
Experiment Begin

Note: The Narrative may change quickly. To not stir things up I will explain first. I was thinking of making a manga rather than a novel however you might want to see a child's drawings rather than mine.

Also, I couldn't find artists to draw for me. Therefore, the narrative may be weird.

Year 223 WY, The Western Peninsula. The Seventh Great Forest.

"*Sigh* I finally got out of the forest. Let's see...So the side facing opposite the ocean is the right direction. Letz's go~."

In front of a great, tall Mountain was standing a little guy. He is 18 years old, has black eyes and black hair. He is about 178cm tall. He is wearing plain dark blue shorts and white T-Shirt.

My name is...Uhmm...His name is...

"*Sigh* I still talk to myself. Now let's get going. World 7, here I come~."

My name is Arthur Rose. I am on the journey to become the strongest in all of thein seven worlds.

I was told to visit a place before I begin my adventures. I can not wait to get my gang members.

I promised a certain man to gather the strongest members and become stronger and more notorious than him.

My journey has just started so tag along with me.

The sun was above the horizon obviously it is still morning. I started my journey outside of The Seventh Great Forest for the first time since I was 5 years old.

I forest was extremely dense in most of the parts, however, the viscosity seems to be less on the outskirts.

The Seventh Great Forest lies on the western peninsula of the 'Continent'. It is the largest forest in all of the 7 worlds.

The forest is divided by the Estein Mountain Range, the longest and the largest of the Seventh World, from the main continent.

The forest is filled with mysteries, beasts, herbs, monsters, legends and whatnot.

I lived in the southwestern part of the forest. It took me a whopping 19 days to get outside the forest.

I went along the thin path leading outside the forest's perimeter. The path appeared worn out by various animals.

As I was just wondering what could I hunt down for food, I heard a scream...


The screaming suggested the screamer to be a man. I rushed to the source of the screaming.

I cut down the trees before me to clear the path. I have a sword by the way.

Just when I reached the spot, a group of bandits were beating up a young man almost completely identical to me. He had white hair and blue eyes.

'So beautiful!' is what I thought.

I was mesmerized by the hair and the eyes nothing else. Do not take it out of the context!

There were 8 bandits in total. Just a few weak bastards acting tough. One of them was holding his hands.

His right hand was bleeding. He must have been the one that screamed.

The beaten-up young man was getting kicked, punched and hit with a bat. The fat, bald old man who was bleeding started shouting,

"You damn brat! How dare you hurt me! Do you know who I am? Huh?!"

"Your breath stinks. Get away from my face. You must be good for nothing bandit who works under the royalty.

Hmm...maybe even the guild is supporting you. From the looks of it, you must be a slave trader."

"Y-You insolent brat. I am the great leader of the bald head gang y--"

"Pfft....hahahahaha...Bald head gang....that's the best name I have ever heard."

"You bastard...bring me my sword. I will cut this brat's head myself."

I was hiding in the bushes nearby. I was trying so hard to hold my laugh. All of the bandits were fat and bald. But to call themselves like that is...

"No need to bring the sword. I have changed my mind. I think I will beat you to death. Hold him properly. Every one of you will get your turn. Wait till I am finished."

"But boss...we can fetch a lot of money by selling his organs. Why kill him?"

"Don't you understand? We will use this brat's corpse as bait to kill large beasts. We can earn way more like that."

"That's right! As expected of our boss."

"I was just wondering how much of an idiot you are but you must be the most idiotic person I have ever seen."T

"Huh?! What did you say? You wanna die so badly? If yes then fine by me, I will beat you until you can't move.

Then I will chop your body into small pieces alive and feed you to the dogs."

The bald guys started beating the other guy. They beat him until his face was all swollen up. There was something even more amazing and interesting to see.

"*gasp**gasp* How you feeling you brat. I feel good. The anger stored in me for more than a decade is out now, thanks for that.

Now it's about time to finish this. Bring me my sword! Also, bring those hounds we captured."

"Yes, boss."

You must be wondering how can I sit here and see a person getting killed and tortured.

Well, to be honest, I want to kill those bastards. But how can I get in the way of his determination?

"Boss, I got the sword. Here it is."

"Hmm....now now, where should I begin? Should I cut down your limbs or legs first?"

"*smirk* You idiot. You have brought death upon yourself!"

*Dash* In just a few seconds, he got out of the grip of the four other bandits who were holding him down.


"Huh! W-What happened to you four? Where are your hands?!"

"""" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh""""

In that few seconds, he used his brute strength to throw the two holding his hands. Then he grabbed the right hands of the other two.

In less than a second, their hands were ripped off. He jerked up from the ground and cut the other two hands with his nails.

It was impressive to see it. I wanted to make him join my gang. He was what I needed.

"Y-You bastard. How dare you?"

The bald guy took out his sword and swung it blindly.

"Haaaaa.....d-die you, runt. J-Just go away!"

