
The beginning of the second part of the training.

The carriage arrived at the castle, and the three people inside it disembarked. Suddenly, two women appeared, and one of them spoke.

"In my mind, I thought the journey would take longer, but I'm glad you're back earlier than I expected, my love." said a woman of medium stature, with a very attractive appearance at first glance. However, her amber-colored eyes revealed a hint of arrogance. She had long, black hair, and what stood out the most was her subtle smile and her elegant crimson dress.

' The famous duchess, my father's first wife, and Liam's mother,' thought Lucca.

But I told you it would be quick; I would only bring Lucca and Sophie here because I'm going to train my son" replied James as he approached his two wives and greeted them with a kiss.

"How are you, Mia?" he asked the first woman.

"I'm well, my love," Mia replied.

"And you, Jade?" he inquired.

"I'm also well," Jade replied.

Once Jade had finished greeting her husband, she turned to Lucca and Sophie and greeted them.

"Sophie, my friend!

"Hello, Jade!"

"Hello, Lucca! In less than ten years, you'll probably catch up to your brother, Sebastian, in height. You're growing so fast!" Jade said with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Jade, how are you?" asked Lucca.

Jade was a woman with long, chestnut hair and brown eyes. Her skin was flawless and tan. She wore a simple and practical outfit, a lightweight cotton dress and a jacket that appeared to be made of leather.

' I still wonder how that snake came from such a friendly person,' thought Lucca.

Before Jade could continue, Mia interrupted the conversation, speaking aloud.

"James, we need to get Liam out of the frontlines!" she said, visibly irritated.

"Why?" James responded, looking confused.

"Because it's been a year since the orcs haven't invaded, and you know what that means, right?" Mia explained.

"Yes, I know. It looks like my son will experience his first battle soon!" James replied with a laugh.

Lucca couldn't help but join in his father's laughter.

Mia noticed Lucca's laughter and shot him an irritated side-glance, then turned her gaze to her husband, saying, "As usual, you find everything a joke!"

"Don't worry about that. Enough of this talk; I need to eat! We can discuss this later," James said.

The following day, in the castle's hallway, father and son walked side by side.

"Where are we going?" Lucca asked.

"We're heading to the Duke's training grounds. You'll be training with kids two years older than you. Think you can handle it?" James replied.

"It depends. How long have they been training with aura?"

"Aha! You think you'll start training with aura already? It's not


"It doesn't work that way. First, we're going to work on improving your physique and learning to endure pain when getting hit."

"What do you mean by 'handle being hit'?"

"Haha, you'll be sparring against 11-year-olds with no weapons, just hands and legs!"

"Why are we doing that? If we can't increase our stats, wouldn't it be better to spend that time training aura?"

Nine years ago, I used to think the same way! But after I tested this training method, the pass rates in the academy's test more than doubled!"

"What do you mean by 'test'? Do I have to take a test?"

"Haha, of course not. You're a Duke's son, so you don't need to take it!"

As soon as James stopped speaking, they arrived at the training ground. Upon arrival, Lucca saw more than 500 people there and thought, 'Okay, I'm at home. Basically, I'll be boxing, I've had a few boxing classes!'

"Dad, can I go in there without you introducing me?"

"Why do you want to do that?"

"To avoid being recognized as the Duke's son. I want to fight, not use my status to make the fight easier."

Haha, okay, go in without drawing attention. But your instructors, they know who you are, you know that, right?"

"I'm glad because they are likely to hate me for being the son of a peasant woman and for having been born as the Duke's child just because my mother managed to seduce the Duke!"

"You don't even know them, so why do you think that way?"

"You were the one who told me that nobles would never respect me, and if they are instructors, at least 3 of the 2 are noble-born!"

"Ahah, maybe you'll be surprised then! But go ahead and infiltrate!"

"Okay, Dad!" Right after that, he entered the training ground and started sparring.

"Where did you come from? Attacking someone from behind is cowardice!" said the person who took a punch to the mouth from Lucca, looking irritated.

"I apologize, but I just wanted to introduce myself! You seemed all relaxed, and I thought you were asleep."

"You messed with the wrong guy, pretty boy! But I've never seen you around here?"

"Like I said, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm new, just arrived."

"You're two weeks late!"

"Yeah, I wanted to be a mage, but I got the sad news that I don't have the talent for it, so the only thing left for me was to become a knight!"

"Oh, so you're sad that you couldn't achieve your dream of becoming a mage. Don't worry, I'm going to shatter your dream of becoming a knight, too!" As soon as he finished speaking, he punched Lucca in the face, and the fight between the two began.

Outside the fighting arena, the instructors were observing the ongoing fight in the arena. Then James appeared, and one of the instructors said, "Your Grace, it's an honor to have you here."

As one of the instructors said that, the other three chimed in, "Greetings, Excellency."

"Make yourselves at ease!" James said.

One of the instructors asked, "Why is the Grand Duke here?"

"I didn't inform you that my son would be participating in this training?"

"no," they all replied.

"I actually forgot to inform you, haha, but my son just entered the arena."

The instructors were surprised by the news, but one of them said, "Isn't Lucca only 9 years old? Isn't he too young to start training?"

James didn't even have time to respond, and one of the instructors said, "What do you mean too young? I heard that Liam started training when he was only 3 years old!"

Now that you mention it, Liam did start around that age, ahah! But to answer your question, I agree with you, but his mother wanted him to start training at the age of 4!

The instructor who had asked the question spoke again, "I heard from some people that his mother was quite famous for being a prodigy in a guild that is now in the top 3 guilds. Is that true?"

That's right. She had a nickname that I quite liked, but I've forgotten it, hahah. I only remember that I liked the nickname, hahaha! Well, I just came to inform you that my son has entered the arena, so you should protect him in case anything happens. Are we understood? After he finished speaking, he released his aura over the instructors, causing all but one to kneel. James then left.

After a minute or two, providing a good opportunity to speak without being overheard, the instructor commented on Liam, "Now I have to protect a peasant. Hahah, I'm going to make his life a living hell for him to understand his place!"

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