
As it was

It was Friday morning in july and Janelle went out for her morning workouts, basketball was best this time of the year, alot of fun competition and scouts usually came to their neighborhood to watch young players. Janelle saw this as an opportunity to make a life for herself and better the life of her single mother that worked three jobs just to get by.Dad never cared much for them so he left them for an opportunity at being a professional boxer but got hit in the head soo many times he had a permanent brain damage and lives in a rehabilitation center.

Janelle Mailu Bisi was a teenager infrom an African American home and was determined to show the world she wasn't just an average girl. She arrived at Jim Bellion training centre and caught eyes with a new girl on the court training with her coach, she was surprised and didn't know what to say,perhaps it was because she wasn't informed she would be pairing that morning.The new girl seemed nice she thought but went on to examine her skills and physique and she couldn't help but notice that the new girl was built like a goddess, a true specimen she taught to herself.