
Chapter 4

Yunki has been sitting on the couch for half an hour waiting for someone to come already while pretending to be busy on his phone in front of Hoseok who is giving him teasing looks. "Are you waiting for someone, hyung?" He asked smirking. "No." "Are you sure you are not waiting for someone whose name starts with T and ends with G?" He laughed while Yunki glared at him. "Why would I wait for him?" "Because you love him and cannot live a second without him, duh."Hoseok felt a pillow on his face which is thrown by none other than our Min Yunki. "Shut up already." Yunki rolled his eyes and looked back onto his phone screen. "By the way hyung I am going to the station. His train is about to arrive or do you want to go and pick him?" He smirked. "No you can go." "Are you sure? OK if that's what you want." Hoseok shrugged and got up. "Umm.. Hoseok?" Yunki stopped him. "Yes hyung?" "Umm you must be tired right? I will go." Hoseok smirked. "No hyung. I am perfectly fine. I can go." "B-But you arrived yesterday only. You must be tired. Maybe you are not feeling it but I can see it." Hoseok laughed. "What kind of tiredness is that?" Yunki groaned. "Just go to your fucking room and rest. I am going to pick him up." Hoseok laughed. "You could just say that you want to spend your time with your bae." He teased and walked into his room making Yunki scoff.

"Oh you are here." Jeongguk said and walked to his cupboard to grab some pair of clothes not realizing his effect on the elder. Jimin cleared his throat and looked away. "I-I am sorry. I will leave. You can change." Jimin stuttered. "It's fine if you want to stay. We are boys after all." "No I don't have any fantasies of seeing you naked so I am going." He replied to which the younger just nodded and took out a white oversized t-shirt and black sweat pants. Jimin frowned at the reaction. Usually Jeongguk would have teased him or tried to flirt with him but now he didn't say anything. And why the hell he is disappointed? He frowned and walked out of the room leaving the younger alone to change. As soon as the elder left, Jeongguk sighed. He has been feeling awkward near the other today. All that time he was in Busan, he made up his mind that he will forget the other and treat him just like his brother only. He will stop his usual playfulness in front of Jimin to not make the elder uncomfortable. If Jimin wants him to bury his feelings then he will do that just for his hyung. He always wants to see his Jimin happy and smiling and for that if he have to suffer, he will do that too gladly.

Yunki arrived at the station on time. Today he took few extra minutes to get ready not to impress anyone guys. Can't he look good for himself? So the train soon arrived and he started looking around for the boy. As soon as he spotted the younger he walked to him and tapped on his shoulder. Taehyung turned around and got surprised and happy when he saw the blonde standing in front of him. He never expected to see the elder here. "You came to pick me up hyung?" He asked excitedly. Yunki blushed and cleared his throat. "Ah Yeah. It's just that Hoseok was tired so I had to come." Taehyung pouted. "Means you didn't want to?" He asked "Umm.. No.. I mean yes I wanted to." Yunki replied while trying to avoid eye contact. Taehyung blushed and smiled and quickly pecked the latter's lips and blushing after even more. Yunki sighed unconsciously at the feeling of younger's lips on his after a long time. He himself didn't realize that he missed the boy this much. He took all the luggage from the boy even after the other protesting and then they both walked to his car.

"Hyung can we go somewhere to eat please?" Taehyung asked while making puppy eyes making the elder chuckle at his cuteness. "Sure. What you want to eat?" He asked. Taehyung made a face like he is thinking and then exclaimed. "Chinese!" "Fine then." Yunki nodded and turn his car to go to a Chinese restaurant. After few minutes of drive they reached at a restaurant and Yunki parked his car before they both stepped out. As they entered inside, the aroma of spices and freshly cooked dishes made Taehyung's mouth watered and his stomach growled. They both went to a table near corner with least disturbance. "So? How was there?" Yunki asked after they both settled down. "It was fun. I am so happy to finally able to enjoy many moments with my father. We created a lots of memories. It feels like he never went anywhere. He was always with me." Yunki smiled. "I am happy for you." "And you hyung? Did you miss me?" The younger asked smiling. "A lot." Yunki replied honestly which made Taehyung's eyes wide in surprise and his cheeks pink. The waiter came and they both gave their orders. "Jin hyung. How is he?" Taehyung asked after the waiter walked away. "Doctor said he is recovering slightly but when he will wake up? No idea. Namjoon is devastated. He barely eats and sleeps. Most of his day passes in hospital. I am worried about him. Police said that whatever happened was not an accident but someone tried to do that. His car was brutally damaged. Police have found many more evidences and they are saying that it can be related with that stalker incidence." "But wasn't that man already in mental hospital? I heard that he was locked in high security which made it impossible for him to run away." "He is still in the hospital. Police is saying that there can be someone else included in it too. Someone who has been helping that psycho or maybe that person is the main part behind all this." Taehyung sighed. "Why someone is doing this with someone like Jin hyung? Someone who can never hurt anyone. He is such a sweet person. Who the fuck can even think about hurting him?" "I am just wishing that person soon gets caught so that I can personally treat their brain in my way" Yunki growled.

