
Chapter 17

Jimin has finished eating and then went to his room to call his father. The only way he can think of right now to escape this situation. "Hello? Jimin ah?" "Dad" "Are you OK son? You don't sound well. What happened?" "I am ready dad." "What?" "I am ready for the marriage dad. I will marry whoever girl you will choose for me." There was a silence on the other end making Jimin check the phone again whether the call has ended or not. "Dad?" "Uh? Ah OK. I am so happy that you *cough* agreed. I am proud of you. But tell me Jimin, has something happened? Why did you suddenly change your mind?" "I... It's nothing dad." "Oh OK. Umm I will talk to Mr. Park then." "Mmm" He hanged up the call and began crying. By going too far with his brother he knows he has insulted his parents. He knows what he did is not right in fact is a sin. The only way he can get over it is by doing something for his parents which is marrying to a girl like his father wants.

Both the girls and all three boys are sitting in the hall discussing about the places Jimin can be right now. "He doesn't have many friends other than us. And I have asked all of them already." the younger of them all said. "Are you sure Jeongguk? Maybe you are forgetting someone." asked Taehyung. "I am sure hyung. I didn't leave anyone on the list." "Where could he go then? I am getting worried. I hope he is safe." Rose spoke who has been crying for the whole time. Taehyung frowned watching her like this. She has been behaving like she is very close to Jimin. Blaming Jeongguk time to time and then crying. He can't understand what is between her and Jimin. The thing is Jimin never told anyone about his marriage with Rose. Sure he and Rose have started spending time together more often but whenever someone asks him about the girl he always says the latter is only his friend and nothing more. Besides Taehyung knows that his friend is gay so being in a relationship with Rose is nearly impossible. The only possibility of the girl's behavior he can think of now is that Rose might likes Jimin. But this is not the thing he should think about now. Right now he should only focus on Jimin. Where could the latter go? There are not a lots of places they are familiar with yet so searching the boy in this big city is difficult.

After crying his heart out Jimin got up and walks into bathroom. He walks near the basin before opening the tap. Even many splashes of water on his face didn't make him stop thinking about someone. Someone who is suppose to be his brother but has become much more than that. Another splash but still those memories from that night didn't vanish from his mind. It seems like they are going to haunt him throughout his life. Another splash but still he cannot forget those touches of the younger on his body. Just by thinking about them he gets goosebumps and did he tell you that he hates this feeling? Another splash but the guilt of hurting his parents and committing a crime is still making his heart ache. Oh how he wishes to forget about all those things and pretend like nothing happened but he knows that this is not the solution and now he can never escape from that memory. He turned the tap off grabs a towel and dried his face before walking out. To take his mind off he decides to go on his phone but when he did he saw tons of missed calls and messages from his friends. He sighs knowing that they must be getting worried for him and decides to inform them that he is safe. He dialed the only number he wants to call right now. "Rose?"

"Taemin!" Jeongguk spoke suddenly making rest of all stop talking and focus on him. "He was with Taemin at the party. Maybe he is with him?" He looks at everyone while speaking. "Do you have his number?" Yunki asked to which the younger shook his head in denial. "No one?" The older looks around asking everyone and they all denied making him sigh. "Then we have to go to his place." "Do you know his address?" Taehyung asked the older boy who denied. "But we can get that from his friends or we can go to the bar and ask one of the staff. After all they should know at least this about their boss." Taehyung nodded. "I think we should go to the bar first." Taehyung said and they all nodded. Suddenly someone's cell phone started ringing and Rose lifted his phone and saw Jimin's name flashing on the screen bringing a bright smile on her face. "It's Jimin!" the name made everyone's eyes widen and they all waited for her to answer the call which she soon did without wasting a second. "Hello? Jimin?" "Rose?" "Jimin where are you? You know how worried we all are? How could you just leave without saying anything? I was...." "Rose. I am so sorry for making you guys worried for me. But I called you to tell that I am safe and at one of my friend's house." "Taemin?" "...Yes. But please don't come here. I will come back tomorrow until that I need some alone time." "You sure you are OK? You can tell me anything." "I am fine. Don't worry... Bye" with that the call ended and everyone started looking at Rose hopefully "He is at Taemin's. He said he is fine but wants some alone time. He asked all of us to not go there and said that he will be back tomorrow." "If he is fine then we shouldn't bother him. If he really needs alone time then we should respect that. He said he will be back tomorrow but if won't then we will go to him." Yunki said. Jeongguk wiped his tears knowing that Jimin didn't call him but Rose which means he won't even talk to him now. He doesn't know how will he make the situation better. Jimin is so angry with him and there is no option of rewinding the time and preventing that night from happening.

