to her reading a thick tome that was larger than her own eyesight.

"Huh? What do we have here? A child running around thinking they are a grown-up." Druien grunted picking Pricusla up by her Academy shirt and turning her around towards the Academy gates.

"Listen hear you oafish block head of a Neanderthal. Just because you are big doesn't give you the right to pick on little people." Pricusla informed the large third year.

"What did you call me?" Druien asked in a confused tone.

"I called you an ignorant piece of garbage, who will probably get his party killed on their first raid." Pricusla slinging the insults upwards due to her gnomish height disadvantage.

Druien blinked slowly then started to turn red from anger. Everyone who had been watching had slowly start to back away as a light aura could be seen forming around him.


<Urgent quest: Defend Pricusla against from Druien. Do you accept? Rewards: Gain Pricusla as an ally. 10 xp awarded for defusing the conflict.>

'Is that even a choice?' Wayland asked the system as he rushed in between the two.

"Whoa big guy. What's up?" Wayland asked the large Barbarian.

"Who are you?" Druien growled out, as the aura slowly started to disperse into nothingness. His focus switched from the gnomish girl to this weak looking average boy.

" I'm Wayland. I'm new here. I have a proposal for you." Wayland announced to the third year.

" A what?" Druien asked thoroughly confused.

" A deal. I have a deal to make with you." Wayland said, dumbing it down for the bully.

"What deal?" Druien asked, wondering what this first year was up to.

"How about we settle this for now. Let's have a bout during 5th period. If you win, we'll be you subordinates until you graduate."

Wayland stated to Druien.

Druien thought about this for a moment then nodded. The large Barbarian then turned and lumbered into the Academy's front hall.

Pricusla looked up at this skinny boy who had not only stopped the larger boy from hurting her. Not only that, he had just challenged the boy to a bout. The idea was ludicrous, it was like a baby fighting a giant. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she almost failed to see a hand holding out her tome to her.

"Draknise's Guide to Multiple Spellcasting? The fundamentals are good, but you should try Persial's Documentary of Basic Dual Casting. It's easier to understand." the owner of the hand told her.

"Huh, oh. Thank you very kindly for the assistance. I haven't read Persial's book yet, I'll give it a try." Pricusla told the boy that handed her the tome.

"Not a problem, we better get cracking if we are gonna beat that rock-brained barbarian." Wayland told her.

"What? What do you mean 'we'. There is no 'we', you made the deal." Pricusla started to argue.

"You were the one that started the conflict. So you are going to help me not end up under that idiot's huge thumb for the rest of our lives." Wayland informed her, watching as she prossessed the data she had been given.

"This is true, we would stand a higher chance of winning if we worked together." Pricusla stated, taking the tome back.

"Pricusla. You are?" Pricusla introduced herself.

"Wayland. Let's go get tested to see where we can fit in." Wayland replied, heading toward the Academy's Main Hall. Along the way, Wayland swiped the screen that told him that he had been awarded 10 xp for defusing the conflict.

"Welcome students, both new and old. Your years at Highraesh Academy. Now for the rules. Rule number 1, There will be no fighting allowed outside of combat class. Rule number 2, all tomes in the library must be returned at the end of the day. Rule number 3, Those that wish to create a Party must have backing from a teacher or school official. Those that wish to join a Party may inquire with that Party. Rule number 4..." the Headmaster informed the assembly of students.

Wayland drowned the rest of the rules out as the Headmaster went on for a few more minutes. Instead he started thinking on how he could form The Chaos Eaters quicker and start training themselves into better versions.

'First is Pricusla. With her talent, swift casting, and non-verbal spells. She is the first one that should be worked with. Her two fatal flaws were that her anger got the better of her. The other is that she hardly trained at all, learning the spells then never going back for the enhanced versions. I'll have to work with her on being creative with her spell casting.' Wayland thought to himself, only to be brought out of his thoughts by the Headmaster announcing that all first year students would head to the Testing Room.

"Everyone else, Achieve and Conquer!" the Headmaster finished with the Academy's motto.

With that the students broke off to head to classes as the first years were escorted to the Testing Room.

The Testing Room was in fact a large indoor gymnasium. It was very basic with just bleachers and a wood floor. In the middle of the gym a large mana crystal that everyone would go and see where they would be placed after being assembled. Next to the crystal was a very well endowed lady. Redus the school nurse, Wayland remembered.

