
Chapter 23

The next day soon came but still Jimin and Jeongguk are not talking to each other. Not even a single eye contact between them. Well how can it be possible if the older has not yet come out of his room. Jeongguk has already gotten ready and is now eating a loaf of bread in breakfast but slowly in order to wait for the other. He knows it's not enough for him but what can he do? He is not feeling like eating anything. The stress these days is killing his appetite but he doesn't even care. All he cares about a particular person ignoring him. He is still hurt from last night. The way Jimin rudely denied his own feelings for the younger. In that moment Jeongguk felt that maybe. Maybe he had done a mistake in deciphering his brother's emotions. Maybe Jimin never had any feelings for him and he is only forcing his hyung to accept something the older doesn't feel. What shall he do now? Shall he drop the idea of getting Jimin to love back? Because it now seems kind of impossible to him. He heard a sound of door being opened and when he looks up he sees his Jimin walking out of the door and finally leaving without giving a single glance to the younger. He pouts and left the half eaten bread in the plate before leaving for the uni.

Jeongguk soon caught up with Jimin and started walking behind him with a few steps distance. Neither of them is speaking anything but Jimin can feel the younger's eyes on him for the whole time. The gaze is so intense that it is giving goosebumps on his back but still he didn't say anything. Minutes later which felt like hours to Jimin, they reached their destination. "Jimin!" A girl's voice came and their eyes fell on Rose and Lisa walking to them with a smile on their faces. Jimin soon got engulfed in a hug by Rose who latter kissed his cheek making someone's blood boil. "They are cute right?" Lisa said to Jeongguk but the latter is busy glaring at someone touching HIS Jimin. "I am happy that Jimin oppa has agreed for the marriage." This made Jeongguk snap his had in her direction with a frown. "What?" Lisa looks at him with furrowed eyebrows in confusion. "You don't know? Jimin oppa is finally ready for this marriage. I am happy for my sister that she finally got her love." The younger gritted his teeth and looked at the couple. "Hyung? You never told me you have agreed for the marriage?" He spoke with a fake smile which only went noticed by his brother. Jimin looks at him without showing any emotion on his face then looked away. "Congratulations guys! I am so HAPPY for you." Jeongguk spoke emphasizing the word 'Happy' and then left from there making his brother stare at him silently.

Jimin is aware of what Jeongguk has been feeling these days. He is also aware of his own feelings for the younger very well. He knows that he has already fallen for that boy but no way on earth he will admit that in front of Jeongguk. He wants to end this incest relationship before it can progress any further. Being the older among the two he thinks it's his duty to do what is right. Even if he has to kill his own feelings for it and make his baby brother hurt so that he will finally move on. He knows that it will be hard but he has to do it.

Last night he was moments away from admitting his feelings. When the younger was looking at him with lots of emotions. When Jeongguk told that whatever happened was out of love he was itching to just hug the boy and kiss him. Tell him that he loves him too but Jimin had controlled himself. He held himself from doing such a stupid mistake. And he knows from now on he has to be careful around his brother.

Yunki parks his car before stepping out. With a beautiful bouquet of white roses is his hand he walks further. 'Min Seoung Jo. January 20. 1990 February 7. 2015' He reads then put the bouquet and bowed full ninety degree. "I am sorry hyung nim. I couldn't come here that often. I was busy taking care of Hyunki and then my classes and job everything kept me busy." He sits down before speaking again. "You must be thinking that I am just giving excuses but this is all I have to say." "I am taking care of Hyunki. He is recovering pretty fast but he misses you a lot." A solitary tear escaped his eye which he immediately wiped away. "He still hasn't stopped calling me appa." He chuckled before many tears started flowing out of his eyes. "I-I mi.... miss you hyung. I wish I could bring you back. I hope you are happy wherever you are. I-I hope you are smiling and you are with your true love." "I still didn't forget how you used to look at her. Remember how you used to irritate me by talking about her and her only non stop? I still miss those days with you." He wiped all his tears and a sob escaped his lips. "How happy we used to be. How beautiful that life was." A smile took its place on his face. "I am sorry that I didn't listen to you. If I did then I wouldn't be here. We wouldn't be here." "I love you hyung. And I am sorry for everything I did to you. I miss you hyung..... but I know you are in a much better place. Happy and smiling with her.... I promise I will take care of your son no matter what."

"I miss him you know" Yunki got startled and turned his head only to see his 'father' standing there who walks forward and sat beside him making him look away. "What are you doing here?" He asked scowling. "Can't I come to meet my sons?" This made Yunki scoff and he looked at the person who is suppose to be his father. "Don't pretend like you care about us. We all know that you never loved us and only wanted to use us for your own benefits." He spat making the man chuckle "Well you are not wrong. I did want to make you like me and guess what? I was successful" The smirk made Yunki almost pounce on the man and punch him hard. "Don't compare me with yourself. I am not like a monster like you." He growled. "You sure bout that?" The younger gritted his teeth trying to control his sudden building rage. His father smirked and looks in front. "I knew you would be here so I came here to tell you something." This made Yunki scoff sarcastically. Sure his father would never come just to meet him unless there is no benefit behind. "There is this man. Lee Mingyu. He lives in America but is coming tomorrow here in Seoul for five days. He has a pen drive which has some information against me which can cause a lot of loss to our company. What you need to do is get that pen drive from him. How you do it that's all on you but remember... to not get caught." "I am going back to Daegu for the mean time but will be back soon and once I will be here I want you to give me that pen drive." With that the elder man left from there leaving a furious boy behind. Even on this day this man is thinking about himself rather than his sons. He never was their father and never will be. He is just a man who ruined their life. Who has snatched everything from Yunki. His family, his happiness everything.