The food soon arrived making Taehyung quickly started devouring it. When he was eating his eyes fell on someone familiar. "Isn't she Hara?" Yunki looked up and followed Taehyung's sight. He furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah she is." "Is that her boyfriend with her?" Taehyung spoke to himself. Yunki frowned when he looked at the boy sitting in front of the girl. "It's the same boy." Taehyung looked at the elder confused. "You know him?" "No, I don't. But he had been staring at me a lot before. We have most of the classes together and he used to mysteriously look at me." Taehyung looked at the unknown boy frowning. "Stare at you? Is he trying to approach you?" He asked a bit jealous. "I doubt. I tried to talk to him many times but he always ran away." Taehyung bit his lip glaring at the guy sitting two tables next to them. He is not having a nice feeling about all of this. "Stay away from him hyung." "I don't care about him nor want to do anything about this. It's just that I hate being watched for long. He even used to sit next to our table in cafeteria. I wonder what he wants." They both begun eating again but Taehyung can't take off his mind from the new information he got. What does that guy want? And the fact that he is with Hara makes it more suspicious. They both finished their meal and walked to the counter for payment which was done by the elder of the two even after Taehyung protested. "I am elder here so I will pay." was Yunki's reason. "That's not even a reason and besides it was me who asked to come here so I will pay." But till that Yunki had already paid and took Taehyung's hand and walked out making the latter pout but then he blushed after looking at their joined hands.

Jimin frowned looking at the wall of pillows dividing the bed in two halves, made by none other than Jeon Jeongguk. So they are not going to cuddle like they usually do? The younger already fell asleep on one side of the wall leaving enough space for the gray haired. Why is he doing this? Jimin cannot understand. It's good that Jeongguk is taking his advice seriously but it's too much. Are they not even gonna talk like normal brothers do? But if it helps the younger to forget his feelings than Jimin is willing to help even if it hurts.

When Jimin woke up he found the other side of the bed empty which made him disappointed. He sighed and lazily walked to his bathroom to get ready for the college. When he walked into the hall he saw his father sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in one hand and newspaper in another. But there is no sign of the younger. He frowned and walked into kitchen to search for him but found no one there. "Where is Gguk?" He asked his dad. "You don't know? He has already left for university saying he needs to practice a new choreography." He frowned. Jeongguk left without him? That's something new for Jeongguk. He never left his hyung alone. Is he purposely trying to ignore him? Jimin sighed as his morning already got ruined and he is not expecting much from the rest of the day either. He lazily finished his breakfast which consisted of bread and jam and then left for the college. During all the classes, Jimin had to sit beside Rose as Jeongguk was already sitting beside some random boy when Jimin entered into the class. It was him who told the younger to keep distance and now that he is finally doing that, why does he is craving for the latter? He didn't pay any attention in all the classes and couldn't wait to finally go home.

It is lunch time and everyone is sitting in cafeteria at their usual spot. Namjoon is absent as he wanted to spend more time with Jin so it is only seven of them here with five boys and two girls. Everyone is so silent and no one is trying to speak even a single word. All of them are gloomily eating their food. One can see the thick air surrounding them. They all are missing their friends Namjoon and Jin and anyone can see the tension between Jeongguk and Jimin. Jeongguk is trying his best to avoid the elder and give his space not knowing that Jimin wants the complete opposite. The actions of his brother is hurting Jimin and suffocating him but he cannot voice out his thoughts. On the other hand Taehyung saw the same guy from the previous day and he is really sitting on the next table of theirs giving glances to his Yunki hyung. This made the younger irritated and jealous. He shifts his chair near the blonde and glared at the unknown guy when their eyes met. 'Back off.' he mouthed and saw the guy's eyes widen and he quickly looked away. He sighed and started eating his food. Yunki on other hand didn't understand the younger's sudden action and frowned in confusion but then shrugged it off and resumes eating.




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