Slightly blushing, he also remembered how she flirted with him a little. It was only because he had a crush on her. This time around he was going to put his priorities straight.

"Alright now that all of you are assembled, we'll have you come up and touch the stone to evaluate the best courses for you to take." Redus informed the first years.

"Will Ast...." Redus started reading from the list in her hand.

Suddenly Pricusla was next to Wayland. Setting the tome down between the two of them.

"So, what's the plan to take down Jumbo?" Pricusla asked, already racking her brain for a way out.

'Analyze' Wayland thought looking at Pricusla.

<Analysis Complete

Subject: Pricusla

Class: Mage (undetermined)

Race: Demi-human

Level: 1 (30/100)


Health: 15/15

Mana: 40/40

Stamina: 20/20

Strength: 2

Defence: 3

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 8

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 3

Wisdom: 2

Skills: Fireball Level 1 (2/10), Wind Swipe Level 1 (1/10), Water Shot Level 1 (1/10)

Recommended evolution: Elementalist, High Mage, Druid.>

"What can you use? I can already tell that you'll be put into the Mage portion of the academy." Wayland pondered as he was thinking about how to help Pricusla raise her level so that she could evolve.

" My father taught me Fireball, Wind Swipe, and Water Shot. I want to try and learn more spells and become like the great High Magnus Aruilas." Priscusla beamed to her new friend, well she hoped he was her friend. After all she was the one who got them into this situation.

"Why? Why learn a thousand spells, when one or two high leveled ones can do the same thing." Wayland asked, looking at the young mage with subtle curiosity.

"Wouldn't be awesome to know over a thousand spells. Then the enemies wouldn't know what to expect." Priscula informed him.

"Academy student Wayland please come down." Redus announced, interrupting Wayland's answer.

Wayland walked to the large crystal and placed both hands on it, just like he had done the last time almost 15 years and a lifetime ago.

Suddenly the crystal sparked to life and a bright light filled the room.

Wayland blinked rapidly as he tried to see through the light, then a call came into his mind. Not a call, more like a warning. Three distinct female voice spoke each saying a different line.

"Warrior of the past. Hero of the future. Remember nothing is written in stone." the voices spoke, each one different. "Beware the Void. They come near. They want what you were given."

Just as quick as the vision was given to Wayland it was swept away. It was then that he was released from the crystal's grasp and fell into sweet darkness.

The sun shot through the window off to the right of the bed. The young man that had fallen unconscious after being tested was resting there. Redus was running a magical scan across the boy and the Headmaster were standing at the foot of the bed waiting for the results.

"Well, there is no lasting damage. Although..." Redus started to say.

"Although what Ms. Redus?" the Headmaster inquired.

"It's almost as if the crystal was drained of almost all of it's power. Like Mr. Wayland is a Mana Battery. He may out for the next 5 minutes or the next 500 years. In my professional opinion it would be best if watch him carefully. We haven't had this happen since you came through." Redus informed him.

"Yes he is very special." the Headmaster spoke out loud to nobody in particular.

Suddenly Wayland bolted up from the bed.

"Dresca nate sethir. Dresca nate sethir en Hunler." Wayland spoke in a dark tone before falling back onto the bed.

"What did he just say Headmaster?" Redus asked, both terrified and curious.

"That was a language i heard once. That was also long ago. 'The Dragons will return. The Dragons will return during the Hunt.' That was the language of the Void or more commonly known as Shadow talk. This boy is very special." the Headmaster informed Redus.

Little did the Headmaster and Ms. Redus knew that all the while they had been talking a little puddle of shadow had been lurking under Wayland's bed. This puddle had been able to 'escape' into the world when Wayland had touched the crystal.

This puddle had heard the call of a new master after centuries of waiting. The other shadows, all of them much larger and ravenous compared to itself. It bound itself to it's new master. Now all it had to do was wait for it's new master to name it after the master woke from looking into the realm of the Seers.

Wayland woke groggly to a mid day sun peering through the window.

'I must have passed out. It's nearly lunch time.' Wayland thought as he sat up.

Redus looked in on Wayland, seeing that he was awake she started another magic scan to see that he was normal.

