
Training Your Charge, Sombra’s Friend

It has been a week since Sephiroth and Sombra have been here at the Yaoyorozu mansion, and there is one thing that Sephiroth is grateful for with Sombra, the girl works fast. All of the security measures that they went over with Aiko and Raakin were quickly put into place due to all of the special connections that the Yaoyorozu family had and Sombra's ability.

Sephiroth even offered to help train the security guards as well for a fee of course something that the family was grateful for because if there was one thing that they had it was money. One day while Sephiroth was training outside of Momo's room in the yard, we can see Momo looking out the window down at Sephiroth as he trained with his sword much like he did everyday at this time in the morning.

'I've been watching Sephiroth and Sombra when I do see her for the past week now and everything about them confuses me. Why would people the same age as me do what they are doing for a living based on what I have seen them capable of doing? And what better way to figure it out then to ask them.' Momo thought while she made her way to Sephiroth down below.

"Momo do you need something from me this morning?" Sephiroth said while not looking at her and continuing his training. Momo blushed through because of the fact that he was using her first name, something that she isn't used to at all and it didn't help that he was shirtless right now showing off his upper body to her.

"Y-y-yes I wanted to ask you something, why do you do what you do? Why don't you use your skills and abilities and help others?" Sephiroth stopped what he was doing and looked at her.

"It's simple really. I have a goal that I want to complete in my life, I want to create an organization so powerful that will allow me to do whatever I want in the world. Also what makes you think that I don't help people with my skills and abilities Momo?"

Momo was shocked when she heard what Sephiroth's goal was and it got her thinking of how many people would you even need to make an organization like that and what kind of power would it's members would have to hold to accomplish his goals.

"Just because I don't advertise my actions to the world doesn't mean that I'm not helping people with my skills and abilities Momo. You can think of me like your underground heroes that you guys have around here, the things that I do help others but I do it for the money much like many of your heroes do in the world."

"That's not true at all our heroes are not like that, they do it to help others in need and stop villains from hurting others." Momo yelled out with clear indignation in her voice at what Sephiroth said about the heroes of Japan.

Sephiroth just gave her a deadpan stare like she was an idiot "Really, I've only been here a week and I already noticed the problem with your hero society in Japan because it is exactly the same as the United States . Most of your heroes only are heroes for the money, fame, and power that it gives them. Take your number 2 hero Endeavor, that man only cares about the fame and power that his position as the number 2 hero gives him. It allows him to get away with a lot of things if what I have found out about him is true. Many of your top heroes are in it for themselves not for the people that they supposedly protect." Momo's face was showing a shocked expression because she never really thought of the things that Sephiroth is bringing up.

"He isn't the only hero that is like that, but he is the prime example of your so-called heroes being heroes because it is the best job that gives them a lot of power and money over other occupations in Japan. You just have to look closely and you would see the problems with the hero society, so why would I pretend to be something that I'm not when I can just do what I'm doing now for the money and not have to worry about looking good for anyone it doesn't matter to me for what I want to accomplish in life."

"But, but there is the number 1 hero All Might who is clearly being a hero for the right things." She said trying to defend the heroes of Japan.

"One proper hero does not make up for all the other fake heroes in Japan that are only being heroes for selfish reasons and you should know that those kinds of people are not proper heroes Momo."

"Now did you need anything else from me?"

"While I don't completely agree with what you said Sephiroth I won't say anything else about it for now but the other reason for why I came down here was that I wanted you to train me in the use of weapons and close combat. I have seen you train the security guards and you're clearly better than the instructors that my parents get me and if I want to be the best hero that I can be I will need the proper training for it." Now this piqued Sephiroth interest.

"While I don't mind honestly since we will have a lot of time together due to the contract in place so you being able to protect yourself properly will only make my job that much easier but I have a question: what is your quirk exactly? I never asked or was told what it was."

Puffing out her chest proudly "My quirk is called creation and gives me the ability to create any non-living material/object from exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells. In order for me to create something, I need to understand the molecular structure of what the material/object is made of. The more that I eat, the more materials that I can make so I need to have a high calorie diet and the larger items do take more time to create."

"That truly is a very versatile quirk, why don't you make me your favorite type of weapon that you use for combat so that I can see your quirk in action and gauge your current skill level." Momo nodded to this and then used her quirk and created a steel Tungsten bo-staff out of her arm.

'Interesting so she likes to use a non lethal weapon, well she does want to be a hero so killing people is definitely something she doesn't want to do' thought Sephiroth as he watched her pull the bo-staff out of her arm.

"What metal did you use for the bo-staff?"

"I used the strongest metal that I know, Tungsten. It is one of the hardest metals so it shouldn't bend or break against your sword."

"Alright well show me your skills." Sephiroth then got into his stance waiting for Momo to make the first move against him, he didn't have to wait for long for she went with a low sweep attack aiming for his legs for the first attack.

Sephiroth spent the next 10 minutes dodging, parrying, and attacking Momo lightly to test her defenses. Make sure to point out the flaws that he saw along the way by attacking the weak points in her stances.

"*huff* *huff* Alright I give up" Momo then sat down on the ground breathing hard putting her bo-staff down beside her.

"While you're skilled with the bo-staff for your age you clearly are not an expert with it yet, do you know any other weapon styles? Also do you know how to make guns and the corresponding ammo for it?"

"Umm yes I know the basics of swords, spears, and sword & shield. So while my use of the staff is the best out of all the weapon styles that I know, I'm not against training in other weapon styles at all to make myself a better hero. As for guns I know how to make them but I never really use them."

