
Surgeon of Death

(Ok so the fight basically stays canon so skipping ahead)

A loud THUD reverberated around the bridge. Haku stood before Zabuza but in front of Haku was Kakashi and between them was a slightly yellow, now dented, metal plate that absorbed the lightning element chakra from Kakashis attack. "Marix. Why did you stop me." Marix smiled "Oh because we have no reason to anymore" Kakashi growls a little "What do you-" "Well well Baby demon couldn't handle one cyclops, four brats, and an old man. How pathetic." A small man in a business suit stepped onto the bridge around him were close 100 thugs carrying various weapons.

"Hmph looks like that runt was right. Well seems my contract is terminated." Zabuza says to kakashi. "Told ya so" They both turn to see Marix and his 'bodyguard' Asahi standing next to him. Kakashi looked down at the boy but he seemed to have a different aura about him. It wasn't the relaxed and cheerful aura he normally had. No even Zabuza can tell the runts attitude changed in fact he can practically see bloodlust roaming off the boy. "Kakashi Senpai you are low on chakra so you should stand back and Zabuza you are injured so you too stand back"

"Look here runt I don't take orders from you" Marix grinned "Yet. But you will I have a nice contract for us and unlike that thing I won't stab you in the back." Zabuza grunts "Besides I will let you kill Gato once all this is over but I want a public execution." Zabuza grunts again then gets led back by haku "Marix what do you intend to do" Marix smiled "Just going to kill that army over there then have a public execution for the villagers to end their nightmares." Kakashi looked at marix strangely

An arrow came through and hit right by the bandits. The villagers lead by Inari came forward. "We aew done being pushed around. We will fight for our village" said one of the villagers. Marix chuckled 'Naruto did this I just know it' he thought to himself before stepping forward with Asahi "For all of you who are squimish, or are children, or do not want to see something gruesome you should probably turn around and not peek" Marix pulled out a doctors mask from his storage band.

"You know gato. I hate when people threaten my family, you have. I hate rapist, child beaters, and people who bully the weak. Your group has that in spades. You know back home in the T&I departments I got a nickname" He says as he fastens the mask over his mouth as he does his aura changed completely and the vague illusionary outline of the shinigami appeared behind him. "Surgeon of Death. Asahi you wanted to fight so you take some and I'll take some but leave that short man alive"

Asahi draws her swords, her aura changes too kinda like Zabuzas. It was a battle crazed type aura. She even got a pyshotic like grin on her face. Of course the bandits and thugs got nervous until one pointed out "we outnumber them!" And like that they were about to attack until they saw Marix throw a bunch of 3 inch long needles into the are strings of chakra and metal attached to each needle, of which there were dozens. With a twitch of Marix fingers the needles flew forward at high speeds

The needles puncturing through armor and flesh, but not hitting any vitals. multiple needles went through over a dozen bandits making them cry out. But it wasn't over. Marix moved his fingers again and the needles turned and punctured through the dozen once more, in different areas. Then with a jerk of his arm like he is tugging something all the thugs hit by the needles flew into one of another becoming a writhing pile of bodies while the needles and 'thread' began stitching them together "Secret Art: Surgeons Stitch" Sad Marix in a cold tone as if he didn't just brutally stitch together a bunch of humans into a giant meatball.

Zabuza shuddered at that move "That is almost like what Nuibari does." Nuibari is the Needle Sword that one of the Seven Swordsman used. It would stitch together opponents.. He looked over towards the girl and saw her smiling as she was coated in blood, both her own and the enemies (mainly enemies). She protected only her vitals and slaughtered everyone in her path while laughing as if it was all a fun game to her. He can't help but think what the hell he was getting himself into.

In less than ten minutes the army of over a hundred men were either turned into writhing meatballs or cut into bits on the blood soaked ground though apparently the meatballs would die too as people heard Marix mutter something about Hells Threads and all his threads began to burn in bright red flames lighting the meatballs in flame that turns them to ash within seconds. Marix himself calmly collects all his needles putting them away before tying up Gato.

"Alright kakashi I am going to go with the villagers for a bit and get them back what he took" Marix said as he put away his mask and the relaxed and cheerful boy stood once more as if he didn't do what they all saw. Kakashi, who is stunned by all this just mutters ok with a small wave "Zabuza, Haku don't run off. Trust me you will enjoy working for me. Oh one last thing Kakshi when Sasuke wakes up tell him I am very proud of him." With that he takes the hog tied Gato and walks away a trail of nervous, and disturbed, villagers following behind wondering what the hell they had just seen.

Kakashi looks over at Naruto "Naruto any idea what just happened?" Naruto rubs the back of his head "Um Marix says that his bloodline has a side effect making him go through uh... how did he say it... oh right personality changes! He sometimes will act different but he is still my big bro he would never hurt us. Just he can't really control the changes he says so that is why he sometimes acts randomly." Kakashi thinking about his time with the boy has to say he DID notice Marix was a bit odd. Sometimes acted exactly like naruto, then he would suddenly become calm and collected like the Aburame clan or Lazy and laid back like the Nara's.

[The next day]

In the middle of town was a tied up Gato. Standing near him was all the Leaf Ninja (minus one Sasuke who is still resting), Zabuza, Haku. Marix stepped forward. "People of the wave. You have been beaten, broken, taken over, treated like garbage, and in constant fear for your very lives. Well that ends today. Yesterday you all had enough you found your courage to say no more! You should be proud of that fact. Now the eobject of your abuse is finally going to get what he deserves. I have had him sign back the properties he has taken and the businesses he took" 'with a small bit of shares for my own' "Now finally to end this. Zabuza" Zabuza steps up "I never did like you Gato. Always so stuck up and arrogant even though I could have destroyed your 'army' by myself" with that he struck down taking the mans head clean off with his blade. So ended the man once known as Gato and the beginning of the new land of the waves.

So things are going to change soon. In the story at least. I know I am not updating much anymore but hopefully with the changes I am making to the story it will get better. Though I will be diverging from canon more and more and I will NOT be writing the Land of Snow mission. Marix is a support character but he will fight if someone breaks his taboos as you have all seen, and he will be cruel about it.

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts
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