
Something Stirred in my heart

"SWORD..." a calm voice echoed. It was master again. This time he had a strange looking mask in his hand. I look at him, shocking.

"This is legendry, BLUE" he looked at it gravely. Of course!!! It is the Mask of Winterwar. The legendary fighter, who shook the whole fighting world in just one fight. That was his first and last.

I stare at master. Horrific. Terrible. Criminal. This is so wrong. Why am I the only no to receive a blow after blow? Why me? I hate you master.

"Take this sword. And make sure to be safe. Never ever gather attention." He looks at the dagger and then me.

Why is he always so serious? Chill, MASTER, chill. Oh lord!! This man seriously needs to calm down.

I show my bright set of teeth, a toothy smile. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Go now kid. It's already quite late." He gently shuts the door.

And then I begin. My journey, as the legendry BLUESWORD. But it's going to be just me, the mask and this precious unknown dagger. It's me against the world.

The alley gets dark, pitch black. I hardly go home. But for the first time I feel like all my senses have heightened. I feel tingles down the spine. This is so eerie. I put the mask on. For some unknown reasons I felt like putting it on. It fit exactly. More like it clasped on tight. I wrap my hand around the dagger and pull it close. And move forward.

"1234...1234...1234...1234..." I hear a slow murmuring. It was miraculous that how I could see who it was.

I slowly inch forward. And she shrieks loudly "STOP STOP STOP STOP....." I shut her mouth, tight. I could have strangled her straight if I could. But there were tears in her eyes.

Dafaq. Its her, AGAIN!!! "Please... stop..." there were literally in those big round eyes.

"Hey..." I whisper. "It's just me. it's okay now. You can calm down. You know."

Her eyes flutter open. She searches for mine. It's too dark lady...you cant even see me.

Hell. How can I even see in dark? Oh good lord. I am gonnna go crazy.

"Sword?? Is that you???" she hiccups in every word.

"That's right. It's me. Your friendly neighbourhood spider... I mean SWORD."

She brings her hand close to my face and suddenly takes it back.

"SWORD??? It's really you right??" he voice shakes again.

Oh shit. I take off the mask and put both of them into my waist pocket.

"Yes. It is mean." Wow!! Great. Now I can't even seen in the dark. Wait. What is happening here? Surely, master wants me to go crazy.

She brings her hand for my face. Her touch was smooth and gently. Her caress was so warm. She suddenly hugs me tight.

"I was so scared SWORD. Really really scared. I could have died of this darkness." She gently sobs in my chest.

Her sobs touched my heart. Somewhere, it stirred something. May be.

I wrap my arms around her. "I am here right. It is okay now."

She stops crying and quickly moves back.

I reach out for her hand and gently grab it "its dark here miss Lynn. Let's get out of here. Kay??"

She didn't stop me. We get out of those alleys quickly and reach the annex. It was bright and lit. I could finally see her puffy red eyes. Smile returned her face like nothing happened.

"Hey...Um..." she started shyly "sorry for the hug. You know I was actually scared."

Her cheeks turned to the deepest shade of pink.

"I know, and it alright Miss Lynn. I can see how terrified you were." I smile at her

She looked quizzically.

"Your eyes Lynn. They can never betray the reality. They are as clear as lake. Pure and deep."I say it all in one breath. And they were cent-percent true. Her eyes could still. They could calm the raging fire; they could drown you in them. Yet were as clear as the Crystal Lake.

She turned beet red. I can't help but laugh at this. I have never complimented so naturally. This was the very first for me too. But her reactions made me giggle.

"so miss Lynn" I sigh " what brought you here?? At night all alone???" I whisper into her ear getting a little close.

"Were you perhaps looking for me???" I smirk at that remark.

She looks at me and then smiles her evergreen smile and blushes again. she is more adorable than a Lola doll when she does that. Quickly she puts her one hand on her cheek and looks down towards mine. Oh god!! I didn't realise the whole time I have been holding her hand. It felt really good and comfortable. I release her and she quickly cups her cheeks.

This was beyond cute and entertaining. It definitely earned a laugh.

"What is it???" she looks at me again; confused.

"what is what??"

"why did you laugh??"

"Because, Miss Lynn here is so adorable and a real sweetheart." I lift here chin up gently so that I can see her deep eyes. "Honestly Lynn tell me. What were you doing here?? Alone?"

I wouldn't have cared if anyone was there. At that place. But something about her made me worried about her. it is unsettling.

Her eyes meet mine. She looked as if searching for something and smiled.

"I got lost" she said and her smile deepens. "to be honest, I was curious about the mixed martial fights and the fighters after I saw the match today. I wanted to know more about all this, about you. So, I asked Natasha to drop me somewhere where I can explore more. She dropped me near the internet cafe and told me the exact site to look into. Oh and yeah... we went to this place, I don't know... it looked like a big farmhouse and got me a few books." She patted her sling bag lightly.

Call me insane, but she is cuter than the Lola dolls. I caress her face gently.

"So how much did you learn" I ask her teasingly

"not much. But I learnt about the basic techniques to internal energy diversion, vital energy transmission and more energy lock and air choke techniques. Oh and there were something about the forbidden grounds and rare metals. I couldn't reach till that. It had a access pass code." She said as if it's nothing

"You did all that?? I mean you read everything in just 5 hours??? Are you insane??" I could barely keep my voice normal.

"Yeah...." she said, shocked.

"Are you a human!!!????" my utter shock is evident.

"Well... I read a bit fast. And there were so many images. It was really fun" he smile reached her ears.

Oh god..... I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder.

"SWORD??? Are you okay?? "She is worried. She gently caresses my hair.

It feels so good. For the first time in a lifetime. I wanted to sleep. After so many years I felt the comfort again. My head feels heavy.

"SWORD" she whispered, scared and worried "let's go home. Where do you live?? I will take you home?? I think you are tired. You need to sleep."

I smile at her innocence. She has no idea what I thought when I first saw her. How beautiful she would look moaning under me?? How pleasing it would be if she was pleading me?? she has no idea what kind of a guy I am.

Yet for the first time I felt something stirring in my heart. Something warm and strong. An urge bigger than just to screw her. Why this does always have to be me??? These unnerving and unsettling feelings.

"Fine. Let's go." I smile dryly.

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i am really really sorry for not being active. My sincere and deepest apologies. but now, i promise to update daily with a varitia of stuff.

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