
Drag the Whole Family to their Death

Screaming from one of her many nightmares, Persis' eyes fluttered open. Seeing she was in the dimly lit familiar room she has habited for four days now and not in the forest, she breathed out in relief.

Persis has been feeling more and more depressed since waking up from unconsciousness after the night her family was gored to death. And being cooped up in the room where she has little freedom and not much human contact other than Lydia, the maidservant, and the man who saved her from that night wasn't helping her in the least. He said his name was Luciano Servius. She doesn't know anything about him but she has heard about his family from her father. Who doesn't know Flavius Servius, the noble merchant, in their city?

Persis sat up from the bed where she lay. Her tunic was soaked with perspiration and clung to her body like a second skin. Adjusting her attire, she tried standing up but felt slightly dizzy so she sat back down on the bed. Ever since that night, she hasn't got much appetite for food. Not even the tasty and enticing dishes her host provides for her has helped to improve it one bit.

The nightmares were also getting worse with her dreaming of torn flesh, blood and death. She dreaded sleeping fearing that the moment she closed her eyes, she'll either see the headless body of her father or the ripped limps of her brothers.

She took a look around the room again. It was a simple room but well maintained. There was a single bed with very soft Culcita. The walls were frescoed and the floor was mosaic. On the large windows were soft rose flowered linen curtains that fluttered from the gentle breeze that blew on it. One look will tell that it was a feminine room. Beside the bed was a carved bedside vanity on which sat a small pitcher of water and a silver clay goblet.

Persis shifted closer to the locker and poured herself a cup of water with the goblet. She drank greedily wetting her parched throat.

Reclining back on the bed, Persis contemplated her future. As much as she felt safe being under the care of Flavius Servius son, she knows she can't stay here forever hidden away from the world. She needs to get out and forge her way forward. Yes, she'll forever be grateful to this family which the gods have allowed to look after her in her dire moment, but she can't depend on their goodwill forever. Besides, she knows how much danger she's risking their lives by staying here. If it were to be discovered by that lunatic priestess that they were harbouring her, the whole family would be doomed.

Persis was aware she can't be selfish to drag a whole family to their death just because their son was human enough to reach out to her. She recurred the brief conversation she had with the mistress of the house on their chanced meeting when she couldn't bear staying in the room anymore and went out with Lydia on Luciano's approval for a breather to the peristyle. It had been a quiet night and the household was dead silent which she assumed the family and everyone must have slept. But she was shocked when they happened upon Luciano's mother and her attending maidservant. Of course, she didn't know who she was having not met her before then.

"Lydia!" a feminine voice called sharply immediately they stepped into the enclosed garden, making the maid jump in fright and her to tighten her hold on the thin veil that covered her fair face.

"What are you doing, Lydia? Who asked you to bring this Lady out?" The mistress approached from her place in the dark garden, her maidservant right behind her.

"Mis- Mistress," Lydia greeted with a nervous bow. "Master Luciano gave consent that I take the lady out for fresh air."

"Luciano???" the mistress questioned with a deep frown.

"Greetings my Lady!" Persis greeted with a courtesy realising that this noble lady may be the wife of Flavius Servius, Luciano's mother.

Aquilia spared her only a cursory look then turned to Lydia again.

"You are Flavia's maid in waiting... Shouldn't you be tending my daughter than accompany death across my household? It seemed that you may have confused your duty"

Persis felt a pang of pain shot through her heart at her words. Was she referring to her?

"Pardon me, Mistress. I mean no disregard to my duty. But senior master Flavius and master Luciano told that only I attend to the Lady for discret-"

"As it should be, Lydia." Aquilia cut in. "However, I find it an injustice to have many innocent suffer at the oversight of one, don't you think? she queried Lydia in a tight tone.

Aquilia has always been a soft-spoken woman who regards everyone with respect. However, considering that the situation forced upon them by her son, Luciano, may bring them destruction, she can't help but be firm. All she wanted was this lady far from her home. Is that so much to ask?

Seeing as Lydia couldn't answer, Persis ventured softly, " My Lady, do not hold it against her, please. The one at fault is me. I wanted to have a little bit of fresh air having been in the cubicula for a whi-"

"You shouldn't be here," Aquilia rudely cut into her explanation. Persis flinched at her sudden harsh tone.

"Pardon me if I seem harsh to you. But I am a mother. And I would do anything to keep anything that may bring my family harm away." Pausing to take a calming breath, she went on to say, "I know how strong-willed my son, Luciano, can be. Having helped you this far, he will not be willing to let you go off alone seeing you have no family now."

With a deep sigh, Aquilia stared into Persis soft grey eyes. "You must know that you being here will bring death to my family. Your presence alone signifies death" Clasping her hands together in plea, "If you feel even a little amount of gratitude for our help so far, you would do the right thing... Leave us. Go far away and never look back.

She walked away with her maid after that leaving Persis frozen in her place with warm tears shimmering in her soft grey eyes whilst Lydia cast apologetic glance at her.

It was a wake-up call. Now she realises that she was totally alone and may have to fight for her future alone too. The earlier she leaves this place, the better for this family and her too. Tomorrow morning, before sunrise, she will leave.


The housekeeper met Luciana at the back entrance to the Domus. Beads of sweat have formed a thin line on his forehead as the sun has been fierce by the time he left the fora with his purchases. After he left the cloth shop, he has used the opportunity to go round checking on some of his father's properties and investments as he had requested of him since the consul has a meeting that required his father's presence.

Thaddeus, the housekeeper, collected the bags of purchases from the carriage before the carriageman went to park it in the shed and tend the tired horses. Following Luciano to the atrium, he kept the purchases aside and helped him out of his outer garment which was slightly stained with the reddish-brown dust from the type of soil that covers the land of Lucca.

"Would you like a drink, Master?" he inquired of Luciano. He folded the dusty outer garment and laid it over his left arm.

"Very much so, Thaddeus. The sun has been merciless today." He reclined on one of the couches wiping his brow with his bandanna as the housekeeper walked away.

Thaddeus reentered carrying a pitcher of freshly pressed grape juice harvested from Flavius vineyard and chilled from the native clay pots planted deep in the soil to keep it cool. There was also some dainty delights to snack on along with the juice on the serving tray.

A male slave followed closely behind Thaddeus with a little basin, another pitcher containing water and a foot towel. The slave went directly to Luciano and knelt at his feet. Unbuckling his footwear, he washed Luciano's foot one after the other. Luciano sighed in content as the slave poured the soothing water from the pitcher on his feet, washing and gently massaging them. It didn't take long for the clean water to turn dirty brown. Luciano took a sip of the wine that the housekeeper had poured for him.

"Hmmm," he hummed with his eyes close, relishing the taste. "This taste so refreshing."

"Yes, Master Luciano. The vineyard labourers picked those overnight and have it pressed this morning," Thaddeus beamed as he became chatty instantly.

There were about 12 Servants and slaves in Flavius Servius household. And all of them have been personally handpicked by Flavius Servius for his household being gifted at judging one's temperament well enough. All seems to be loyal, however, it is always to be expected that in the midst of many good eggs, one or two may turn out bad.

Whilst Luciano sipped his wine and chatted with the housekeeper, Lydia walked in.

"Master Luciano," she curtsied shyly.

"Lydia, is all well?" Luciano's brow furrowed in worry.

"Ah - Yes," she stuttered as she smiled warmly at Luciano, a tint of red on her cheeks.

"Lady Persis request to speak to you."

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