"I think we should get going." Yunki said and they all nodded except Jeongguk. "Jeongguk, if anything happens call us OK?" The younger nodded and both Yunki and Taehyung left from there. "I-I am sorry. Jeongguk. I was just worried and I took out all my anger on you." Rose apologized and the boy just smiled lightly and nodded. "Let's go." she said to her cousin who is sitting beside her. "Umm.. Unnie." Lisa looks at her sister nervously. "I am going to stay here. You know.. Jeongguk may needs something. And also he is all alone here so there should be someone with him." Rose looks at the boy who is lost in his thoughts unaware of their conversation then back to Lisa. "Fine." she said and left from there.

Lisa looks at the boy before standing up and walking to him. "You OK?" the boy got out of his thoughts and looks at the girl. "Yeah." he mumbled and then he noticed that there is just two of them in the house. "Where are the rest?" He asked her frowning. "They are already gone. You didn't notice?" He shook his head in denial and released a heavy sigh. "I am worried." He spoke while rubbing his temple. "I know. But don't worry he is fine and will be back tomorrow." Jeongguk sighs and nodded "What have you done exactly? It is not that bad right?" The boy smiled sadly looking at the floor trying to stop his tears from flowing out. "You have no idea." Lisa sighs knowing very well that the boy is not going to open up any time soon so she decided to change the topic. "By the way why did you stop messaging me? You know we used to message each other every night but then you suddenly stopped. Why? I thought you have forgotten me." She pouted looking at the boy who lifted his face to meet her eyes. "I am sorry. I just got busy with university and all but I had never forgotten you." "That's not an excuse. You will have to make up for it." Jeongguk chuckled. "So what I have to do?" "Let's eat out today. You and me and it will be on you." Jeongguk sighs and looked away. "Lisa I am not...." "Please Jeongguk. For me? Besides we haven't spent any time together properly since I came here." "Fine if that's what you want." He smiled at the girl who returned the gesture.

As soon as they arrived, Taehyung immediately got out of the car and walked into the building without even looking at the older making the other sigh. Yunki gets out of the car before locking it and walks inside the house. He heard a door being slammed shut and he knows who did it. A sigh escaped his lips and he walks to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"So what would you like to eat?" Jeongguk asks the girl sitting in front of him. "I thought you know my likes." Lisa said making the other smile. "Fine. Today I will order for both of us." The boy says and called a waiter before giving him their orders. "Wow. It feels like we are back into our childhood. Remember we used to spend lots of time together? We were even famous as The mischievous duo." Jeongguk chuckled at the memory and took a sip from his glass of water. Lisa was their neighbor up to elementary school and then she had to leave the country for her future studies as per her parents wish. Jeongguk cried a lot for his friend. He even had skipped school for a week until Jimin talked to him. The older started spending more time with his brother to not let the other feel lonely which slowly made Jeongguk get over Lisa. But he never forgot her and they both remained in touch for years until he came to Seoul. "I really missed you. You know?" he said and the girl smiled. "I missed you too and I was really upset when you stopped contacting me." "I am sorry but I promise I won't ignore you anymore." he said making the girl blush a little.

"Hello? Namjoon? How is Jin hyung? I am sorry I couldn't come to meet him as I and Taehyung went to Jeongguk's to search Jimin." Said Yunki while sitting on the bed in his room. "It's Ok hyung. And yes Hoseok told me about Jimin. Is he back now?" "No he isn't. He said that he will be back tomorrow." "Oh. It's good that he is fine." "Kim Namjoon I told you to order me a pizza. What is so big deal about it?" "Baby I told you it's not healthy." "I am not listening anything just get me a pizza or you are going to sleep on the couch tonight." Yunki heard their elder hyung's voice which made him chuckle. "Seems like he is completely fine now." He spoke making the younger sigh. "He is. But has been behaving like this since he came back." "I can imagine. Sometimes he is worse than a five years old." "Aish! You're right though." "Kim Namjoon!!!" Yunki chuckled when the younger let out a groan. "I have to go now." "All the best." "Whatever." he chuckled before cutting the call and threw his phone beside on the bed. He leaned his head back on the headboard and closed his eyes for few minutes only to hear a knock on his door. He opened his eyes and released a sigh before getting up and opening the door where he sees Hoseok standing. "Hyung if you are free we can go to the studio." The blonde thought for a second before nodding. "Let me get ready first." "Fine. Till that I am going to ask Tae if he would like to join us." The younger's name made Yunki pause for a moment before he nodded. After getting ready he walked out and saw Hoseok standing in the hall but no sign of Taehyung. "Where is he?" "He said that he has some project to finish." The disappointment is clear on Yunki's face which didn't go unnoticed by the younger. "Someone wants to be with his bai." Hoseok sing sang while wiggling his eyebrows making the other roll his eyes. "Shut up." said Yunki and walked out ignoring the chuckling boy.

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