

In the void in which nothing exist something unknown to anyone's knowledge or understanding, creating things form nothing ,awaits the time for the future to tell what its course is going to be.

In deapth of forest Pleiades, lies a small vilavil in which resides a girl by the name of Alice Blackwood. Currently she is in her house fast asleep.

She has pale white skin sliver hair and eyes, which she despises since it made her stand out and always grants her looks of fear for some reason. Suddenly a large bang is heard from outside signaling the start of a new day in the village. At this noise Alice wake up with a start and fell from the bed.

"Owww" she lets out a cry of pain.

Alice can feel pain in the parts of her body on which she landed on i.e. her left shoulder and that side of her head. She looked into a peice of metal she uses as a mirror and spoted a bright red patch on the side of her forehead.

"Dammit" she cursed under her ragged breathe. Even after so many years of woken up like this, she still gets startled by it. After that heads towards the bath house to freshen up and start he every day life.

After being woken up by the bell in usual fashion and a hot bath , Alice got ready to go to central hall for job distribution. In Pleiades jobs were given to every adult every day, every adult have to participate if wish to stay in the village or they would get kicked out. Today Alice got "food gathering" written aganist her name. It is the job she hated most as it requires a lot of stamina , knowledge ,strength and hard work.

After she went dining hall to eat and departed for her job. Even though there were people to grow food in the village, they still relie on forest as their main source of food.

"Only if I can be free from this" she wispered in a low voice .

She always gets this job and knows the reson why, because the way she looks. She always thought if she be a good girl th n everyone would accept her but it was long snice she had given up on this dream. She only lives in the forest to survive in this world.

Thinking of any way to get herself free from this place Alice wandered into the forest. After hours of search, she finally heaved her sack over her shoulder and starts heading toward the village when she heard a faint noise from a nearby clearing in the forest. She thouth it could be a wild beast therefore she takes out her knife that has a short but sharp blade and approaced the clearing.

But to her suprise it was neither a beast nor any other creature but a human boy laying in the grass fast asleep.

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