
Ambush? Who are you!

The flying ships were extremely fast, a distence that took about a week by spirit hores to get there could be traveled in a day by a flying ship.

Inside the flying ship every single young man and woman selected to go to the Imperial Academy had their own room, counting there Gabriel there were fifteen people with recommendations letters and three that didn't need, with they're level of talent they could easily pass the entrance exam.

On the deck of the ship Gabriel was there alone, he told Maria to wait in his room, he didn't want her to wander the ship, even if it was a ten hours journey he was still thinking about Jacob warning, he didn't even know Gabriel but decided to warn him. So he decided to let her in his and not with the servants on the lower part of the ship.

"Hey you there, black head" suddenly some one said.

Gabriel knew that they were talking to him becous of his black hair, but he decided to ignore the caller.

"Hmph pretending not to hear, I wonder if that predy maid of yours can hear me better haha"

Gabriel didn't have to turn to know that it was a big bear like fellow with square face and green hair, one of the three who didn't need a letter to get in, Gabriel was constantly using his spirit eyes technique he knew that this fellow was bothering him on the other boys orders "He must be the young master Daniel that Jacob warned me about."

Gabriel turned around and said "Do you need something?"

"State your name, and title" said the big fellow

"Gabriel Standford, Duke Elliot Standford son" Gabriel didn't want to draw attention to him so he decided to collaborate.

"Hmph just some small unknown Duke, now listen to me, hand over the letter of recommendation and then fu*k off the ship"

Gabriel expression changed "This guy don't only wants my letter but also for me to jump down from this ship, hmph if that first elder just keeps watching in the shadow I don't mind breaking every single one of his bones and after him is that Daniel kid."

The deck went silent, all eyes were on Gabriel.

"Well are going to do it on your own or do you need some help"

Gabriel ignored the big fellow and looked at Daniel, then he said "My father Elliot Standford when he was younger saved Marquis Michael Symians live, years latter my father asked a favor of Marquis Michael, to help me get in to the Imperial Academy." after saying all this out loud Gabriel paused a little, then he said to turned to the big fellow took the letter from his poket and said "Here is the letter, do you dare to take it"

No one knew that there was this history behind Gabriel, not even the first elder.

When the first elder heard this he knew that the big fellow wouldn't dare to do anything anymore so he said "That's enough Ben, Gabriel is the son of clan head benefactor"

When everyone on the deck heard this voice they all turned and bowed to the first elder, who appeared mysteriously on the deck.

"Young friend don't take it to hearth it's just that these spots are extremely important and Ben here didn't know the circumstances, come with me let this old men have offer you some tea as apologys"

Gabriel bowed and said with a smile "Of course first elder"

The first elder nodded and said "Everyone go and rest after one hour we will at Imperial Academy" then he turned to Gabriel and said "then young friend let's go, I just got some ice heart tea, now is a good time to try it, follow me"

After the first elder left with Gabriel, Daniel eyes turner red "Hmph even if your father saved my father life why should we help you, it's only natural for a low level existence like him to save my father."

"Whan should we do now young master, we thought that he offered some kind of rare treasure to clan head, but it was actually the clan head repaying a debt, a big one" said Ben

"Hmph, we can take care of him at the Imperial Academy, becous of him I lost a spot that was supposed to go to one of my supporters"

"But at the academy it will be extremely hard" said Ben

"What do you think Jenny" asked Daniel

Jenny was the third person from the Symians clan who didn't need a letter of recommendation to enter the Academy

"Hmph I don't like this sort of thing, do what you want just don't bother me" after saying that she left.

After she left Daniel said "That bitc* just becous her grandfather is one of the clan protectors she acts all high and mighty, hmph I will show her latter too" after saying this Daniel and Ben also left the deck and went to theys rooms.

Gabriel followed the first elder to his room, he knew that he wanted to tell him something and not just to drink some team.

It was the biggest room on the ship, it was beautifully decorated with small paintings and a small shelves with books.

"So how is your father doing?" asked the first elder as he was preparing the tea.

Gabriel was surprised that this first elder actually was asking him about his father

"He is doing well, he..." but before he finished what he was saying Gabriel moved extremely fast to the left and then his eyes started glowing with purple light.

"What is the meaning of this first elder"

"How... How is this possible" thought the first elder to himself.

When Gabriel was talking he felt a strange mana undulation and then the first elder threw a four small dagger at Gabriel feet and hands, he wanted to pin Gabriel to the wall.

"Hmph he got lucky" that was what the first elder thought "You will come with me kiddo, if you lucky you might sur..." but before the first elder could finish he felt a horrifying energy, when he looked at Gabriel he felt like a small and insignificant ant. The persons in front of him wasn't that small and fragile boy that was going to the Imperial Academy to be safe but the reincarnation of God himself.

"Who... wh... who are you" said the first elder with a trembling voice.

Gabriel was just staring at him, then he said "I ask you answer, I will rip a bone from your body"

When the first elder heard this he trembled "How can this be, according to the information he should have all of his passages broken, how?how?howww?!?!? "

"Why did you attack me" asked Gabriel

"I was given a order to bring you alive" said the first elder. It was like under Gabriel gaze he couldn't lie.

"Who ordered you to bring me and what for"

"It was a order from supervisor, he needs you to threaten Duke Elliot to give him something, but I don't know what it is"

"So he is part of the same group who attacked the castle and also ambushed us on our journey" thouth Gabriel to himself.

"Was your clan after my father possession?"


"So it's not the Symians clan" said Gabriel to himself.

"Who is this supervisor, and what organization is after me then? "

"I don't know who he is or how he looks. The only thing I know is that he is one of the five supervisor in the Griffin Empire, we are an organization that has power and influence all over the world, our members are numerous, they can be a lowly commoner or the clan heads or important figures of the Empire" after saying all this the first elder seemed to have gained some confidence and said "so it's better if you..." but Gabriel didn't even let him finish he severed his head with only one hand.

"Now how should I clean this mess?"

Then as if stuck by lightning he got an idea.

Gabriel left the room in a relaxed manner then he found an servant and said "The first elder asked to call him when we are close to the Academy"

"Yes" said the servant.

Then he left

When a they were close to the Academy the served came and knocked on first elder door

"I will be out, you can leave" came first elder voice.

Everyone was already on the deck including Gabriel who was in corner wering his blue robes with a hood covering half of his face, but no one was paying any attention to him everyone was to exited about the Academy.

"Everyone I hope you can bring honor to clan, remember to always do your best, in a few minutes we will land on the Academy territory I wish you luck" then he turned to Daniel and said "Daniel come here I need to tell you something"

Daniel was surprised but he still went.

"First Elder" Daniel bowed

"I need to go out for a while, a fried of mine needs help, I wont return to the clan, help me pass the message to your father"

Daniel was surprised, why was the first elder was asking him something so easy, but he still said "Yes Elder"

Then the first elder disappeared like smoke.

Next chapter