"You'll be fine. Just drink some fluids and take it easy for the rest of the day. If you do have to do anything strenuous try not to over do it. Also your results were that you are highly magical endowed." Redus informed him of his results.

"Thank you Ms. Redus. May i go now?" Wayland asked, thinking of Pricusla and hoping that she was not taking Druien on alone.

"Yes. We'll send a list of recommended courses and a list of regular courses with you when you leave. I'll go grab them for you." Redus informed him, drawing the curtain so he could have some privacy.

As soon as the curtain was closed a puddle of inky blackness shot out from under the bed and started slinking up Wayland's leg.

"What the...?" Wayland yelped, as the puddle started up his leg. Shaking his leg, the puddle jumped off and started to growl.

Wayland stared at the puddle, watching it bubble slightly and growl. After a few minutes the puddle stopped growling and slowly eased off the bubbling.

Wayland cocked his head, trying to figure out what this thing was. As he cocked his head, he could have sworn that the puddle moved so it was in the center field of his vision.

Wayland crouched down to inspect the puddle further. '<Analyse>' Wayland thought.

The puddle was covered in a red cloak.

<Analysis Complete

Subject: Unknown

Class: Guardian

Race: Unknown

Level: 1 (10/100)

Stats: Health 10/10

Mana 15/15

Stamina 10/10

Skills: Cloaking Level 1 (1/10), Shadow Spike Level 1 (1/10), Disguise Level 1 (1/10).

Do you wish to make a pact?>

"A pact?" Wayland asked out loud.

Suddenly a screen appeared.

<Pact: A bond between a mage and a creature. Forming a relationship to mutually benefit both sides. Do you wish to make a pact?>

Wayland studied the puddle for a moment. Ever since he returned to his past, he has been careful with what he done.

"Okay, let's play a quick game. One bubble for no. Two bubbles for yes. Is that okay?" Wayland asked the puddle.

Two bubbles popped up.

"Are you dangerous?" Wayland asked.

One bubble.

"Will you hurt me or anyone that i care about?" Wayland asked.

One bubble.

"Will you defend me if i am in mortal danger?" Wayland continued.

Two bubbles.

"Are there more of you, what ever you are?" Wayland finished, curious to know if this was the 'shadows' the system meant.

Two bubbles.

"Sigh, okay. Let's make a pact." Wayland told the inky puddle.

The puddle slowly and carefully crawled up to Wayland's hand making sure not to make any sudden movements.

The puddle sat in the middle of his palm almost as if it was waiting for something.

'What does it want.' Wayland thought, suddenly the word 'Name' was spoken inside his head.

"Was that you?" Wayland asked after looking around and seeing that it was just himself and the puddle.

'Name' came the thought again. The puddle trembled slightly waiting.

"A name. Hmmm." Wayland said as he started to think. One of the first rules of the world was that names were special, that was why everyone one told only their first name and never their last except to the one they had paired with.

"Gileon." Wayland spoke, suddenly there was a spike of gray light form between the two of them. After the light had dispersed a pitch black puppy with dark red eyes was sitting in his hand.


<You have formed a pact with a Void Pup. 10 exp has been awarded.>

"Gileon?" Wayland asked, looking at the puppy.

"Bark." Gileon barked, 'Master?'

"I guess, although let's just go with Wayland. I do not like the sound of Master." Wayland told him.

'W...Wa....Wail...Waylen...Wayland?' Gileon asked after several attempts.

"Yes, I'm Wayland and you are Gileon."

'Wayland, Gileon?' Gileon asked.

Suddenly the curtain was opened and Redus came in with lists of classes Wayland could choose from to see that he was kneeling on the floor with his hand outstretched.

"Are you okay, Mr. Wayland?" Redus asked, concerned that he had hurt himself again.

"What? Oh no, i just fell over when i was getting my shoes on." Wayland quickly lied, doing a quick look to see that Gileon was nowhere to be seen.


<Charisma Check: Lie Believed

5 exp points added.

Current Level 1: (25/100)>

"Okay, well let's get you out of here and onto your next class. Which would be Combat Class." Redus announced.

Wayland gulped slightly as he suddenly remembered that Druien was waiting for him.

I hope you have had enjoyed these chapters. I will try to keep Shadow Ruler updated asap.

Ty_Middletoncreators' thoughts
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