
The situation

"But… the solution to that problem is simple. After all, you just have to become stronger," the torso spoke for the Beast Lord.

If Arza could see the World Sprite, he would be able to see that the previously simple and broken-doll-like figure was becoming more and more featured, with the rugged face of a man slowly growing out of the half-head which only possessed a mouth and a toned upper body coming into life under the neck.

But obviously, the boy was too focused on the changes that were happening inside his body. The pink snakes had turned to small pink strands after they entered his body, replacing his muscles and sinews with tissues that birthed pure Life energy.

Although they didn't go as far as to replace his blood and bones, Arza could feel that these new muscles were more than sturdy enough to protect the inner parts of his body. It was like he was developing an armor of fortified flesh to protect his organs and bones.

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