
Chapter 7

One week has passed and Taehyung started getting anxious. Yunki is back to his previous self. He doesn't talk much, doesn't eat much and started spending time alone more. Everyone is worried but they all decided to give him his space and if the matter worsen they will confront him. But Taehyung is not happy with the decision. He cannot see his hyung like this. All sad and depressed. He knows something is bothering the other but he doesn't know how to ask. The older tries his best to avoid everyone and Taehyung doesn't want to fight like they used to do in the beginning. Meanwhile Jimin is not feeling any better. Jeongguk has been avoiding him and started spending time with that Chinhae guy. Most of the time Jimin sees the younger, he finds him either on phone chatting with that guy or in his room hanging out with the same guy. He is not liking where all this is going and the fact that Chinhae keeps flirting with the younger all the time is not helping his situation either. He himself doesn't know what he wants from Jeongguk. He wants everything to go back to normal. If only Jeongguk didn't confess that time, they wouldn't be here now. If only the younger was not in love with him, they would be living like normal brothers. He blames everything on Jeongguk. Because of him Jimin has started feeling this way.

Taehyung knocks on Yunki's room's door nervous to face him. They just started to get closer and it looks like they are going back to square one which he doesn't want. He cannot let the bond break they managed to create with each other. The door opens interrupting his train of thoughts and his eyes fell on the older who is in his red and black stripped PJs. "Taehyung?" "I-I brought hot chocolate for you." He nervously said while chewing on his bottom lip. Yunki looked at the mug in the younger's hand before lifting his eyes back to look into the other's. "T-Thank you." He smiled lightly and took the hot mug in his hands. "Can I come inside?" "Uh?... Ah yes. Come in." Taehyung noticed the room is clean and managed like always unlike his own where many plush toys are scattered everywhere. Yunki took a sip of the liquid before keeping it on the table. He sat down on the chair and lifted his pen to resume his lyrics. "A-Are you OK?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah. What would happen to me?" Yunki replied while erasing some words and adding others in their place. "You are behaving different hyung. You don't talk much to anyone like usual. You stay alone most of the time and tries to avoid all of your friends. Tell me hyung. Is something bothering you?" Yunki sighed and turned his head to look at the younger. "It's nothing Taehyung. You can see what we all are suffering from. Jin hyung is in hospital and his condition is affecting all of us specially Namjoon. I cannot see my friends like this and I guess... I am suffering with stress from everything and just wanted to live alone for few days." Taehyung sighed relaxed that Yunki is not going away from him. "I-I am sorry. I was just worried." "It's OK." They both were silent and Yunki started writing again. "What are you writing, hyung?" The brown haired asked walking closer to the older and standing behind his chair. "Just some lyrics. Whenever I feel some strong emotions I like to write them on a paper. Guess I am writing a sad song now." Yunki chuckled. Taehyung leaned forward lightly to read properly making his tummy collide with Yunki's back of his head. "Wow hyung! You are so talented!" He commented making the blonde's cheeks turn pink. "I like to write lyrics too but I am not as good as you." "I doubt that." Taehyung giggled shyly and looked at the steaming mug of hot chocolate. "Hyung! Drink it fast or else it will cool down." Yunki chuckled and took the mug before taking a sip from it making Taehyung smile. "Hyung can you teach me how to write lyrics like you? Please?" "You will be taught in your classes Taehyung." "But I want to learn from you. I want to be as good as you." He pouted. "I am not that good." "I doubt that." He mimicked Yunki's voice from before making the other roll his eyes but with a smile on his face. "Fine." He sighed making Taehyung squeal. "Bring that chair here so that you can sit and learn comfortably." Yunki pointed to a chair near window. Taehyung turned and looked at the chair then smirked. "I have a better option" He said and walked in front of the older before sitting on his lap making Yunki almost choke. "W-What are you doing?" He asked wide eyed. Taehyung smiled innocently. "I am tired to walk that long distance and then bring that heavy object here." "That's literally.... Aish fine." Yunki sighed and cleared his throat. Taehyung smiled when Yunki didn't resist him and shifts a little to sit comfortably making the other suck in a breath. Yunki hesitantly wrapped his arm around the younger's waist to support him. Even though Taehyung is acting bolder but deep inside he is screaming. His whole body is tingling and he doesn't know how to control those butterflies in his stomach.