"*smirk* You just made the last mistake of your life.*Grab* Hmmm...this is a really good sword. Thank you for this.

Now let's test it out. Let's see...hmmm...I can't decide. Whatever just come at me at once."

He took the sword before the bald could even react. Four other baldies were remaining.

The other interesting thing to see was the determination and the endurance of this guy.

Anyone can tell that this guy is not ordinary. To be able to withstand over a hundred punches and a hundred kicks is absolutely impressive.

And the fact that the punches could make a hole on the ground adds to his inhumane strength.

"""" Ahhhhhhhhhhh""""

"Y-You four quit whining and come help me."

"H-H-He is g-g-going to ki-ki-ki-kill us. I am going to die. Die! I am? Going to? Die?!"

"I said quit whining! Did you forget what happened to us?! What did they do?! WE MUST GET OUR REVENGE! WE MUST ACHIEVE FREEDOM!


"Oh my! You should have joined the military as a 'morale booster'. Well no matter how much you struggle, I will not hold back.

I also have a goal! A goal to FREEDOM. You have no right to intervene."

The atmosphere was getting really intense. Soon the massacre began. He began killing them.

"*slash**slash**slash* Geez, I thought you would be strong. Such a disappointment."

Jumping around he killed all seven of the underlings. Soon he rendered the bald boss immovable.

"*slash* Now tell me do you have a bounty on your head or not. It's fine if it is only 1000 pebbles."

In just 30 seconds he killed the seven other baldies and then proceeded to cut the boss's leg.

"N-N-No p-pl-please spare me. I still have not taken my revenge. I-I am sorry for what I did.

I do it for money. The nobles pay me money for the organs I sell. I needed money for my revenge."

"Hmmm....then answer me. What is this freedom you speak of? If your answer is reasonable, I might let you live!"

The fear of this guy had made the bald boss piss his pants. The fear was so overwhelming, that he forgot the pain in his legs.

"Long time ago, I used to live peacefully in an independent village near the ocean. We measured up to 200 people in total.

We paid over 100,000 pebbles to the guild for protection from gangs and monsters. But after four years, our village couldn't afford the money to pay.

Every year we paid almost all of the money our village earned. Soon we were left with no food, money, cloth or even seeds for the next harvest.

We begged the guild for mercy but then they put some conditions. They told us to send a few men to be soldiers and a few virgin women every month.

Listening to that my blood boiled. But I couldn't do anything about it."

"Then you should have withdrawn the protection."

"Exactly, we told them that we didn't need their protection. But they refused by putting out the list of soldiers who died protecting our village.

But in reality, not a single person died. The monsters suddenly vanished from the forest. The gangs were also not seen."

"Then what happened. Did you fight?"

"How could I? It would have been a complete one-sided massacre. We, of the Clain Clan, are known for our assassin skills.

In the past, we were paid millions of pebbles for assassinations but since we became independent, we got focused on farming.

Our skills degraded, we became weak and pathetic."

"Hmmm...I can get the feeling. Then is there any other person of your clan left?"

"Yes, my niece is left. She must be in the capital of this Estein Kingdom. There are her sisters and brothers as well."

"Are they strong?"

"Yes, surprisingly such children with the ancient ability of our clan are born once every decade. They were going to be used to regain our power and prestige.

She is very skilled in killing. She can do assassinations silently and quickly without leaving any traces behind.

She is excellent in both long-distance combat and short-distance combat. After we discovered her ability, a ray of hope was seen."

"Then what happened to the protection withdrawal?"

"We were forced to accept the conditions. They set up their base in our village and raped our children every single day.

The women were turned into sluts, and addicted to sex. This continued for years until she was born. We were happy for the first time in the last 6 years.

When the guild found out about her, they tried to threaten to kill her. But since we saw hope after so long we rebelled against the guild."

"Didn't you just say you were no match for them?"

"That is correct. So we made a plan to flee. We made fake corpses using monsters' hide and meat and burned all of our houses.

We were successful to escape. They declared that we were burned alive in the fire and that the Clain clan is extinct.

But there was another trap in the forest waiting for us.

A large Horned snake appeared out of nowhere. Before we could even react it killed most of us.

Only twelve were left. The eight of us and my niece with her brothers and sisters.

We somehow managed to escape with speed.

We took them to the capital and became a rouge bandit group. We killed other people and sold their organs to the nobles for money.

That is all."

"Hmmm....your story was interesting and sad as well, however, you have not answered my question. What is freedom for you?

Is it revenge over the guild for your own incompetence? Or is it your different way to die?"

"All we want is justice. I want to revive the prestige and strength of our clan. I will take revenge for my village."


"In my experience, the so-called 'incarnate of justice' or the guild is using its power for its personal needs.

It is not completely committed to its goal. The Seven Worlds are just resources for it. I want to free at least my homeworld from these selfish assholes."