
Chapter 1

Melbourne was the capital city of Australia, housing most of the population due to its tower, the Oceania Tower. It was the biggest and hardest dungeon out of the seven towers- known as the gates to hell. The massive city of a Melbourne was once at the peak of technological advancement, but the tower broadcast a certain signal that rendered modern technology useless. Guns, iPhones and cars were now no more and the world returned to the dark age. The massive sky scrapers that reached the heavens were demolished to make space for the several hundred thousand houses and stores made for the crawlers (people who explore the towers) of the Oceania' Tower.

Gregory Willson stood before an massive brute that towered over most men. This man stood behind a bench, a variety of swords and shields rested on the shelves behind him. His skin was tanned by the sun, his long arms were bulging with strong muscle that would scare even a high-orc. The brutes face housed several scars and his left eye was covered by an eye cap, his bear was un trimmed and messy. His remaining eye was a deep onyx in colour and looked almost like cheap coal- they stared at each other for several seconds before the brutes patience was ran thin.

"What do you want kid?" It was obvious from his tone that he didn't have time for 'kids'. Gregory snorted, knowing that fifteen was now the legal age to explore the towers- he was basically an adult by social standards. "A short sword- preferably one that can cut through thick hide." The brute frowned, obviously understanding what Gregory wanted to accomplish. A person only needed a sword to kill monsters. The massive man leaned forward, his elbows resting against the bench.

"So, you want to become a crawler, huh?" A crawler's job was to climb one of the seven towers and defeat the countless monsters within. Each crawler is given a metal plate that was infused with strong magic, a status plate if you will. Gregory's own was in his back pocket, having just registered before visiting this brute to get a blade. "Yes. I'll definitely contour the Oceania's Tower."

The brute laughed the second the young man uttered those words, obviously he was amused. After all, no one but Steven Halfwood had cleared a tower and that was fifteen years ago! All Gregory could do was glare daggers at him.

[Gregory had used 'Dagger Glare']




[It wasn't very effective]

The brute didn't stop laughing for several minutes and he had begun to draw attention to himself and the young man- the people in the store turning their heads at the noise. Tears of pure laughter leaked from the brutes eyes and he begun to insult Gregory further. "Hahaha~ With your noodle body, I'll doubt you'll make it past the first floor~Hahaha." Gregory's body was indeed lacking in many aspects. His arms housed no muscles, meaning he wouldn't be able to block any strikes from the countless monsters, he was extremely tall, so he had more mass to hit and lastly, he didn't look like a fighter- in fact, he looked more suited to be a janitor than a crawler.

"Just give me the sword, old man." The young man muttered in frustration, his fist clenched in pure anger. Smiling in amusement, the brute turned to the equipment behind him, grabbing a short sword. The blade was thick and obviously very heavy, there wasn't much of a guard and the hilt was covered in rough leather. It was a cheap sword- no scratch that, it was a very cheap sword. Only useful for beginners and travelling the first three floors- it was unlikely the blade would last that long.

"That'll cost fifty copper." Gregory dug into his left pocket, pulling out a pouch that could carry a large sum of money- unfortunately, it felt very light. He handed the brute fifty copper coins, the coins small, brown in colour and taking the shape of a octagon. He was handed the short sword and the sheath to the young man. Gregory took several minutes of fumbling to attach it to his belt- the brute's amusement was only further at the display.

Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and anger, he walked out of the weapons store. The sun made his skin warm and the streets were busy and above it all was the tower. It was made of an indestructible concrete and only had one entrance. The three metre big hole constantly had human traffic going in and out. Gregory smiled as he lined up, ready to start his legend.