
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 - Accident

On one road leading to the back gate of the late Maria's dormitory, a woman who looks like a youth is seen sneaking up to the gate while her two beautiful beads look around.

The woman is Keily, Maria's daughter, who is 20 years old. The face of the lady is very beautiful with skin as white as pearls. Unfortunately, since birth, raised in the cottage area, Sinta was not allowed out. Then so that she would not be lonely, Maria's assistant built several huts, then placed several orphaned women her age.

Keily feels bored because she is only in the hut area every day, then only hears stories about the outside world from Baba, Rika, doctor Alex, and Dena. Her only friends were orphaned girls who lived in huts within the area.

The girl tried many times to get out of the beautiful cage but was always caught by Sinta, making her punished by being locked up in the hut for some time.

Keily is now in front of the gate, where there are no guards because Baba has arranged for the escape attempt, then takes out the golden plaque which for the umpteenth time he manages to steal from Sinta with her trickery. She immediately directed the surface of the plaque which was engraved with a golden lotus flower, while her mouth chanted an incantation to unlock the gate.

But before the incantation had finished, a whip flew from behind and hit the hand holding the plaque.

"Ah!!" she heard a cry of surprise, then saw the placard flying in the air as a result of being released from her hands, she quickly threw her body towards the placard, but Sinta's hand hit one of her shoulders, making her bounce backward, landing on the cornblock. "Aunt Sinta!" she screamed annoyed to see Sinta holding the placard, where her aunt was standing in front of the gate. Then the aunt's other hand held the whip.

She quickly stood up, got into his stance,

"Okay!" she said, "Today Kei beat aunt with one move, so that aunt would give the plaque to Kei like aunt promised."

"With pleasure, if Kei can beat aunt, then aunt will permit for Kei to leave the area made by Mrs. Maria." Said Sinta calmly.

"Get ready, auntie!" cried Keily loudly, then ran quickly towards Sinta, not long after her empty-handed stance was launched at her aunt.

But the aunt's kung fu ability is one level below Maria, so she easily beats Keily. The girl slid down on the grass next to the corn block road.

"Ha eh, this kid!" Sinta's sigh stroked her chest, "Already, 20 years old, but there is no progress, neither kung fu nor medicine."

Keily heard this and immediately jumped up and approached her aunt with a sullen face.

"Auntie, how will Kei make progress, if I am always in this cage?"

"Do you know that there are lots of dangers and tricks out there, so if you want to go out too, you have to equip yourself with lots of mature abilities."

"Hayah aunt, Kei is already big. Then all this time I have been able to overcome danger and deception."

Sinta became exasperated hearing this, smacked the girl's forehead,

"What dangers are there, hmm?"

"The danger of avoiding aunt's scolding, and aunt Rika's."

Tuing, Sinta became exasperated again, then tweaked Keily's ear,

"If you think, aunt is dangerous, why until now you can't handle aunt, hmm?" looked at this foster child who is ridiculous, innocent, the result of being locked in a golden cage made by Maria.

"Because aunt is too powerful."

"Enough!" shouted Sinta getting more and more excited, "Let's go back to your hut, then practice your kung fu." she brought the lady where the lady's ear was still in her finger.

"Ah!" screamed Keily in pain, "Hey Auntie, can you walk slowly? It hurts Kei's ear."

"Whatever! You are always naughty!"


At a factory owned by the Collins Company in Bogor, it was seen that the workers were holding a demonstration in which they asked the company to investigate the death of Sumarno, the head of the workers, who approached Marsud, the managing director of the factory, to convey their wishes regarding the cancellation of their work contracts, which did not receive holiday allowances and 2x yearly bonus.

Workers only receive a basic salary, health benefits, and a bonus once a year. This is not commensurate with the high cost of daily living. Then Marsud brought Sumarno to Jakarta to meet Simon HRD, director of the Jakarta branch of the Collins Company, but never returned to the factory located in Bogor.

