
D- Day

"Ahh.... I can't be late "



With a sandwich in one hand and a banana in another, I ran towards main building for my first lecture along with my best friend Shivam.

"Meera, can you run bit faster?, if we late even for a second we will lose attendance for whole first half"

"I am not very athletic, this is fastest I can run, Idiot"

Only thing in my mind was to reach inside the building to so I won't see Mr. Venkatesh scary face, losing attendance was secondary in my mind. Running rapidly on the staircase, totally breathless, we reached inside the gate just in time.

"7:59:12, .... we made it, Yes!"

"Meera can you wake little earlier from tomorrow, I don't wanna run marathon everyday morning."

"It's your fault you didn't wake me in the morning"

"I live in boys hostel and you live in girls, do you expect me come and wake you up, you lazy ass"

"There is this device called phone"

"Can you check how many times I called you before you picked up"

I grinned in response to this comment.

"Seriously Meera, I feel like I am you mom," Shivam was totally frustrated while commenting this

"I feel the same way too" I smirked in reply

You see my name is Meera, I am first year MBA (Marketing) student and today is first day of my second semester so it's kind of important to present since you get to know you seating arrangement. Classes starts from 8am to 6pm with a break of one and half hours in between even then its quite hectic. After 6pm to 9:30 pm, students are free to do what ever they feel like doing. Though schedule is super hectic , I am living best days of life. You see as I know almost 1/3 of the college, acquaintance with 100 of people, friends with almost 15 of them, close friends with 6 and best friends with 2. My best friends are Shivam and Ankush with whom I share sadness and secrets whereas close friends are people I have fun with.

"Call Ankush and let's go out and have fun" I suggested.

"You are not going with your gang ?" Shivam sarcastically asked.

"They were asking but I dumped them today, I wanted to hangout with you guys" I replied with deadpan face.

"I don't know where classes for finance major will end so I have message Ankush and get his confirmation, btw I am applying for placement cell next year like my sister did"

"Great! but you know that you have manage your studies and placement cell both and you won't have time for me"

"Don't be such a baby, I will always have time for you"