
The list

"Can you at least tell me what the effects are?" Sasha asked, increasingly worried of the rolled up piece of paper wrapped in a thin velvety ribbon that Evin' held.

"Okay, the first effect will be the increase of the amount of mana you can work with. I don't quite remember if it does so by increasing the size of your horn, or by increasing its quality… so depending on which, it might hurt a bit," Evin explained simply.

"No! I-I don't really w-wish to increase the size of my horn, thank you," Sasha hurriedly replied, remembering the agonizing pain she suffered during the Horn Ceremony. 

"Wait, wait! I don't think it's going to hurt. Ssatsko went through the same thing and as far as I've noticed, he didn't react at all. So, you should be the same as well," Evin reassured her. 

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