
Chapter 8 Tracking

That earring was a gift from Master Zhao to me, six months into our relationship, when he bid on it at an auction.

The three-carat emerald started with a seven-figure opening bid, Master Zhao said it matched my temperament perfectly, and he didn't even blink before snapping it up.

At the time, quite a few people in the circle were green with envy, but it was Sister Shu, who introduced me to this line of work, who spotted something off with a single glance.

She had someone check it for me, and that's when we discovered a micro tracker hidden inside one of the earrings.

These old foxes who've clawed their way through the business and political arenas, without a bit of cunning they'd have been played for fools a long time ago, the grass on their graves would be long and lush; naturally, even people close to them would take precautions.

Since then, I always wore the earrings, but I never breathed a word about the tracker to Master Zhao, just pretending I didn't know.

But I never expected that at the very moment Master Zhao started to suspect me, that man took the very earring with the tracker on the right!

And now, going up to ask for it back would be tantamount to announcing to Zhao Mengxi that something was up between us two.

I was in a state of utter panic, yet all I could do was watch as they went upstairs.

I didn't know if Master Zhao checked my movements every day, but I didn't dare to gamble on it, and couldn't afford to lose. If I did, I'd be done for, with no redemption.

Master Zhao was sleeping deeply, but I tossed and turned all night long. With me beside him, he naturally wouldn't check on me, but once he left tomorrow, if he looked, I'd be exposed instantly.

So I had to get the item back the moment Master Zhao left.

Master Zhao usually left at ten, fearing I'd sleep through, I set the alarm for half-past nine. I don't work, so getting up too early would raise suspicion.

But what I didn't expect was to jump out of bed the moment the alarm went off the next day, only to see that the bed was already empty.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly changed and ran downstairs.

Aunt Wu was tidying up the dishes at the dining table. She looked at me, surprised, and asked why I got up so early today, if I wanted breakfast?

As soon as she turned to prepare it for me, I called out to stop her, asking if Master Zhao had left.

Aunt Wu glanced at the clock in the corner and told me he had been gone for quite a while.

My heart tightened suddenly, and I immediately followed up with another question, "And what about that man?"

Aunt Wu paused for a second, it took her a couple of seconds to seem to catch on.

"You mean Miss's fiancé?" Aunt Wu pointed outside, "He came back for a moment, said he forgot something, just left not even a minute ago."

My heart leaped, and without even bothering to change my shoes, I chased after him.

Yet I was still one step too late, arriving at the door only to see a gray sports car zip past me.

Luckily there was a taxi right behind it. I hurriedly flagged it down and yanked the door open.

The driver, startled by my abrupt entrance, wasn't pleased and was about to lash out, but then he heard the sound of me swiping two thousand yuan over the QR code, his expression instantly changed, and he quickly asked with a smile where I wanted to go.

I pointed to the car in front, "See that gray car? Follow it! All this money is yours."

"Alright, you've got it. I'll make sure we catch up today."

The driver sat up straight, floored the gas pedal, and took off in hot pursuit.

Money talks, I've always abided by that truth. Two thousand yuan could take you around a whole province, the driver was hell-bent on keeping up, managing to keep the gray car's tail lights in sight even as it nearly disappeared several times, darting down alleys to maintain the chase.

We followed them all the way to a tall building in the city center, where Cheng Yu's car finally stopped.

I was just about to rush out of the taxi when my gaze fell on a black Bentley across the street, and my hand on the car door hesitated.

The next second, I saw Cheng Yu get out and head towards the Bentley.

The Bentley's window rolled down, revealing Master Zhao's profile as he handed over a document. We weren't too far away, so by reading his lips, it seemed like he was giving some instructions.

Suddenly, Master Zhao glanced at his phone, his expression changed, and then I saw his lips pause, his gaze sharply scanning the surroundings outside the window.

A bad hunch washed over me, I quickly pulled my head back inside, waving and shouting at the driver, "Drive! Go that way, fast!"

The driver was confused by my actions, "Aren't we chasing that car anymore?"

"No, take me to the mall up front!"

He looked puzzled but started the car regardless.

I urged him to hurry, afraid that Master Zhao would catch onto us any second.

But just as we were driving away, the car stopped. The driver looked out to check the traffic and informed me it was a holiday, the business district up front had a long line of traffic, and we wouldn't be able to overtake it.

Anxious, I was about to suggest to the driver to bypass the law and drive on the sidewalk when my phone in my pocket suddenly vibrated.

I took it out, only to see Master Zhao's name flashing on the screen incessantly—