

The year is 2113 somewhere in the midst of central Europe in an abandoned rundown city, where Berlin once stood high and proud the only thing that kept the city occupied was the passage of time. Pieces of building broken off, stone buildings crumbled, metal structures old and rusted, any form of wood would have rotted. Streets lay empty and roads cracked apart, but what causes all of this?

Where did humanity go? some fled the cities before it was too late, while the rest died within them. A global Nuclear war occurred a few centuries ago causing most of humanity on earth to be almost wiped out.

The survivors had set up their own pseudo countries, and governments. Trying their best to rebuild what was left of earth, ranging from small groups to medium and large. Some had worked well together and others would rather spill blood.

Before the nuclear war occurred on earth, lying on the Martian surface multiple countries had sent their own expeditions to help colonize the red planet, with the destruction of earth massive electromagnetic and radioactive storms covered the sky of the blue planet preventing any communications, or ships to go through the two worlds.

leaving them stranded on a dangerous world, cut off from their homeworld though a few thousand had already been sent to Mars, to set up small Mars colonies which were scattered all around the planet, they eventually form a mega colony which turned into a thriving city. Horizon Dawn was its name from a few thousand to almost a hundred thousand.

The earliest years were rough, and highly dangerous, from Martian sand storms, and massive amounts of solar radiation. Knowing humans they manage to adapt to mar's sensitive conditions and successfully made Horizon Dawn their home.

Within the city of Berlin sounds of running footsteps padding across the hard concrete surface. "Huff... Huff" A humanoid being swiftly run across a street, down a path, and through an alleyway. Going through block by block of city streets.

The muscles on the person's legs felt stressed, their lungs giving them a stinging sensation each time they try to take a breath, but they had to keep running otherwise, trouble would soon catch up to them.

"Catch her! don't let her escape!"

"Catch that woman! She stole from the wrong group!"

Shouting of what appears to be bandits chasing a young woman. Both sides would be wearing some rugged clothing and some makeshift firearms gripped in their hands. But the women's equipment was different, she looked like she was carrying a lot more stuff than the bandits chasing her.

She slides along the ground and stopped behind some concrete that fell off a building that had landed on top of a car she dropped a backpack and took cover. Quickly turning herself around to face her pursuers. She prepares herself by aiming down the sight toward a street corner from where she was running from.

"She's around the co-" *bang* Multiple shots came out from her weapon, gunning down the first person who came around the corner, then her attention moves over to the second bandit who came right after seeing his comrade shot dead.

"You Bitc-" *Bang* More shots rang out as the rest of the bandit's dove to cover. As they began to shoot back at her. "Shit!" A bullet manages to wheeze past her cheek as she ducks underneath the rubble to hide.

(" How many of them are there! ") She gritted her teeth as she flinched from bullets clanging on the rusted metal of the car. She glances down at her wrist and quickly tabs a wrist band that brought up a holographic map.

(" Almost there... Only a few more blocks and I'll reach my location. ") Hastily strapping the backpack on she opens a few more rounds toward her enemies, then immediately dash away into an alley.

"She's on the move again, get her!"

Shots continue to echo through the streets as the women get closer to the area where all the skyscrapers reside in Berlin. Most of them were destroyed during the initial nuclear assault, but one was still mostly intact, and that is where they were running to.

Once she manages to arrive at the doorstep of the building her armband starts to light up, as she pulls out a small headgear and places it onto the side of her head and over her ear.

"Did you manage to make it to the rooftop?" A male voice sounded off the communication device. "Not yet, I just arrived at the front entrance."

"Well hurry it up, ETA 20 minutes."

"Fine fine, Copy that." The woman grunted as she was in the middle of entering the building, the screaming got closer and closer. "She's heading into that building! Stop her!"

Hearing that she quickly moved inside the building and enter the first floor. Using the elevators was out the option since the entire city had no power. (" Where are the staircases at? ") She frantically looked around the floor until she spots the door symbol of the staircase (" Finally ")

She swung open the door and proceed to run up the staircase. (" Come on, Come on ") She ran as fast as possible then she stumbles upon a problem, a piece of the staircase was broken, and part of the wall was blown wide open.

" Well... shit." She looked down the staircase as quiet echoes of footsteps went through the building. "If I'm going to die, it's not going to be those fuckers." She grinned as she prepares a running start by taking a few steps back and then dashing forward, she leaped off the edge and caught on the other side with both of her arms.

She groans at the struggle of pulling herself up, but after this, she continues to run up the staircase. A few moments later she could hear one of them accidentally falling through the broken area of the staircase. In return, she chuckled.

When she finally arrived at the final steps she bursts open the rooftop door and then locked the door behind her. "F-Finally!" She panted from the amount of running she needed to do.

There was an array of antennas line up all around the rooftop, as a little panel box appear to be on the side of the antenna poles. She sluggishly made her way over to open, Prying the box open, machinery and wires. She places down a small machine gadget of her own and tried to hook it up to the panel.

"Which one was it again? Attach the yellow wire with them..." She closely looks around the box and then started to connect the two things again. The machine started to light up as the screen started to run some programs previously set up.

The tip of the antenna had dimly light up with a darkish red as she tilts her head up to look up at it. "I seriously hope it went through." Then loud banging on the rooftop door as she turns to look at it. (" Took them long enough. ") She tossed away her weapon at this point it was out of ammo.

She taps her armband twice but she still kept her gaze upon the door. " What your ETA? "

"2 minutes out."

She smiles as the door was smashed open as it skids along the ground. Forcing her to step back closer to the edge of the building.

"You have nowhere else to run! you damn bitch!" One of the bandits had a furious expression as he raises his weapon at her. "With this amount of men coming after me... I'm surprised how terrible you all are." She smirked as she exchanges gaze with each other.

"Shut up!" One of them nudges their weapon as they slowly approach her. "I know, I know." She raises up both her hands up, "So when is your boss coming Bull shitter of the wasteland was his name right?"

The bandits didn't react to her insult, they just continue to approach her, as she continues to walk closer to the edge. "You should really have known not to fuck with us." one of the bandits had lowered their weapons and went to reach for some rope to tie her hands.

"Eta 20 seconds. "

The women had finally stopped at the edge of the building and looked down. "I'll love to stay and chat with you lovely boys, but I'm a busy woman, with a busy schedule I do hope you can forgive me." She winked and blew a kiss at all of them as a small mechanical aircraft rose out as the pilot aim the weapons at the bandits on the rooftop.

"Did I make it in time?" The pilot spoke. "Just on time." She spun around and waved toward him.

Soon the bandits were gunned down or they fled down the staircase, the pilot landed on top of the building and open a small personnel-carrying bay. "did you have fun there? Ash?"

"Dodging bullets and running for my life? Yeah... it was a real blast, Harrison." She walked back over to the machine and looked up at the antenna again and then pulled the wire. (" I really hope it worked ") She packs up her things and headed straight toward the aircraft "Operation was a success..."

She climbs abroad the aircraft as the door automatically closed up. "Hey... Harrison, do you think they got it?"

"The signal?" Harrison responded


"I'm not sure... Maybe?"

(" Maybe huh? God this better be worth it. ")

The aircraft engine would soon start ramping back up again as it took off and started to fly away from the skyscraper and away from the city letting the view of the city disappear from their sight.

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