

CAUTION: Further reading contains spoilers.

NOTE: I apologise to any readers as this story will not be updated in the time being due to personal events.


Serendipity will be set in our 21st century modern society. The moments detailed within these chapters will most likely take place within a made-up city, Sytie (pronounced as city, I know, it's creative).

Sytie has everything a normal city would have. However, there is distinction between the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, the beautiful and the ugly. And like everywhere else, there is something that is biding its time in the dark, waiting for the right moment to cause chaos.


1 - Erin meets Luca, but circumstances are rather awkward. Luca seems to appear more frequently.

2 - They spend time together but misunderstandings occur, turning their relationship sour.

3 - Roles are reversed, and they start to re-evaluate themselves.

4 - Incidents begin to happen, causing a giant divide.

5 - A realisation of the situation and a decision is made.

I tried to make this as vague as possible, but enough to make you feel the plot. It's pretty much how a standard relationship goes, if I'm honest.


Erin Blair is the owner of The Orchid. She is a woman who leads a simple but enjoyable life, and someone that people are often envious of.

Luca Edwards is the ideal woman but also a stealer of people's hearts. She is someone who does it for a living, with not a care to the consequences she causes.

The way of life they live differ vastly, yet they both hold love in scepticism.

If Erin Blair and Luca Edwards were to ever meet, what story would unfold?

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