
Fifth Point Pentagram Magic Spell.

Whenever Xeno talked to them Haze was holding back laughing. This time she burst out laughing again.

"Grrr and who is that." Lyn asks aggressively.

"She doesn't have to say since you didn't." Xeno says.

"It's fine brother my name is Haze." She introduces herself as Xeno's sister.

"Now like my brother said you need to leave or else." Haze says. Bringing the conversation back to the topic.

"Right well let's take our leave." Aug says.

"What but…."

"Lyn I came out here to help you find Xeno's will and you have it. So I need to go back." Aug says.

They turn and start to leave.

"Lyn never return." Xeno says. "And Aug your always welcome here."

Hearing that Aug stops and looks back at Xeno.

"I'd almost think you were Xeno." Aug says.

After they leave Xeno and Haze enter the shop the second they close the door they burst out laughing.

"Ahahahahha. Xeno you really are a bad guy." Haze says.

"Ahahaha your not bad either Haze you could've fooled me about being my sister." Xeno says.

"That was the only thing I could've said after all I look like an 11 year old. You'd look pretty sus if we weren't related right?" Haze asks.

"Good point." Xeno says.

"So what do we do now?" Haze asks.

"Well I plan to head to southern continent to assist the war efforts. But first we need a lot more gold so we can travel there." Xeno says.

"Do we steal it?" Haze asks.

"Tempting but we're barely a custom to battle after all I've been a blacksmith for 21 years. So I'm not use to fights like I was and you have you ever fought?" Xeno asks.

"I've killed many things." Haze says puffing out her chest.

"Blindly attacking without battle sense is dangerous." Xeno says.

"So what are we going to do?" Haze asks again.

"Well first I'm hungry. So it's time for dinner I have a little money so let's go into town and get some food." Xeno says.

"Okay." Haze agrees.

After a while they go into town they notice every shop is closed.

"What the hell it's not too late yet." Xeno says.

After looking around he sees buildings are damaged. Suddenly he hears a roar. Out from an alleyway a dire wolf jumps out.

"Oh." After seeing it he unsheathed his sword

The dire wolf rushes towards him effortlessly he cuts the wolf in half.

Lodged in the wolf is a dagger made from iron. After grabbing it he hands it to haze.

"What's this for I can just channel mana to my fist and attack." Haze says.

"Yeah only monks who have trained for many years can do that. So It'd be very suspicious if an 11 year old could do it." Xeno says.

"Hmm fine but this dagger is only iron it'd probably melt if I channeled mana to it." Haze says.

"Just pretend then I don't want to come up with any excuse to explain you." Xeno says.

"Fine fine." Haze agrees.

As they continue through the streets they see mangled bodies. "Wow these people have no combat ability and you were telling me to learn battle sense." Haze says.

"Come on haze these people have families." Xeno says.

"You don't sound heartbroken over them." Haze says.

"Hey I died before and nobody cared about me. Plus most of these people will have an easy time in heaven." Xeno says.

"Ahahah I doubt that most people choose to reincarnate." Haze says.

"That's a thing?" He asks.

"Yeah though they have to relive life again and won't have any memories of their pasts." Haze says.

"You know a lot for a banished demon."

"Well I wasn't always a demon. I started from an angel then I became a fallen angel then banished to hell where I became a demon but failed and now I'm with you." She says.


"Don't Hmm me." Haze says.

"Well now you don't seem as reliable as I thought…" Xeno says

"Ehhh your one to talk." Haze barks back.

"Let's agree to disagree and try to find some living people." Xeno says.

After moving on they finally found the battle where the Crimson Knights Commander and two Knights are fighting a pack of 20 dire wolves.

One of the Knights have a magic steel shield that looks familiar.

"You guys need some help?" Xeno calls out to the three.

Aug looks over at them. "Sure."

Xeno nudges Haze with his elbow. "Use the dagger not your fists to use magic."

"I got it." She says channeling mana into the iron dagger. Then releases a magic slash as it's Arcing she says. "Fallen Wrath Strike." She sends mana to strike changing it's form mid flight.

Seeing this Xeno elbows her. "What are you doing?" he asks. "What this dagger started to melt so unleashed the strike early." Haze says

"Why did you change it mid flight something no one can do!" Xeno emphasise.

"Look this dagger is melted." She holds up the deformed dagger.

"Fine don't attack anymore." Xeno says drawing his sword.

Walking up next to the three he glances over the Knights realizing their new recruits. "Baby sitting Aug." Xeno says.

"They accompanied me here to town but today Lyn asked me to help her so I let them have some free time." Aug says.

"Hmm.. Hey Shield Knight channel mana into that crystal from the back." Xeno says.

"Crystal?" The female knight with long blue hair asks confused.

"Yeah every magic steel shield has a crystal." Xeno says placing his hand on the Crystal and starts to channel mana while saying key words.

"Storm Callers Arc."

The front of the shield starts to glow blue while electric starts to arc out into multiple bolts killing the pack of wolves

"That killed them? Huh." Xeno says confused.

"That was a fifth point lightning pentagram spell. How… who are you?" The Knight asks.

"Im Xe. Here to pay respect to my mentor Xeno." He says.

"Wait." The Knight looks at her commander "the Crimson Joker?"

"Yes Azure apparently he was teaching him. Though he never mentioned it to me." Aug says.

"By the way Aug you have five point pentagram spells as well why didn't you use them?" Xeno asks.

"Yeah let me just use one of my Fifth point fire spells and burn the town down." Aug says sarcastically.

"Well would've been better than all the dead people." Xeno says.

"... Uh The three of us managed to gather all of the wolves." Aug says.

"Well actually we killed one earlier." Haze interjects.

"Xe why would you put your sister in danger?" Aug asks.

"Ahaha. Danger?" Haze laughs.

"She can take care of herself actually Aug give us a job to do we need some money." Xeno says.

Haze's stomach starts to growl.

"Eh Xe you said we'd get some food. But everything is closed." Haze says.

"Those wolves should be fried go eat them." Xeno says.

"How about we head to our outpost where you can eat something and we'll discuss work." Aug says.

Well that's it for chapters I had already now i have to keep writing.

but since I'm off today I'm going to spend all day writing so i can have more chapters.

Oh and By the way I haven't planned the story out at all I just write and come up with the story as i go. so if you want something added just leave a comment and if I can work it in I will.

Thanks for Reading.


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