
Shadow Monarch: Ruler of Darkness

Daniel, a man who lost the love of his life to disease along with his parents was very devastated and felt like the world fell apart on him, in the end he died and thought that he would finally meet his love. But found something bigger and found that his love was still alive in another world so he decided to go that world to find her. Follow his journey that will he filled with adventures and dangers yet very exciting, I guess.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 17

'So she left, huh.' Daniel muttered inwardly as he saw Shuri leaving the mansion going back to the old shrine she used to live in. He knew that she loved him from how she looked at him and how she behaved in his presence like a good wife.

But he already had a wife and wanted to find her first before thinking of taking any step with her. He also knew that something like this would happen someday when he found his wife and that day had come already, and his wife is beside him right now.

Preparing for such a day, he put a very strong barrier around the old shrine and put some of his strong shadows in her shadow to protect her and her daughter.

You may ask: why didn't he tell her about his wife and she should wait until he find her then he could consider their relationship?

Well, first, that would open a door for too many questions about him and Lily that he didn't want to answer as that would remind him of his past after Lily died which he didn't want to remember as it pain him whenever he remember it and make him depressed for not being able to find his wife despite the power he has, second was that he knew that once he reunited with Lily and she knew about Shuri, she wouldn't agree at all because he knew her very well.

Even in his past life, if a woman looked at him, her personality would change 360° to someone he didn't know.

She was very possessive and obsessive. And because of that, problems would arise and he didn't want that.

So he let that happen, so he could make Lily accept this world view and what kind of world this was.

If you wonder if he love Shuri or not, then the answer would be that he liked her and found her good to be around.

That was inevitable when they spent some years under the same roof but he suppressed all of these feelings until he find his wife and from there, he would try to consider these feelings. He isn't the one to lie about his feelings and if he loves someone he will say it, if he hates someone, he will say it, just like that. He wasn't the one who would deny his own feelings and act as if nothing happened like some harem protagonists.

However, he also noticed that Lily saw Shuri when she entered the kitchen while they were cooking and as a woman who experienced something similar, he knew that she was aware of Shuri's feelings and the way she looked at him.

Haaah, dealing with women sometimes could be tiring that you want to stay away and I think my fellow men know that very well.

Anyway, after the food was cooked, the couples prepared the table and arranged the dishes then began to eat with smiles on their faces.

They enjoyed the lunch and how it reminded them of the old days of them cooking together and trying new recipes that sometimes were bad and strange and sometimes were good and delicious.

They were great and unforgettable memories.

After the lunch, Daniel took Lily to the living room while telling one of his shadow to wash the dishes and prepare some herbal tea for them.

They were good at doing chores you know.





In the old shrine, Shuri could be seen entering it and feeling something was off so she extended her senses to know what was that and to her surprise, she noticed a barrier surrounding the place. Furthermore it was a very strong barrier to not let anyone with malice and evil intents to get near the place.

It also will alert her if there was someone coming toward the shrine and she could control it to prevent anyone from entering.

It's a barrier with offensive and defensive characteristics.

'It seems that he already knew that I would leave so he made all of that. Was he preparing for my leave even before? I, I don't know and I don't want to judge anything without knowing the truth, maybe he has some reasons I don't know about. Haaah, it somehow messed up and I want to rest for now and think about it later.' She thought before sighing again and going inside the house behind the shrine.

She wanted to rest and organize her feelings and emotions at the moment.

Time is still ahead of her and maybe someday, the thing she wants from the very deep inside her her heart will come true.

Who knows?





Back at the mansion – in the living room.

Both Daniel and Lily were sitting beside each other with her resting her head on his shoulder while hugging his arm.

They already drank the tea and was watching some drama on the TV at the moment but non of them was giving attention to it at all.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward as no one of them was talking or making any interactios, but Lily was smiling while hugging his arm and resting her head on his shoulder.

