

#authors POV#

15min away from Seoul Garden , in a large luxurious villa there is a big beautiful apartment.

Almost all the great named people lives in that villa. and surely the hero of our story lives there too, with his 4 other friends.

well yeah, how can a k-pop stars lives in shack .

(k-pop:-  short for Korean popular music, it is a genre of popular music originated on South Korea).

"Heyyy!!!!!!!!  hurry up, we are gonna be late!!!!!! ", chang screamed at his top of his lungs. He was wearing expensive Gucci long coat with black turtleneck, jeans , beanie and a black mask.

"we are 45 minutes early because of you ,still you are saying we are  going to be late " said the eldest of them, Jong adjusting his dark brown coat around his shoulders over his light blue shirt and ripped jeans

"Yeah , I mention to you guys yesterday, that we have to go early because we are stopping by the pharmacy store for some stuff"

"ohhhh!, is it because of that flower girl!? asked Jong fixing his hair for his hat"

At the moment chang heard that phase 'flower girl' he was blushing behind his mask.

"No, it's not about that, I just want to pick up something" chang said turning away from Jong to avoid further conversation. but others won't

"yes, it's certainly because of that cute florist,

He knows that today the shops will be reopening after lockdown. I saw you watching news channel yesterday" said MJ, the leader of the group. most matured one .

"yeah yeah, I saw it too, he never used to see those news channel and if I have switch on the news he frowns and fight with me for the remote or just walk away, I was surprised to see him last night in front of news channel ,

so it's because of that florist" , huh?, Su-jin said, with an evil smirk.

"I agree", said the youngest ,Tae-won .

" Can you guys just stop this for once " chang pouting behind his mask

All the boys laughed at Chang's cute reaction.

"We all know this is about her, don't worry we will help you to make things work, and it's ok to admit you have feelings for her infront of us " said Jong holding chang by his shoulder

"it's been 3 freaking years !!!! . can't you just ask her out already", asked tae, packing his bag up to his shoulders.

" Anyway after everything turned up all good, you should be thanking me first, after all you came to know her because of my high school friend  Ji-hoon who works there, remember!? "MJ said finally taking the keys of the car and turning towards the door.

"Alright alright, enough already, we don't want to be late for our work anyway ",said Jong taking another key of the car .

"today we split up . I , tae, and su-jin will be in one car and off to work, MJ will be taking chang to the store. "

the eldest has brains, well he knows it's not safe for all to get in the store. Fans will be all over for them once if they make a one second eye contact. Then their privacy is doomed.

yes , being an idol is hard . but they choose this life and they can't do nothing about it. The only thing is they can do is to adjust within the world. They all wear different types of clothes other than their idol type of clothes when they are secretly in public, during their personal times.

Even the usual store they used to visit, they comes in though the back doors. And they have some privacy for it. They enter in those shops while they are closed but they inform the owners little early about their arrival. But all those shops they get in have an agreement with some rules and regulations by the labeled company of their band.They have to be careful of each and every steps they take in their life. There are other option like online shopping, but the idols wanna go to shop and purchase things like an ordinary people, and their CEO and mangers agree to this statement.


MJ parked  the car on the back of the pharmacy store shop. Well the stores on that street has an narrowed street behind it for loading the supplies for the stores. so eventually MJ pull over in there as usual.

"Hey Ji-hoon!!!, good to see you bro, it's been long time" MJ held his right elbow and Ji-hoon touch with his.

social distancing.

MJ turned to the beautiful female standing in a corner with multiple drug boxes on her hand ,looks like she's been arranging the medicine .

"happy to see you too Heejin , you look good as always"

Chang greeted them too with a sincere bow.

and remain silent. He was nervous, whether Jan mi will not show up like always even the door sign says 'we are closed', when he and his friends crush their bodies into the small room ,hiding . Even it's been 3 years not a single soul knows about this secret shopping expect Heejin and ji hoon.The couple hate themselves for not being open to their friend Jan,but it's for the sake of everyone and the company has their trust on them. so they don't want the idols let down.Chang is nervous about if she is ok!?.

Whether she got covid or not .

He couldn't even sleep last night or any other nights Thinking about her. He could have check her on having a fake account on social media and get in touch but Jan is not that social. Jan isn't there in any social media. well bad luck for Chang.His friends was worried about him so much , because for past few months after covid entered South Korea, Chang was not himself at all .

I just want to know if she's ok!? , that's all my concerns now . I want to confess my feelings before the world ends. I will regret my whole life if I won't do that. well at least I have learned my lesson. I have one life, and I fall for the one girl, and I going to confess to her at any cost. but I want to know if she is ok ...

ahhh!! Chang!!! why are you worrying about her like this crazy

you know she is strong than you know.

She is a fighter. she knows how to survive

it's gonna be fine

just chill, relax



ahhhhh why my heart is beating fasttttt!!!

Jan what did you do to me!!!!!!

"Are you alright Chang" , asked heejin, her eyes with concern. Cutting Chang's thought and he moves his gesture, he didn't get her words.

"huh? "

"Are you ok, you are very silent today "

"no, I am fine "

"ok, what shall I get you ?", Heejin moves to the shelves to take some meds which MJ asked her to pick up.

"mmmm oh.. y...yeah..

one set of pain relief cotton crepe bandage, a slip Vasograin pills and a small bottle of sanitizer. "

"ok, got it, .New album releasing!?, you includes the bandage, I bet the choreography is hard one though" asked Heejin , keeping the sanitizer on the counter table.

"Well, not hard one , year end performances are coming, so you know ..

things get hard "

"So don't push yourself hard  , it's gonna kill you.. "

"don't worry heejin noona, we all are used to it "Chang said his lips forms a smile playing with the sanitizer.

After a minute, Heejin keeps looking for the crepe bandage, she can't find it anywhere. things get little mess up after arranging things but still haven't completed opening the boxes.

Heejin wants her customers to be satisfied with everything but her dumb husband not at all helping her, and talking Non-stop to his high school friend!! .

" **hey!!!! are you gonna help me or not!! , I can't find the bandage, can you get them for me and then you can talk to your friend. "

"oh sorry honey!?, I think crepe bandages are in the storage room , I will look for them"

"I will help you with it" MJ suggested**.

Ji-hoon went to a small room and MJ followed him.chang was busy playing with the sanitizer and busy with his thoughts .Heejin bent down a little and searching for the pills in the bottom shelves and she didn't notice Jan coming towards the shop and opening the door.

But Ji-hoon noticed it, and with in nano seconds he pushed MJ into the small room and pulled Chang by his coat did the same to him as Chang dropped the sanitizer on the floor. Ji-hoon muttered sorry to them for doing this. ..

And pretend to be normal as if no idols were there

"HEY MY LOVE BIRDS" screamed Jan

Heejin, who was busy in her work turned to the door, with shock as she didn't know her dumb husband evacuated them into the room.

"WHAT THE HELL " screamed back at Jan.

She is here, and she is ok,  Chang finally let his breath out.



Hey my pumpkins,

Hope all are safe.

Thank you all for reading my book.

Lots of love❤❤❤❤❤

As this is my first time in here , i have posted three chapters .

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