It wasn't long before the news was heard from his wife, Sumarno was found lifeless floating on the surface of the river, where the police said the man had committed suicide because he failed to fight for the workers' wishes. This statement certainly doesn't make sense because according to rumors, Issac Collins, the owner and president of the company, is known for being cold-hearted with hot coals, where if anyone violates all the rules he makes, he will be sent to the eternal realm.

The workers also demanded that the company investigate the death, then asked that their wishes regarding benefits and bonuses be fulfilled, or if not they agreed to burn down the factory.

However, Issac's delegation had not yet arrived to meet the workers so they started doing some vandalism, causing clashes with the police and factory guards.

Meanwhile in Jakarta, Ethan, Issac's son from Laura, raced his Mercy Jeep quickly to the location, because he was first deputy at the central Collins Company, staying in the capital to manage Cakra Hospital which was released by his father's cousin Theodore since Maria's death. The uncle also focused on managing his own company, no longer related to Issac and his family.

Laura, Ethan's mother, becomes extremely worried because her son is determined to go alone to deal with the riots at the factory. Even though she knew her son always succeeded in quelling the riots that often occurred in the Collins Company business units. However, Ethan is being pursued by her to become the president of the company, so his safety must be taken care of.

She is currently in his husband's office at the Collins Company Jakarta. With them were Samuel, the man's eldest son from his late concubine, Samuel's assistant Manuel, and Herbert, the billionaire's assistant.

"Pa!" a woman's voice rebuked Issac who looked calm, because riots like that happened often, it wasn't a serious problem for the man. "Why don't you just calm down? Papa doesn't love Ethan, huh?" sprayed her husband with a worried and annoyed face.

Issac only sighed when he heard this because, after decades of living with Laura, there was no longer any sense of love. After all, he felt that his wife was ambitious and then very jealous. He is a man who easily falls in love, wanting to have a wife more than Laura. What power, Laura left two of his concubines, one of whom was Maria.

Then his wife earned him the title of a cold-hearted man with ruthless hands because anyone who goes against him must have been sent by his wife to the realm of the immortals or handicapped and could not prosecute them through law.

"And you!" The woman's voice was heard again, who had a slim body with a youthful face, pointing at Samuel who was sitting on the single sofa on Issac's right side, "As the eldest brother, what do you do?" her stepson scolded him, "You know Ethan is reckless, why not stop him, or accompany him?" she added looking annoyed at her stepson, "Or did you do all that on purpose? To become president of the Collins Company someday?"

"Enough, Ma!" Issac's voice stopped his wife's grumbling, "Papa is still alive, you keep talking about Papa's future replacement at the Collins Company. Do you want Papa to die soon?" looked at the wife who looked sour at the sound of his rebuke.

"That's not what I mean, Pa," Laura tried to defend herself, "Of course I want you to live long so that one day They can have Ethan's children, as well as Sam."

"Grandson you say? The two children have not had a girlfriend until now. They were busy helping Papa at the Collins Company because Theodore broke away from papa."

"Papa, instead of Ethan there is Santana, surely give us grandchildren soon."

"How did Ethan like your nephew, Santana, hmm?" Issac spoke with an irritated look on his face, "Another thing, all the riots in the factory started with you, right?" he added, looking at his wife sharply.

Laura gasped in surprise at this, "What does papa mean?"

"You ordered people to kill Sumarno after Ethan gave the decision to comply with the workers' demands that were voiced by Sumarno?"

The workers' wishes had been received by Ethan from Simon, so the doctor complied with this, and he immediately discussed it with Issac. Sumarno also felt relieved, but on his way home, he was intercepted by a group of people, then he was fed a small glass of poison, not long after the man's life went to the afterlife, where after that he was thrown into the river.

The mastermind who did it was Laura, because the woman received a report about the labor case from Sungkar the devil's hand that killed Winata, that Ethan fulfilled the workers' wish. Laura became furious because she felt that the workers did not know themselves, that they were well paid at the Indonesian age, were given one annual bonus and health benefits, and still demanded more. So she was asked by Sungkar to send people to kill Sumarno, as well as coordinate with the police to say that the death of the head of labor was purely a suicide.

