
Accepting A Job And Crushing A Dream

After walking back through the town they see the townsfolk cleaning up the town.

"Where did that pack of dire wolves come from?" Haze asks.

"We would also like to know that." Aug says.

"Even though this town is called Wolf Pine there aren't any wolves here." Xeno adds.

"Especially Dire wolves." Aug says.

Xeno immediately thinks about Lyn and her followers she would do this since she was livid earlier.

After heading out of town they make there way to a campsite in the center is a big tent with the Crimson Knights Crest on it. Surrounding it is two smaller tents.

"How quaint." Xeno says.

"We were here for a brief visit so it's efficient." Aug says.

"You mean you're too cheap to rent a room." Xeno says.

Having been seen through Aug changes the subject. "Azure and Saint go prepare dinner."

"Sir" they both say and leave.

Aug, Xeno, and Haze go inside.

"So you want to do some jobs for us." Aug says.

"Yep we're broke." Xeno says.

"We need money to go south." Haze adds

"I see your joining the war." Aug says.

"Yeah if the northern and eastern continents conquer the south we'll be the last free country so we'll be next anyways." Xeno says.

Aug has also realized this but when he discussed it with the ruler his plan was rejected.

"So we need a job with a large reward." Xeno says.

"Unfortunately no job is worth that much to travel across the sea." Aug says.

"I was afraid you'd say that." Xeno says.

"But we're sending an envoy to deliver a message to the kings there so a bodyguard job is available free travel to the south with a little reward paid upfront as well." Aug says.

"Uh normally a bodyguard job escorts to and from the place." Xeno says.

"True however our envoy won't be returning they will also be joining the war." Aug says.

"Why not send a larger force since we're going to be involved sooner or later." Haze says.

"We have been told not to get involved but we can't sit and wait we're sending Three Champion Knights who will lead their own forces." Aug says.

"I see." Xeno says.

"So do you want this job?" Aug asks.

"Of course so what's the catch." Xeno says.

"Azure is also going to join the war she will also request people to join her but…"

"She's a rookie." Xeno finishes Aug's sentence.

He nods.

"What's stopping me from saying yes and leaving her on her own." Xeno says.

"Nothing but if Xeno trusted you so will I." Aug says.

"You know I… he was a terrible person who would scam his friends if he could." Xeno says.

"Yes I'm very aware of that but he had the biggest heart out of everyone I know." Aug says.

Hearing this Xeno is stunned.

"What were some of his good acts?" Haze asks.

"Well even though he acted like he didn't care about you he would secretly help others with enchantments he was one of the few who could use a 6th hollow point Enhance pentagram spells." Aug says.

Xeno is shocked he never told anyone about that but Aug figured it out."

"What Hollow point spells are a myth." Xeno says like he didn't know.

"I swear it's true one time he casted a defense enhancement on Jade that saved her from taking a fatal attack." Aug says.

Hearing this Xeno remembers.

"how did it save her?" Haze asks.

"This one creature we fought had a tail that pierced armor and Her's armor was no different from the other Knights but when it hit Jade it's tail shattered." Aug says

Haze glances at Xeno with a smirk.

"Well enough of that we'll take the job." Xeno says stopping the stories of their pasts.

"Be here tomorrow at noon that's when the envoy will depart." Aug says.

"Alright." Xeno says

"What about food?" Haze asks.

"It'll be ready soon." Aug says.

Xeno stands up and walks out of the tent.

"Where you going?" Haze asks.

"Just a little walk I'll be back soon." Xeno says.

Before leaving the campsite Azure sees Xeno and walks over to him.

"Um where are you going dinner will be done shortly." She says.

"Just getting some fresh air." He says and continues to walk.

"Mind if I join you?" She asks frantically.

"It's a free country. Do what you want." Xeno says.

"Ok" she says and follows him as he goes into the forest.

After a few minutes Azure breaks the silence. "What are your thoughts on the war?" She asks.

"Well Aug and I already discussed it but we both agree if we do nothing sooner or later it'll involve us." Xeno says.

"So are you heading to the southern continent?" Azure asks.

"Oh yeah about that I'll be with the envoy tomorrow." Xeno says.  

"Really?" She asks surprised.

"Yeah and your very ambitious wanting to lead even though your a rookie." Xeno says.

"... Well I can't do nothing I'm from there and when I think of my family in trouble… They helped fund my trip so I could be here in the West. I may be a rookie but I've learned a lot from my time here." Azure says passionately.

"Even though you seem ready are you? I mean can you use magic or swing a sword?" Xeno asks.

"I..uh I can use second point lightning spells and of course I know how to fight with a sword." She says tapping her sword that's by her side.

"You didn't even know that shield had a mana crystal in it." Xeno says.

"I've never used a shield before." She replies panicked.

Xeno puts his hand on her shoulder "You will die out there."

"I.. have to at least try." Azure says sitting down on the soft grass.

"It's good to dream but face reality if you die out there you wouldn't have done anything your better off staying here." Xeno says.

Azure is silent she has her head in her arms as tears silently hit the ground.

Seeing this Xeno feels a little bad.

"But I can't stop you so who knows maybe you'll be a hero." Xeno says extending his hand.

Azure looks up with tears in her eyes she sees Xeno's hand and she grabs it.

Xeno pulls her to her feet. "We should head back I'm starving." He says.

"Right." Azure says wiping her face from tears.