Serving 💅
Chapter 1🖋️
Her being a dark romance girlie and an authentic writer of it with high standards lives in a cozy vintage house of hers, while finishing the sexy end of the story for her new book she got a notification,
"Hey! Era any plan for Christmas night? If not let's hang out at the newly opened mall in your town! I have heard it has such a asthetic vibe"
"Okay Aish I am in!"
Lets see what am I wearing today...
Ummm... Should we go with something sexy or something hot, let's go with something which have thrust
Wored a mini skirt in which my thick smooth thighs are resting, a sweter and a thick long coat as winter in wintering..with boots.
While exploring the mall i discovered a book store there which I think aish was trying hard to hide so that I can't notice it as I also know if I entered a book store I will never be able to get out from there, even if I want to.
I entered in the store and found the section of the books which I have written, I was not shocked but proud, and yes I don't sell my books from my own name, i use the name 'Ava hyun' as the author for the books, no special reason for me to use that name.
"Era!!!! Not today, we came to the mall to have fun not to look at the books please let's go na!!"
"Ahh! Fine just let me look at one of my books give me just a few mins"
"Just this once"
Let me find the new book which I released about 2 months ago..
"Found it"
Such a heavy voice who could it be
I turned around
"That was the book I was looking for"
"Ohh! Sad but I found it first, I think it's the last one but you still could have some luck to find.."
"Do you like the books written by this author"
"No, I am buying it for my friend who loves to read romantic novels"
"How could you think it's an normal romantic novel"
"What do you mean miss?"
"What's the age of the person you are buying it for?"
"First of all it's Clearly written it is for 20 years and above and secondly why a seventeen year old girl is your friend?"
"Oh sorry for not looking carefully and it's none of your buisness"
"Knowing how a seventeen year old is my friend"
"Hey mister I am just being a nice citizen and asking for the safety of a minor, from your looks you are definitely above 25"
What makes me think his voice is attractive he is just an rude brat
"Miss I am above 30 and you should stop, stopping someone mid sentence"
"When did I even did that?"
"Hey!! Era...whose this broad shoulder man you are generating heat with"
As if I am generating the heat of anger right now
"Shut up already, we are arguing"
"Am I coming in between in your special argument"
"No let's just go I can't stand here anymore"
"But wh..?"
How could a rude jerk like him could have such a heavy, sweet voice
"What are you thinking?"
"Nothing, feels like I should go home I also want to complete the ending for the book"
"Okay let's meet afterward"
"Sure girl!"
She sure was beautiful but you can't judge anyone's character just because he was buying a romantic book for a teenager who is my niece...