
Reviews of Seven Magics Academy


Seven Magics Academy

RaShelle Workman

  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I think it's a good book. Its even on amazon as a full 10 book series! If the author posts the entire series here on WN, I'll probably spend a few years trying to read the entire thing for free using fast passes.

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Honestly I can't say much about the stability of updates, story development, and world background because in the first 10 chapter you don't really get into the meat and potatoes. BUT what I can tell you is that the author wasn't in the wrong to make the chapters after the first 10 locked because all you need to do is read the first 10 chapters to know, its good or atleast its gonna be. LITERALLY JUST READ THE FIRST 10. trust me.


Haven’t read it yet. But I think the concept is really amazing with a fresh turn of events. I’m so into this kind of magic academy novels. And I really admire this kind of author who’s really hardworking. Good work author-san!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


I haven't read the story yet, but seeing a fellow author weiting 300+ chapters without a single review break my heart. so I'll be the first reviewer.


A long time ago in 2012 I had the idea of Snow White waking from her glass casket and becoming a vampire. These many years later the Seven Magics Academy was born. Filled with the story of not only Snow White but Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel, and more. These fairy tale princesses have been given a new and modern twist. Plus, there are vampires, witches, dragons, gargoyles, and other creatures. I hope you'll enjoy reading the stories and know there is more... so much more. xoxo


Honestly, the beginning was a bit confusing because with the name, Salam academy, I thought it was a school for witches and that our MC was an already practicing witch. But then, the more you read, the more you get immersed and I can say that this is a wonderful story and you just can't stop reading. You did a good work author