After crying and pouring his heart out for another hour he decided to go and meet Hyunki. Taking care and making that kid happy is the only thing which makes him feel less miserable. The promise he made to his brother to take care of that little human is still in his heart but he is not doing this only because of a promise but also because he loves that kid and wants to protect him from everyone specially his so called father.

"Oh Yunki? I thought you won't be here today?" Mr. Han said as he opened the door and saw a vulnerable boy standing outside. His messy hairs, swollen and red eyes and red face is telling how much he has cried today making the older man feel nothing but sympathy. "Hyunki?" He mumbled almost inaudible for the man to hear. "In his room" Mr. Han replied and without uttering another word Yunki stepped inside and walked into the said person's room.

As he walked his eyes fell on a small bump on bed which is slightly shaking. Puzzled he walks closer and lifts the blanket and what his eyes saw shattered his already broken heart into many small pieces. The small figure of the boy lying on the bed with a picture in his hands clutching to his chest while big fat droplets of tears were running out continuously from his small and usually smiling eyes. Yunki swallowed thickly and wiped his own new set of tears before sitting down beside the boys and stroking his hairs soothingly. "Hyunki ah, What happened?" He asked in a sweet voice to not hurt or scare the boy. The swollen damped eyes of the small kid fluttered open and he looks at the male who is giving him a small smile. The face. He maybe is of only six years old but he cannot forget the face of his father. And the fact that his uncle Yunki looks exactly like his appa is making it even harder for him to move on. The smile Yunki is giving him is the same smile his appa used to give whenever he used to cry and ran up to him. "A-Appa?" He mumbled which made Yunki's eyes widen slightly. "Y-You went to meet appa?" Yunki gulped and looked away to hide his tears to not make the kid even sadder. "Why di... Why didn't you t-take me.... with y-you?" "Hyunki is sad. H-Hyunki cried a lot and oehalmeoni said tha..... that I can't go and meet him because I am n=not healed yet. But I wanna meet him." "You took me there before too right? Y-You told me that he left us on this day. You told me i-if I miss him you will take me there and I can talk to him then why didn't you?" Yunki tried to pull a smile and looked at the broken kid who is looking at him with sad eyes. "I wanted to take you there but then your appa said that he wants you to get well soon. If he will see you there before you are completely healed then he will going to be very sad. Do you want your appa to be said?" The boy immediately shook his head and wiped his tears clumsily with his tiny hand. "I- I don't want appa sad." "That's like my good boy." Yunki ruffled the kid's already messy black hairs smiling. "I promise once you get well I will take you to him" This made the small boy's eyes glint with excitement and he gives a bright smile while nodding. Yunki smiled knowing that he made the boy feel better but what about the storm inside himself? How would he calm that down?

"Jimin we are going to marry and we didn't go on a date yet. This is not fair!!! You know we need to learn about each other know each other before the biggest step we are going to take. It will be good for both of us and our future." Jimin sighs for the umpteenth time this day. Was his situation less complicated before that now his 'soon to be wife' wants to go on those cliché dates with him too? Can't he just live in peace for a day? "Rose, listen. I am tired and not in the mood. We will go some other day OK?" "NO! I know that day is never gonna come and I also know that you don't want to do anything about our relationship but I care OK? I care about us. About our future and want to have a healthy relationship not one where a gay boy never looks at his wife just because she is a girl." "But that's true isn't it? I am gay and you are a girl so I don't see any point in faking that this relationship will be any normal." "There is nothing wrong in trying and I don't want to remain just friends even after marriage Jimin. I have my own needs and wishes. I also want a loving and caring husband just like any other girl in this world. It's not my mistake that you are being forced for this." Jimin sighed knowing very well what the girl is saying is true. It's actually not her mistake that his life is fucked up. She is just trying to make their soon to be married life work out. It was Jimin who agreed for this marriage so he should also do something about it. At least trying to like a girl won't be that bad right? What if he would really develop some feelings for her? That would be great for both of their coming lives. "Fine. But not today. Let's schedule it for tomorrow OK?" "Really? Oh my god! Thank you Jimin and I promise I won't let you down." With that their conversation ended and Jimin just pulled his hairs in frustration. Oh what a turn his life has taken. It feels like it was just yesterday when everything was ok. He had a loving and handsome boyfriend, no arguments with his brother and everything was going fine. And now it feels like life is just toying around with him. Like it is fun to watch him suffer and suffocate everyday. Now he doesn't even know what future holds for him anymore. Oh how he wants to escape everything and go somewhere where no one can disturb him. Live his life as he wants. Love whoever he wants. But he knows that's not an option for him. He has to endure everything while pretending that he is fine. That he is happy. He has to live a life he never wanted just because of a mistake. A fucking mistake he did with his own brother.

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