1 ««-------- ≪ °◇◆◇° ≫ --------»»

I was walking down the road. The silence filled my ears like headphones. It was quite cold, even more as I was wearing what people would say 'implying' a need. A need for what? As I have always said, I need people as much as I need soda. I don't. I slowly approach my house, The place where all dreams go to rot. I walk in and the smell of alcohol and hatred burns my nose. Why must they treat their abode like a place for the dead? To them I am their child, The very one who picks up after them. Mother, you've passed out again. Well, how was work today? Did they point out all of my failures? yes, I know I'm not the best daughter you could have but I am the only one around. I have been stripped to my very bone of weariness. I haven't been eating lately, Momma. I have been feeding off of the making sure everybody is okay? 'Am I?'.. I have been trying to fix it but they refuse to notice the pressure that I inflict upon myself. Oh well, I got up to drape a cover of your body while hearing your soft breaths. This reminds me of laying on your chest after school because the noise caused me so much discomfort.., but now this causes more.


The ringing of my father runs through the house as his booming voice echoes, "Where have you been?" The question runs through my head but my impulses do not win as I let the inquiries dissolve on my tongue. Another day of being the weirdo.. No, I am not the outcast. I am a weirdo to myself, my own brain doesn't know the person staring in the mirror. ' Who is she? Why is she staring at me?' It seems myself is being hid and watching from the background. I don't recognize this woman.. Somebody explain her too me. As for now I'll pack my real self back up in my purse as I walk back to the dungeon of vultures. School. I'll walk as slow in hopes of prolonging the issues that it brings. I'm asking the universe this one time, Please bring me any time of peace.

- The Girl In The Mirror

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