"Where were you?" Jimin asked a boy who just entered inside the house and is now removing his shoes in a corner. "With Chinhae." Jeongguk replied and walked into kitchen not noticing the look Jimin is giving to him. "I told you to come home directly." Jimin followed him. "Why?" The black haired grabbed an apple and started munching on it. "Are you trying to ignore me these days?" "Didn't you want that?" Jimin sighed. "Stop spending time with that guy?" "And why is that?" "Because he is not good for you Jeongguk. He is just with you for your body. You don't deserve someone like him. You should be with someone who will love you for you not for your body. Who will take care of you and will never leave you." "Like you right?" Jeongguk looked into other's eyes giving a sad smile which left Jimin silent. "But there is no one like you hyung. You are unique but then again we are brothers. We have same blood running in our veins hyung so I have to compromise." Jeongguk didn't realize that he was crying until he felt something warm on his cheeks. "Namjoon hyung was right. I should have never told you my feelings." Jimin's eyes widen. "You told him!?" "N-No I was caught." Jeongguk doesn't want to blush in this situation. Jimin frowned confused but decided to let it go. "Y-You will get someone better than m-me." Jimin can't understand why he is getting hurt with his own words. "What if I want you and you only?" Jeongguk glared at the older. He left the apple from his hand which fall down on the floor but none of them can care about it right now. He walked to the grey haired and grabbed both of his shoulder and pulled him closer with their lips almost touching making Jimin's breath hitched. "Tell me hyung. Have you never felt anything for me? Have you never thought that it would be better if we were not brothers?" Jimin kept looking into his brother's eyes. "Y-Yes." He mumbled without realizing but Jeongguk heard him clearly which made the younger's eyes widen in shock. Jeongguk slowly backed away and left leaving Jimin standing there alone. Jimin kept looking at the main door with teary eyes. He just realized what condition he is in. Just when he told the younger to kill his feelings he never realized that he himself will start having feelings for Jeongguk. For his brother. He never thought that one day he will be in this situation.

Jeongguk walked out of the house and to nowhere. What Jimin said still shocked him. Does that mean he feels the same towards me? He keeps thinking. Should he be happy or sad? He doesn't know. He sighed annoyed and realized he is in some market. When did he get here? For how long was he has been walking? His eyes wandered around to locate his location but he saw two familiar girls. He frowned and walked to them "Oh Ggukie?" Rose said but his eyes are only on the girl standing beside Rose. "Jeongguk?" "Lisa?" They both spoke at the same time. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in New York." "I was missing my family here so I shifted back and guess what? I got admission in your university!" She exclaimed. "Although I wanted to give you and Jimin oppa surprise but you already caught me here." She pouted further making Jeongguk chuckle. "Where is he by the way?" "He is at home." "By the way you know each other?" He asked looking at the two girls. "Yes she is my cousin." Lisa replied. "Hey Jeongguk if you are not busy can you help us with shopping? I just arrived today and I need many things for my room." Jeongguk nodded in agreement and they all walked together to shop for Lisa.

The next day came and Jimin and Jeongguk are still not talking with each other. They both are just sitting across each other and silently eating their breakfast. "I think..." Jeongguk broke the silence gaining Jimin's attention. "We should forget what happened yesterday and start a new beginning." "I mean whatever happened in the past is only making us apart. We should just forget about that and pretend it never happened." Jimin was silently looking at him before he speak. "You are right. Let's pretend like nothing ever happened like that. Treat each other just like brothers and no more." Both looked into each other's eyes and nodded but their hearts are telling different stories. Both are disappointed and hurt with other's words. So I really misunderstood him yesterday. He still doesn't like me. Thought Jeongguk. It means he doesn't have feelings for me anymore. But why am I hurt when I myself wanted this? Thought Jimin.

Jeongguk was walking with Jimin to university when he saw the same familiar girls from yesterday. He smiled and walked to them leaving Jimin behind who looked at him confused until his eyes fall on the girls whom the younger is approaching. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Lisa?" He mumbled and walked to the three. "Oh Jimin oppa!" Lisa exclaimed and hugged the said male making him chuckle. "How are you?" "I am all fine but I missed you all a lot so I just came back." "Permanently?" He asked and she replied with a node. "I am happy to meet you. Though I already met Jeongguk yesterday." Jimin looked at the younger boy and then back at the girl in front of him. "And how you guys know each other? He asked pointing between the two girls. "She is my cousin." Lisa replied. "Let's go inside. We are getting late for our class." Jeongguk said and they all agreed before walking inside.

It is break time and Taehyung is following a certain boy who seems like going to washroom. I will find out what he wants from my hyung. He thinks and followed the boy with keeping enough distance between them to not get noticed. Just as he predicted, the boy entered into boy's washroom and soon after that Taehyung entered too before looking around to make sure no one noticed him. He stands near a wall to wait for the boy to come out from one of the cubicle. After few minutes of waiting he heard the sound of flush and soon after the door of a cubicle opened reveling the same boy who has been watching Yunki mischievously. Seems like the boy hasn't noticed Taehyung's presence yet.

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