Thinking of what happened earlier with that woman that she didn't know, she somehow felt guilty for thinking like that of her, but what could she do? She can't accept the idea of her sharing Daniel with other women but from what she saw so far in this world, she knew that something like harem was quite normal and those who were strong had so many women who loved them deeply.

Maybe due to their strength or may be something else but one thing for sure was that harem was normal here. This was the kind of world she was living in the past few centuries.

'But, I'm not a native of this world and although I lived here for so many years, I still can't accept the thought of my husband having other women beside me, I don't like to share but.....I don't know what to do.'

'Although I know that that woman lived with him for some years and developed feelings for him. What about him? What does he think of her? Honestly, I think I need some time to consider these things as I'm not sure if I can make an absolute decision at the moment.' That was what was going inside Lily's head at the moment while she kept looking at Daniel all the time.

'No matter how many time had passed, he is still the same lovely man I fell for~'

Daniel looked at her and smiled before kissing her lips lovingly making Lily feel hot.

Then in the next second, the kiss became hotter and arousing as Daniel sucked her lips and nibbled on them making Lily moan due to that.


Her moans were really sexy and hot that it could make the hearts of men waver from how melodious and arousing her moans were.

The kiss was so good that Lily felt amazing and excited even more.

And after some time, Daniel broke the kiss while looking at Lily who had her face flushed and was panting.

Her eyes were hazy and moist and her body was hot.

"*Huff* *Huff* Darling~~" She said his name in the most beautiful and melodious voice he had ever heard, maybe because Gabriel in the original had a beautiful voice? But he didn't remember that her voice was that melodious and beautiful.

It was on a whole different level and that maybe due to her personality as Lily was different from the naive and airheaded Gabriel.


Suddenly, Daniel lifted her and put her on his lap making her straddle him which made her exclaim in surprise.

But her position at the moment made her feel excited and hot, she wanted more of him.

Lily was wearing a sexy night gown that emphasized her curves and assets making her look more sexy and beautiful.

She changed to it after lunch with her magic.

'And it was the best decision I had made~'

Daniel held her waist and rubbed it gently making her moan again.

"Ahhhhng~ d-darling~"


Before knowing, their lips locked in a very sexy manner in a kiss that was deep and passionate, very different from before. It made both their hearts flutter and race in sync and their bodies became hotter along with the atmosphere.

The kiss was deep and passionate as their lips were locked and their breaths quickened the more they kissed.

Lily felt lightheaded due to the intense kiss and it was the first one, beside the one at the entrance of the mansion, for centuries as no man or anyone dared to get close to her or else hell would fell upon them.

But for Daniel, she was his wife and his woman and he had every right to do whatever he wanted with her for she loved him so so much.

And due to these feelings that were overwhelming her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss while Daniel didn't shy away and made the kiss even more intense when used the moment she opened her lips to thrust his tongue inside her mouth making her moan even more.


Their tongues were swirling around each other and clashing with each other making the atmosphere hotter and arousing. Just the feeling of the kiss made Lily's mind hazy and could only think of Daniel, while the said man was having a very similar thoughts to her.

They enjoyed the kiss even more and the nosies of the kiss made them feel so good and amazing. They couldn't help it but wanting more of each other.

The kiss lasted for long before they separated with a trail of saliva and heavy breaths and flushed faces while staring at each other.

"Darling, I—" Before she could say anything Daniel put his finger on her glossy and sexy lips.

"Shhh, I know, let's go to a better place~" He said making Lily nod and hug him while burying her face in his neck sniffing his smell that was so good and intoxicating to her.

Then without waiting anymore, he flicked his finger before both disappeared from the living room.


A/N: Hello guys, glad I'm back. I'm graduating soon, just one day and everything will be done.

Just I want to make some things clear. I know that there was no action till now and maybe the story was very boring due to the trashy drama and sort of things but I want you to bear with me for some time, this is just to make things easier and the relationship between the MC and the heroins more solid.

Until now the main plot and story didn't begin but please bear with me until then.

And beside the next scene, we all know where this is all going to. After all they reunited after so many years.

Thank you for your great support my fellow readers.