
Worth it

While the eyes full of admiration did make it a little easy for Sora to bear with the pain, the real painkiller didn't arrive until he was back inside the room.

If how gently Mai treated his body wasn't good enough, it felt even better after she helped him onto the bed and hastily searched for a first aid box.

After tying a crape bandage around his leg, and then using a cotton with some disinfectant to wipe his bleeding finger, an almost close to crying Mai was using an ice pack to help subdue the bruise near his eye.

"You idiot! What is wrong with you?"

"Me? I didn't want anyone other than me to see you in your swimsuit."

Not in a mood to laugh, Mei held back her desire to punch him in the chest back and said, "This is not funny Sora. Look at how much you've gotten hurt! It must be so painful!"

Forcing a smile, Sora said, "Who's hurt? I consider these as marks of honour. See? They don't ever HURT!!!"

Screaming the last word because Mai had deliberately pressed the ice pack a little too hard, Sora felt like she had made the point.

After all, Sora himself felt that he would've lost a tooth if that punch he took was any harder.

At least, there was one thing that Sora felt happy about other than having saved Mai and felt good about it, it was how he wouldn't need to go on those forced educational trips and could instead spend it doing whatever he wanted while Mai would also probably stay back with him.

"Oh my God, Yuki is so going to kill me. This is all because of you stepping up, idiot! I never even asked you to help me!"

"You didn't need to."

"Stop with those stupid lines! This isn't some romantic drama, Sora! You could've really gotten hurt."

Not using any more lines to try and flirt with her, Sora said, "Could you come here?"


Using his one good hand to pull her by the huge robe she wore, Sora managed to bring her onto his stomach after which he asked, "Can I now see your swimsuit?"

Hitting Sora in the chest while not caring about the fact that he was hurt, Mai said, "Please don't tell me you did all of this to just flirt with me."

"That depends."

"On what?"

"Whether you want me to or not."

With a face that was in the middle of crying and smiling, Mai said, "Fine, but only in if you promise to not tell anything about what happened here to Yuki and the others."

"About me seeing you in your swimsuit?"

"The wounds on your body."

Smiling while bearing with the pain, Sora said, "I feel like I'm going to faint if I don't see you in your swimsuit."

"Your lucky your hurt, boy."

Understanding that the fight was definitely worth it, Sora didn't even wait until Mai removed the robe around her, he asked, "Will the same excuse work if I want to see you naked as well?"

Not answering the question, Mai found that the longer she spoke with him the deeper she was falling down the hole of no return.

Luckily, she didn't really mind falling down the hole anymore.

Sora turned out to be more sweet and caring than she expected. Not to mention how he didn't really cross the line too much even after she let him fondle her ass every day on the walk back home.

"I've got a question, Sora. What would you have done if it was your that part which got hurt?"

Not immediately answering, Sora seriously thought about it for a while before saying, "I would've asked you to kiss it to make it better."

Punching Sora in the face and screaming "Pervert", Mai found herself chuckling at that childish joke of his.

"No wonder so many women are sleeping with you. You're not just a handsome face after all."

Pulling the ties sash around her waist, Mai pulled apart the robe-like gown to slowly reveal what it was that she was wearing underneath it.

What she wore looked something like a bikini, but wasn't entirely a bikini either.

There were two pieces of cloth, one covering her breasts and the other covering her pussy. But, they didn't cover those two parts entirely either.

The underwear around her pussy was shaped like an X while revealing the entire skin in the gaps between the fabric.

Luckily, her pussy and ass were covered by the fabric which went through the gap that was there between her two legs.

As for the bikini top, it was like two U shaped same blue coloured fabric which perfectly lined over the area around her nipples and went behind her back while the both sides were connected by two more steps of horizontal fabric.

The space from her nipples to her neck, however, wasn't just shown off. There was another X and two horizontal pieces of cloth on the top and bottom of the x which actually made the bikini look sexier.

"So? How is it? Is this view worth getting beat up for?"

"More worth than you can ever imagine."

Quickly recovering and shaking his head, Sora said, "Just for the record, I didn't get beat up, I beat those three of them for you."

Saying so, Sora stretched his hand to touch Mai's waist when she slapped his hand away with a teasing look.

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