"I see well I know many different weapon styles, I mainly use the sword as you can see but I know how to use other weapons expertly. Either I or Sombra will teach you how to use a gun and work on your accuracy for it. Given your quirk it would be a mistake to not use guns given that you can make any type of gun for any situation, not to mention the type of ammo each gun will have so you can choose the type that you need given the situation." When Momo heard what Sephiroth said about what she could do with guns it gave her a revelation about her quirk.

'To think that I limited myself from using guns with my quirk because I thought that using a gun will make me be seen as a villain instead of a hero. I wonder how long it would have been till I noticed the limit I'm putting on myself.'

"I look forward to your training then Sephiroth." Momo then bowed gratefully to Sephiroth because she knows that Sephiroth doesn't have to train her since it wasn't a part of his contract when he took the job.

****Later that day

We can see Sephiroth calming sitting on the balcony overlooking the beautiful scenery in front of him down below when he senses Sombra coming up behind him.

"Where have you been Sombra?"

"Oh little old me, well if you must know I've been making a new friend is all." She said with an evil grin on her face.

*Flashback to earlier today*

We can see a middle aged man sitting at his computer in the office working on something but then he suddenly hears his door open to his office and looks up at who it could be because he knows he doesn't have any appointments scheduled for right now and has the next 2 hours free.

"Strange why did the door open and close, if no one is there." The president of the hero commission of Japan, Hoka Saito said clearly curious what just happened and he got a slight bad feeling that something bad was about to happen to himself. And little did he know that he was right and he was about to make a very special friend in the next few seconds.

"Hoka Saito, president of the hero commission of Japan. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, did you know how hard it was to arrange this meeting at such short notice." Sombra said, making herself visible in front of his desk picking up and holding the signed baseball on his desk.

Hoka was shocked internally that a young girl just appeared in front of him all of a sudden but he tried to not showing it on his face and calming stopped what he was doing and looked at her keeping his hands under the table slowly making his way toward the panic button he had under his desk for situations like this. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"I'm going to stop you right there Hoka, I have already disabled all of the security in this room including your little panic button that you are currently reaching for. But if you don't believe me go ahead and press it go on I'll wait." Hoka knew that what she was saying was probably right but he knew he could at least hope that she was lying and when he pressed it, it didn't go off like it was supposed to meaning that he was now all alone with an unknown girl. Someone that was able to bypass all of his security in place and also disable it all and using her quirk or something made herself invisible or something. 'Shit, quick think fast Hoka what can you offer this girl for her to let you live.'

"Now that, that is out of the way the reason for my sudden visit is that I found something interesting just the other day that involved yourself, Hoka Saito. Do you want to know what it was?" Sombra then pulled up several holographic images of Hoka meeting with known villains and taking money from them and shaking hands in some of the photos.

"Now you must be wondering how did I get these but that isn't the question that you should be asking right now. The real question you should be asking me is what will you have to do for me to keep me from releasing these photos to all the major networks in Japan. What would the public say when they see the president of the hero commission taking bribes and working with villians. You would most certainly lose your job and go to prison but the question is how long do you think that you would last in there a day a week tops before someone killed you." Sombra then closed the images that she had floating in the air.

Gritting his teeth and fuming inside "What do you want from me miss…."

"Sombra the name and what I want is a friend. Just imagine having someone that creates the laws and rules for the hero society being my friend, think of all the possibilities." she said while giving Hoka a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

"I've always wanted a friend like that, now here is the deal, Hoka. You help me out here and there and I'll make sure that those images don't make it to all the Japan news stations in the country because what are friends for if not for favors like this, am I right?"

"But of course friend…. Do you need anything else from me Sombra?" Hoka said while trying to put on a friendly face but the twitch of his eyebrow showed how truly pissed he was right now at Sombra.

Twirling around in place real quick and putting the baseball down back where it was "At the moment nope just wanted to say hi to my new friend is all. Well I'll get out of your hair, I'll keep in touch but before that here." Sombra then places a phone down on the desk for him.

"Now before you get any bright ideas no you won't be able to track me with that and the only number in it is mine so when I call I expect you to answer me okay friend."

"Oh of course Sombra I believe you, were friends right?"

Leaning forward real quick making Hoka almost jump out of his chair from her sudden actions "Boop" Sombra pokes his nose and then disappears into particles out of his office.

Waiting a few minutes to make sure that she was gone for good Hoka breathed out a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't die today. "Well shit if I'm not careful I could end up losing my job and all the power that I have accumulated for the past decade or so would be gone just like that all because of a little girl. I'll find her and take care of her, and I know just the heroes to do that." Hoka then dialed up some heroes, ones that were trained by the hero commission and were trained to be absolute loyal to them only to get to work and finding out who this girl was and where she stayed so that they could remove the problem for him.

*End Flashback*

"Just don't complicate things for us here at least until we are done with the contract."

"Don't worry about it Sephiroth you know me, I just like to make friends wherever I go is all." Sephiroth knew exactly what she meant when he heard her say that. He has known Sombra for a year now and knows that she likes to blackmail powerful people so that she can use them for whatever she needs at a later date. He knew that was one of the reasons that she sticks around him but he doesn't mind because he is also using her for her skill set and abilities.

"Make all the so called friends that you want we will need them later I'm sure"

"Goodie I do like to have a lot of friends after all." Sombra said while she stood next to Sephiroth overlooking the balcony like Sephiroth.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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