Issac found out about all of this from Herbert, who was asked by Ethan to supervise Sumarno through the assistant people because the doctor had a feeling that Sumarno would be in trouble for voicing the wishes of the workers. Therefore the second young master immediately went to the factory to deal with the bad effects of Sumarno's death.

"Papa, don't accuse indiscriminately." Laura's voice sounded, "Mama just asked people to give a warning to Sumarno so that the workers must know themselves. We have given what should be given to workers, why ask for more than that with the reason that the necessities of life are getting more expensive and so on?" she said explaining to cover up her stripes, "Do the workers think they are the only ones working for us? There are so many workers working in all the factories, oil mines, and others that we have. Everyone gets a decent wage."

Samuel sighed, regretting that in the past he had followed Laura, leaving Sarah his mother, whom Issac had never legally married. At that time, Laura had just given birth to Ethan and was also trying to get rid of Maria, another woman Issac wanted to marry.

Although Laura recognizes him as Issac's eldest son, his position remains under Ethan. The stepmother also tried in such a way that Ethan would later become president. While Issac is a man who is fair to his two sons. When they grew up and were judged capable, they were made deputies in the Collins Company. Then because Ethan is an internist specialist, he is given an additional task, namely managing Cakra Hospital.

"Sam!" the voice of the billionaire calling for his eldest son was heard again, in which his face looked reluctant to continue arguing with his wife about Sumarno's death, "You are after your younger brother. Bring some of our soldiers to help your brother. Papa knows he must have mobilized his people to help him there, but your mother is overly concerned about it."

"Fine Pa, Sam do the job." Samuel stood up, kissed the right hand of his parents alternately, then left the room with Manuel.

"Papa has always relied on him." Laura's annoyance sounded again, "Remember Pa, even though Sam is of your flesh and blood, he was stillborn from a concubine, not a legal wife like Mama. Papa continues to rely on him, how is Ethan your legitimate son?"

Issac hearing this sighed, "Whatever you say." He said standing up, then left the room followed by Herbert, "Maria, why did you leave me for Theodore? I promised to marry you, to make you the principal mistress of the Collins family?" he said slowly remembering the late Maria, the woman he loved so much more than his love for Laura and Sarah.


On the highway not far from the dormitory area, Ethan can be seen driving his car nimbly where his eyes look alert because he is being chased by a group of people on tril motorbikes armed with firearms. This man had been awaited by those people at the end of the highway that led to the factory that passed through Maria's dormitory area.

It was his fault he didn't instruct his people to wait for him at the factory. Nor did he bring his assistant Gandy, Sunil, and Dakar his two loyal aides. Now he only relies on himself who has as good kung fu skills as Issac and Theodore.

Now it seems that a tricycle motorbike has managed to keep up with the speed of the car, then the passenger behind spews several lead bullets from the firearm in his hand at Ethan. The bullet quickly penetrated the car window.

This man nimbly lay half his body back, letting the bullets go through another glass and disappear outside the car. Both of his hands quickly turned the steering wheel towards the motorbike so that it hit the engined iron horse it bounced off the highway.

Not long after his cellphone which was installed above the television LED screen on the dashboard, a video call automatically entered.

"Ethan!" Samuel's voice was heard, by his brother, who was speeding the jeep, "Where are you now?"

"Kilometer 4 of the south hill highway towards the factory, Sam!" Ethan replied, laying back half of his body, dodging the bullets spewed by other motorbike drivers, "Does Papa tell you to come after me?" asked the older brother, feeling sent by their father to follow him.

"I'll help you right away!" heard the voice of the older brother who saw the younger brother faced with the danger of death. He increased the speed of his jeep to get to the location that his sister said. His face looked very worried, his heart was full of prayer, but,

"Ethan!" he screamed because, from the screen of his tablet, he saw his younger brother hit by two bullets, making his younger brother lose concentration so the car's speed slowed down, "My God!" he screamed frantically immediately increasing the speed of his jeep, "Ethan!" his screams were heard again because he felt the younger brother's car deviate from the highway, then drove off on its own because his younger brother fell limply on the steering wheel.

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