

How's the story goes, Great Right? Of Course its great, I just read it before I 'Exercise' HAHAHAHA

'Shut Up Author!!!'


'That Feels Great' When I'm Done With 'Exercise' My Body Feels Tired When I Look At The Clock 03.22AM

'Da*mn, I Broke My Last Record!! *HOOAMMM* Time to Sleep.'

I Walk To My Bed Preparing to Sleep When Suddenly, I Feel Dizzy, My Head Feels Heavy

Suddenly Strange Sized Pentagram With 7 SQ (square meters) Appear Beneath My Feet

'WTF, Did Some Alien Try To Abduct Me? Shit, I Need To Ask Help' I Panicked And Try To Shout But Nothing Came Out

Until Strange Light Blinded My Vision And I Lose my Consciousness

Meanwhile, In An Unknown World Above The Sky, 2 Figure Stand and Walk Above The Sky While Talking to Each other.

? Looking Doubtful "Shiva, Is it really her son? he didn't resemblant 15% of her"

Shiva Panicked "I don't know Shivi, Maybe we got the wrong person?"

Shivi Asked "What should we do, Shiva? I Don't want this ugly to serve us, should we just throw him out?"

Before Shiva Could Answer She Saw Him Opening his eyes

Visora "Urggg, my head hurt, where am I?" Looking left and right I saw 2 Beautiful young ladies standing side-by-side.

I try to stand but no strength on my body, I choose to observe both of them while they both do the same.

The one in the left looks like 20 years old lady

She's very pretty with Short Red-Dyed Hair tied in a bun which extends to Her neck,

With Round Shape eyes with red color and a slightly arched eyebrow, You can't move your eyes from her pink lips that she lick occasionally.

When you take a look at her small B-cup chest you can see her nipple pressed against her blue dress with a lengthy-sized above her thigh.

When a wind pass, Her dress will sway and occasionally reveal her red shaped triangle panties

The other girl looks similar to her only her hair, eyes, and her panties are Blue colored, while her dress is red

They both look Fuc*king sexy

When I look at them my di*ck get a boner.

I try to visualize them get ravaged by my di*ck, And Hearing them Moan Like Crazy I didn't aware that Fluid came from my groin

When I get the Jolt Sensation I finally awake, I Feel like crying

Thinking That I'm cumming just because visualize them. My face Suddenly turn extremely red 'Da*mn this is so embarrassing'

When they both look at his groin that stained with white liquid they grew extremely mad

Visora "*Sigh*Dont Get me wrong okay? I Peed myself It's Not What You-"

Before I can finish my sentence and try to find an excuse, They Roared at me and step at my 'brother'

*BANG* The sound of my 'brother' defeat echoing throughout the skies.



I scream really loud to cease my pain when suddenly the pain is gone and alter to pleasure

I try harder to Lift my head and see what happen to my little brother, there is a blood flow from my pants it didn't take Long before I passed out ( Da*mn, bye brother )

It Didn't stop here, Shiva Pull out Black Colored Katana, She's going to cut, destroy and kill bast*ard. She'd lifts her katana high and aimed toward his pants ready to Stab this bast*ard with her sword when suddenly her sister stopped her.

Shiva "What are you doing Shivi? Let me kill this pig!!"

Shivi "Relax Sister, I have a better idea to make him suffer painful memories that worse than death, kukukukuku"

Smut incoming In 2-3 Chapter

Mavisucreators' thoughts
Next chapter