
Hades Vs. Melinoe

When the city goes silent. The Underground City turns lively. It's the same as the words, if the city goes to sleep. The gangsters and mafia wake up.

And right now, The Seven Deadly Sins face off with the Raven!

Hades looked at Melinoe from head to foot giving her a despising look.

How could a girl like her defeat. If she's Erin, she could.

The law of the Underworld is the same as the Underground City. Take or be taken. Kill or be killed. It's always the law of the jungle. Namjoon thought.

He looked at Melinoe and said, "I do bad things, girl. And I do it very well." Namjoon said smirking.

Melinoe replied in a smile, "And I swear, I will make you suffer that even your evil mind can imagine. I'll show you that a Princess become a bad bitch. I could tear you apart if I wanted to." Her deep sexy voice landed on Namjoon's group. They knitted their brows altogether when they notice that her voice is very familiar yet at the same not familiar.

It looks likes she was using some kind of device to change her voice.

All of them are sensitive to sounds so when they heard Melinoe's voice, they knew that the Raven's are using voice changer.

Finally the emcee came back. When he saw the heated discussion of the two groups. He immediately climb the stage and clears his throat and spoke blabbering nonsense.

"Alright, folks! Give it up to our favorite Seven Deadly Sins, Hades! Opposite him is the Raven's leader, Melinoe!"

The crowd started cheering. The Raven walked up to their section at the third floor VIP room. While Hades's group are at the second floor.

Hades and Melinoe walked in their designated entrance, opposite from each other.

The heavy gate of the arena open. Actually, the arena looks like an army base. For the crowd to see us inside, they attached cameras everywhere. They also released high-tech drones to see our expression and get an intense reaction on the crowd, releasing a cinematic flow in the TV screens.

Well, both Hades and Melinoe are just an object in the entertainment of the gangster world.

All these people only wanted a show.

The life and death of a person is common here.

Playing their lives is normal. Killing isn't scary. However, you need some guts and high conscience to live your life freely.

Hades and Melinoe both look at each others eyes before their eyes landed on the table at the center of the arena.

The sound of cannon sounded indicating the start of the fight.

At the same time, the two contenders ran towards the table full of different weapons.

Hades only have one thought, 'If Melinoe grabbed a weapon, he will too. If she throws a punch, he will too. And if she will throw a kick, he will followed suit. But if she dared to leaked killing intent, he will kill her first.

However, Melinoe did not take a weapon. Instead, he kicked the table the first time she arrives at the center of the arena, sending the weapons fly in Hades directions.

Hades is surprised but then dodges. His footwork fast and nimble. While dodging, he actually grabbed some daggers in the air at the same time.

He threw it at her and Melinoe tilted her head to avoid it.

Hades arrived like a shadow and sent a punch towards his opponent. She blocked it and her watch release a think smoke causing Hades eyes to sting.

"Arghh!" Hades took back a several steps and rubbed his eyes.

He stared at Melinoe and saw her figure going two.

"Fuck!" He curse. His eyes stinging in pain. Hades tried to wipe the tears that slip out in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Melinoe just stands there watching Hades writhing in pain. 1 minute later, shurekins suddenly appeared at the spaces of her fingers.

I'll explain in the future chapters why Seven Deadly Sins are the boy's gang name. :D I'm sure you had read what their tattoo's right? That's one of the sign.

So, I've been thinking about the fighting scenes but I can't think of anything! My head is hurting hahaha,

Ps. Sorry guys, I can't do regular updates. I already have a tight schedule in real life. I'm so stress XD

Hades is Namjoon's code name. And Melinoe isβ€”I think you already have an idea who she is. XD

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